Master Summoner Online

Chapter 545: Contract of mind

What has happened is irreversible. Regret medicine, there is no such thing as a virtual world. Time cannot be reversed. What you do, let go of your sins.

"What is this?" I regretted what I just did, and suddenly I saw a few unread prompts flashing in the system prompt bar, and I subconsciously opened it to take a look.

"Ding ~! Congratulations to the respected player 'Weiweilong', you have completed the spiritual contract with Assassin-Tazhao, and your summoning beast 'Assassin' has been baptized by the power of the heart!"

"Ding ~! Congratulations to the respected player 'Weiweilong', you have completed the spiritual contract with Rider-Black God, and your exclusive mercenary 'Ride'r has been baptized by the power of the heart!"

"Ding ~! Since you both completed the psychic contract at the same time, you got the skill‘ Teleportation of the Heart! ’”

what is this? I'm in a hurry to have a happy teleport view-

The teleportation of the heart is no consumption. In a non-combat state, it is teleported to or behind the person who signed the contract of the mind. There is no cooling.

It ’s an unexpected gain to transfer skills, then look at their attributes-

Title: Assassin

Name: Tianzhao (Modified)

Species: Fauna.

Race: Warrior Race (rare)

Quality: Divine.

Treasure: Scarlet Reaper (Claw), Blood Storm (Double Sword), Death Set.

Life: 7400 points.

Attack: 5500 points.

Defense: 2750 points.


Mind Contract (Passive): 30% increase in all attributes of the contracted object of Mind Contract

Bloody Will (Passive): Attacks have a 20% lifesteal effect. Each unit killed will reduce all cooldowns for 2 seconds.

Scarlet Cross: Add a weapon to the cross to cause a **** cross energy to attack the enemy and cause damage. Cool down for 3 seconds.

Blood Dance: Wield your weapon and jump to death to deal damage to surrounding enemies while healing yourself. The healing effect is 13% of the damage.

Scarlet Realm: Expand a blood pool, magically damage enemies above the blood pool and slow them down for 30 seconds and cool down for 10 seconds.

Blood Shadow Step: After casting, he enters the stealth state. During the second time, the attribute doubles. When attacking, he will expose himself and cool down for 5 seconds.

Ultimate Skill: Scarlet Time and Space, summons the blood rain to the surroundings to descend on its own center. After a period of time, Scarlet will erode all enemies in the area. The infected enemy will receive magic damage with a maximum percentage of blood and blood per second. Heal yourself, the healing effect is 20% of the damage. After the cast is completed, the self-relaxed state is maintained for 15 seconds, and it is cooled for 120 minutes.

Name: Rider (Mercenary)

Class: Death Knight

Type: Exclusive

Level: 100

Attack: 4800-5700

Defense: 5000

Life: 100,000

Treasures: Distant domineering (chariot), ghost military (semi-inherent enchantment), verdict of the punisher (scythe).

Mind Contract (Passive): 30% increase in all attributes of the contracted object of Mind Contract

Leadership (passive): You can set her as the captain in the team, improving the team's attack and defense by 30%.

Military strategy (passive): In non-one-on-one group battles, increase the negative state resistance effect of our team members, and increase the attack speed and casting speed.

Reap: Rider slashes his sickle to deal physical damage to nearby enemies, + 50% damage to creature units, and cools down for 1 second.

Path of Destruction: Passive: Rider's movement speed increased. Active: Charge forward to deal damage to enemies in a line, and when you reach a fixed point, deal an additional 50% physical damage to the last enemy, and stun them for 7 seconds.

Ghost Shock: Rider summons her ghost iron rider and directs them to charge forward. The ghost iron rider will trample enemies along the path and cause physical damage. If an object is stepped on continuously, this time it will take more damage. And when the charge is completed, a shock wave is issued to deal additional magic damage to the surrounding enemies and put them into a state of fear for 3 seconds. If Rider summons the treasure 'Distant Conqueror', it will be together with the iron rider. Charge, charge time and damage are doubled, cool down for 1 hour.

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