Master Summoner Online

Chapter 566: Final test

The smoky and rainy years flew and the two swords fell on the BOSS at the same time!

"The ice and fire are two heavens!" A flame and an air-conditioner suddenly bloomed on the thigh of BOSS—





This trick is continuous damage, and the damage is quite good. The burning BOSS seems to be irritated, and begins to growl with his first treble, and suddenly a gray cloud condenses above the cave, followed by numerous lightning bolts. Falling to the ground is actually a large area of ​​mass killing skills! Sharp!

The attack range was huge. At this moment, a thunderbolt bombarded me severely, and a tear-like pain suddenly came from my body, bringing out a large number of injuries-10987!

Horror, take two times to pay attention to death, and the boss is roaring constantly and seems to show this skill to guide, but is it okay to go on like this? !!

I swallowed a blood bottle in a hurry, Bai Longdun opened the thunderbolt and landed on me. Words of immunity came out, and Bai Longdun's thunder immunity was really strong. Immediately afterwards, the blue energy cluster in my hand gathered to form a basketball-sized energy ball!

"Go on!"

I slammed the AMP in my hand, and the energy ball hit the BOSS!


by! Sadly! Tears run! , AMP hit MISS!

"You retreat fast, I'll try to die if I can interrupt the skills." Said the heroic charge rushed forward, the rapid red-eyed dragon gun stabbed a lot of consecutive times, when it was useless! If it weren't for the brother's body with the White Dragon Shield, I wouldn't know how many times he would die if he replaced it with someone else! But no matter how I hit it, I kept hitting it, and started secretly anxious. Then I patted my head!

"Galuru! Absolutely frozen gas!" Galuru rushed up with a roar. Although he was shocked by two shocks, he still blew a cold air. The BOSS was frozen and stopped releasing the big move. The body was thick with condensation The frost was completely frozen, and the skills were interrupted. Well, Gallulu's freeze is 100% very sharp!

However, at this moment, the sudden power of the boss around him suddenly broke out. Since the ice broke out, the effect of the absolute freezing gas has also frozen it to two seconds. The boss has broken the ice and chased it, and I want to keep it. Backing down, BOSS gave me a full blow and sent me back to the city, with no hope for it!

I retreated at the same time and filled myself with medicine. At this time, my companions also gathered. I turned back and smashed again to fight with BOSS. There are CDs in the big move, and BOSS is no exception to kill them in CD time. It's it.


Everyone talked and laughed. After ten minutes, the blood volume of BOSS had dropped below 20%.

"20% health! Everyone cheer! Kill him with the fastest!" Said that the will to kill was added to everyone, the key time is the outbreak!

"Roar roar !!!" The boss gave a terrible roar, and the sound wave set off a wave of air that swept away, almost everyone was stunned in place. The scope of this stun was too wide. However, I saw that the Gatling Blast Dragon was not stunned, and Gallulu, who is also a mechanical body, was also stunned. All of a sudden it became a vital figure that pushed BOss down.

Being stunned and unable to speak, however, he can use the system's intelligence to control the Gatling Blast Dragon's action immediately to launch his big move "High Energy Infinite Cannon!" After the Gatlin Blast Dragon immediately behind the two huge gun racks to his shoulders.

At this time, BOSS opened his mouth and spewed a thunderbolt to prepare for us. When Gatling's blaster's big move was released instantly, the violent energy wave suddenly restrained the thunder voltage sprayed by BOSS and banged on it.


"Boom !!!" A huge number came out, BOSS was bombed back several steps, and at this time, everyone finally woke up. After waking up, all kinds of skills exploded against the BOSS. , The ghost dragon dancing with the wind dancing with the boss again, and never fell into the wind.

So soft and hard soak for a full seven or eight minutes, finally, under the concerted attack of everyone, the BOSS finally fell down miserably, the huge body collapsed, and at the same time, a pile of equipment and items scattered in the cave. foot.

The last evil treasure ship did not make a run at this time but turned around and ran away. The speed is faster than the time. I do not know how many times.

Several consecutive rays of rain and rain fell, He Yi was surprised to be standing there, and everyone was upgraded. I can see that 21% of my experience slot can be upgraded, but I do n’t know how much the 21% experience is.

However, the experience of premium BOSS must be very rich, otherwise my level has not been killed for five or six or seven days and it may not be possible to upgrade. Then pack up the things and display them one by one. There are 15 pieces of equipment. The odds are high.

Snow danced with the wind: "Give me the equipment."

"Why?" Said the legend all his life.

"Appraisal, or swallow it alone." Xue Suifengwu said angrily.

The legend laughed all his life: "Haha, please."

Immediately after Xue Xuefengwu came up with a camera-like thing, I asked, "What is it?"

"Distinguisher." Snow followed the wind dance, pointed at a leather armor and clicked the shutter and then said, "OK."

Cheng's simple bulletproof vest. Grade: Orange, defense +2000, agility specialization +70, strength specialization +50, increase the user's long-range attack power by 12%, reduce all long-range damage by 5%, skills: siege attitude +2. Additional Skills: Bulletproof Guard, consumes 1500 mana, is immune to all types of long-range attacks, lasts 3 seconds, and has a cooldown of 100 minutes. Requires level: 95.

"Wow!" The legend opened his mouth wide throughout his life: "Oh my god, this leather armor defense has caught up with the low-quality heavy armor. Oh, yes, this thing gives me no success."

I said, "Take it, who can use it?"

"Thank you so much." Replaced immediately after speaking.

Immediately followed by a shawl-

Iron Arm Shoulders, Grade: Gold, Defense +300, Strength Specialization +10, Blood +2000, Magic +500, Skills: Block +3, Incidental Skills: Iron Shield Defense, Consume 450 Magic, Own An iron shield transfigured on the shoulder armor, blocking 5 attacks at will, cooling for 30 minutes, requires level: 90.

"He's yours in the rain," I said.

Yanyu Liunian laughed and said, "Then I'm more respectful than obeying. My shawl is still in the purple dress. It's time to change it."

The next set of equipment is a pair of gorgeous gloves with a very good texture. It is also inlaid with two blue gemstones and looks very noble.

Bright Moon Holy Gloves, Grade: Dark Gold, Defense +420, Magic Defense +200, Increases user's Magic Attack by 6%, Magic Specialization +150, Healing Effect + 15%, Skill: Holy Healing +5, Special Attributes: Reduced use requirements by level 20, additional skills: Blessing of Light, consumes 3000 magic, restores 80% of the target's health in 10 seconds, and increases all attributes by 25% for 10 seconds and cools for 10 minutes. Additional Skills (2) God's Blessing: A light rain is set in the designated place. All our units within the light rain range recover 10% of the health every second for 7 seconds. Consume 4000 mana and cool down for 2 hours. Requires level: 110.

Two powerful skills plus skill level upgrade, this glove is too sturdy, with strong skills, very few equipment can be compared with it. Originally, it needed a level of 110. With special attributes reduced as long as level 90, this thing is put away first. Turn back and send Mo Yan with that ring.

Next is a pair of shoes-Lili's Thousands of Miles, Grade: Orange, Defense +300, Dexterity +70, Movement Speed ​​+ 30%, Attack Speed ​​+ 30%, Skill: Cold Front +2, Skill: Qiankun One hit +5, with skills: Far away thousands of miles, 700 points of magic, instantaneous increase of 500% of the movement speed, during this period to avoid all types of attacks, maintain 3 seconds, skill cooldown of 1 hour.

Insignificant equipment. With this skill, no one can stop the assassin from escaping, and avoid all attacks. When you finish, the other party has disappeared out of the sky. It is estimated that this shoe will be dancing with the wind and the wind. Turn back to the rain and dust.

BOSS also revealed that a magic robe was also taken away by snow dancing with the wind. Ziyue got an orange-red bottom coat, other equipment was green and silver, and there were a few gems. If you do, you must take the equipment to the smithy to punch holes. This punching is dangerous, because the more equipment holes are drilled, the lower the success rate is. The lighter the weapon is, the more serious the damage will be and the weapon will be scrapped.

After the battlefield was cleaned, there was a circular compass. The center of the compass fired a ray of light to the depths of the cave. I picked up the compass and said, "I saw that we can go out as long as we follow this light."

"It did." Ziyue said so everyone started to move forward. I didn't know how long after we came there was a magical array of six-pointed stars on the door. At the same time, I felt that the air was full of magic power that was close to the essence. In the game, players can feel a lot of things such as fighting spirit and magic. After reaching a certain concentration, these caves will affect the player's attributes and actions. There is incredible magic here, but thankfully the attributes have not been weakened.

I said, "I think this is the last level."

Black Shinto: "We have defeated the dead, the beast, the tyrant, and the giant before. I think the enemy behind this door is the swordsman with the strongest sword."

The legendary life said: "The swordsman of the strongest sword heard that it looks very NB."

"You guys, come on! This is the final test, even if you kill all night today, you have to kill it." I said.

"Well, Tian Zhao will go all out!" Tian Zhao waved his right hand a few times and said excitedly.

"Well, everyone!" The legend nodded his whole life.

"Go in and see the swordsman who will be the strongest sword!" Yan Yuliu said.

"Okay! Let's go!" After speaking, everyone came to the magical array on the front door, emitting a dazzling light, absorbing everyone into it.

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