Master Summoner Online

Chapter 495: Want money to redeem? !!

The black **** pointed at the surging head in front of him: "It seems that someone has come to meet us!"

Sure enough, when we stepped forward, we saw a lot of figures rushing towards us, and we saw in the distance that there was a glare of skills in front of us and we could hear the collision of weapons faintly. Obviously Wu Canhua and his team were at Try to resist the attack of players outside.

Soon a group of warrior players appeared in our field of vision. A knight with a spear yelled, "Brothers, listen to me and block the beast god. The boss is almost done there. Whoever kills the beast **** will be rewarded. One hundred thousand RMB! "

"Oh!" The money can make the ghosts grind, and the money one by one is the same as taking aphrodisiac, yelling and rushing up.

I could not help but smile, raised the red-eyed dragon gun and laughed: "A group of black people! I want the experience of Lao Tzu who is crazy!"

There was a trace of resentment in the man's eyes, and he said, "Beast God, although you have come to try it, so many of us will drown you with a spit!"

I can't help laughing: "Wuhe people! Why are you talking!"

Speaking of the red-eyed dragon gun, he yelled, "Amber Dragon, Gallulu! Let this idiot know what is absolute power!" The words of the magic circle turned around, and the two giant monsters roared out.


A wing of the Amber Dragon sprinted forward for the first time. After hitting two trees head-on, a pair of dragon claws faced the shouting knight. This knight seems to have a lot of advanced equipment on his body. He is not weak and should be a demon. Kiss the main player, but in the face of this absolute power, there can only be tragedy!

The tip of the gun stabbed, and the tip of the gun struck the amber dragon's scales. A slap hit the innumerable Mars, causing minimal damage. However, the amber dragon roared, and a dragon claw fluttered the man out.

Immediately afterwards, the amber dragon pounced on another dragon claw and went to the knight to widen his eyes and muzzle across his chest: "defensive posture!"

A smile fluttered from the corner of my mouth: "Amber Dragon! The barrier is broken!"

A roaring dragon claw burning blue fire cone stabbed directly into his body like a knife-cut butter. "Ah!" The knight screamed that his body was torn, bringing out a large number of injuries--


A face-to-face smashed a high-blooded knight, the momentum of the opponent was immediately attacked, and then Tian Zhao faced a swordsman, but the opponent's sword was cut but the side of Tian Zhao's body escaped, and then the sword was wielded. A series of injuries on the player's body drifted away. The last ordinary attack cut off the opponent's neck, blood surged, and his head moved along with it. The headless corpse slowly fell to the ground and just hung up!

"Garulu, the breath!"

Garulu roared, a mouthful of violent energy flow poured out of his mouth, and several players were affected, and the breath was swept out, with an empty route of about 100 meters long, followed by the opponent's follow-up troops to kill the two sides. The side squads fight together.

"The Black God protects Long Xin! Gallulu! Amber Dragon! Get out!"

The order was issued, and the black **** stepped back to cover Long Xin, and Garulu and Amber Dragon were like two open road pioneers. Numerous players fell down in front of them. At this time, I also met the other person holding a shield sword. Knight, the opponent ’s shield raised the premonition of the shield attack at this time. I opened the attack and saw the shield attack hard. The attack lasted for 2,000 points. At this time, the opponent's one-handed sword cast a stab!

"Lightning declaration!"

However, my attack was faster. He penetrated into his heart through the shield red-eyed dragon gun. The knight grunted and raised the shield directly to his chest to set up the defense. At this moment, the gun head of the blue fire cone The barrier smashed through the shield instantly, pierced the shield, penetrated into the opponent's body, and brought out more than eight thousand injuries. The knight was suddenly stupid, and immediately smashed the blow and the energy explosion to send the knight to an end!

In front of the four or five mad soldiers opened three auras, almost at the same time waved their weapons at the Amber Dragon, various skills burst into light, flashing dazzling effects on the front, and the dragon roared! Blazing fire squirting! The humming sounds of the players who challenged the Amber Dragon continued, and then the group swept back to the city to report.

"How is it possible! We can't stop 70 or 80 people! Four people and two animals!"

When the word “beast and animal” was just spit out, the amber dragon turned to look at him. The real dragon face was extremely angry, but the dragon was standing at the top of the biological chain. Since it was scolded by the tiny human in front of it as an animal It's no wonder that you don't get angry, and at the same time the man will cry without tears.

One step forward, the big ground that Amber Dragon stepped on was shaking, letting him wave a claw back at the person, but the other side shielded and resisted, only about 4ooo points of blood were blown out, followed by the breath and breath Swept past and drowned the man directly in the sea of ​​fire!



After a burst of flames, only a trace of scorching was left, at this time a group of players had to admit it.

Under the pressure of two summoned beasts, these demon kiss players began to gather into a rout. I did not chase them but continued to sprint forward. I hid behind a towering tree and exposed half of my head. Seeing the situation, I saw that the seat of Wu Canhua's defense was rushed out of a gap. Hundreds of demon kiss warrior players suddenly rushed in and began to slaughter our cloth armor and leather armor. In addition, the opponent's long-distance profession continued. Strike, the situation on this end began to change, long-range supply and firepower were interrupted, the top soldiers could no longer resist, and a large number of players turned into white light all at once, while the other side was behind A ready to surround!

The player immediately following the kiss of the demon came up from all directions, and I saw that the lost soul was protected by a group of soldiers and kept throwing magic in his hands. It was already more than ten people who died under his magic and were besieged by the player. We just rushed to the right and couldn't rush out, losing our souls and chanting, "Everyone pays attention, you can't let one go!"

More than a dozen players all shouted with excitement. "Boom!" Finally rushed together, and innumerable injuries floated out. After being completely surrounded by Wu Canhua and others, the guy lost his soul. A burst of words: "The people inside are listening! I know your levels are very high and leveling is not easy. I will give you a chance as long as you each give 50 gold coins! I will guarantee you to leave safely or you will leave them Burst point equipment and potions come out! "

Whoa! See this kid's novel too much, isn't it? At this point, a group of players began to talk in a whisper. At this moment, I thought that this guy who lost his soul at the beginning would not be attacked. Is it for this purpose that this method will be used to humiliate us?

At this point, Wu Canhua stepped forward and cried, "Lost in your soul! Is your head showing amused! Is there too much to read in the novel! I told you that you can't be disgraced by the soldier! Hurry up if you want to do it!"

"Residual dance! I see you have great skills. If you come to me, I will give you 10,000 RMB every month!"

"Ten thousand yuan! Send a call to Hanako! Lao Tzu tells your brother that he is not short of money, but the broken guild Lao Tzu is still inconspicuous!" Wu Canhua hummed.

Losing his soul, he shouted, "Shame on your face! What do you think your people can do! I'll say it again, as long as you give money, I will let you go!"

At this point, some people were scared. A little soldier pulled the collar of the dancing dance and said, "The chairman is too many, or else ..."

"No!" He forcibly interrupted him before he finished speaking, "Fool! Don't show weakness! At this moment, this guy wants to crack our cohesion, and what is the final result with Hu Mou, I tell you this rookie!" Do n’t argue with your head! Even if it hangs up! Two hours later is a good guy, you must not let this group of people look down on us! ”

Wu Canhua inserted the great sword into the soil with her right hand and snarled loudly with her left finger pointing at the soulless nose: "Come on, you will die very gloriously!"

I sighed in my heart ‘what I said! ’Immediately leaning against the cover of the surrounding grass, I lost my soul and shouted in my ears at this time:" You guys, okay! Since this way, I will kill you to dismiss your seat! "

"The person you want to dissolve is you!" I jumped out of the grass and some people shouted, "The beast **** is here!"

Lost in spirit and turned and shouted: "You are finally here, beast god, kill me! Give me the prestige of the demon kiss, and whoever kills him will give him 100,000 real gold and silver!"

A group of Devil's Kiss Guild members came together. I carried the red-eyed dragon gun and turned on the electro-optic fire. The amber dragon struck the flames and suffocated to death, and then Gallulu's bullets fell into the crowd and confronted him. Dozens of Demon Kiss players immediately fell down!

However, the opponent's attack counterattack was so fierce, "Papapa" continuous arrows shot, a group of archers shot at me, and the blood dropped about 5000 points in an instant! Immediately afterwards, various magical elements and sword energy also dropped!


A series of attack and kill skills fell, and I was suddenly drowned in the ocean of skills. I watched the damage and laughed: "Haha, the beast **** you are just like this, your strength is not settled by me!"

"Really?" A pair of cyan eyes faced the black eyes next second, followed by a transparent claw across the shield outside his body, the shield is the life of the mage, as long as the shield does not break the mage It can be invincible, but if broken, the death sentence of the mage can be pronounced!

The Ripper is this kind of thing buster, a claw shield is broken and then come again, the dragon slams!

Without the protection of the shield, the mage could withstand such frustrations with the fragile body board. The red-eyed dragon gun left a blood hole in his chest. White light back to the city!

Even if his attack power is strong, he is just a mage, and the fact that his low blood defense is impossible to change, even if he is wearing a high-level equipment now, how much defense does cloth armor come down to?

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