Master Summoner Online

Chapter 587: Big war

Howl ~!

Under the player's counterattack, it raised an angry roar, and a blue liquid was squeezed out of the scales of the body. The blue liquid was wrapped around it, and the original golden body became blue, this blue thing. As soon as the damage caused by players around it fell and fell again, hundreds of points became dozens of points, and dozens of points became several points. This is the point where no damage can be done. The BOSS skill is directly abolished. Most of the players present attacked.

Immediately after this day, the emperor's mouth opened a pair of fins and patted the ground non-stop, and a stream of water spewed out from its slap position instantly. The squirting water turned into a stormy wave and rolled towards those who prepared it. Fighters, melees, and summoners in melee combat.

When I saw this situation, I felt that I had surrendered the Amber Dragon, and then led the two to do things quickly. Immediately before the big waves had submerged, I ordered the Amber Dragon to climb, and the wings climbed three or two times to a height of 100 meters. Looking from the top down, this lake will become an ocean, and countless people can't avoid the tragic situation of players struggling to die in the water. At this time, some people are completely like a fish, constantly killing the players in the water.

However, more players saw that the boss was either flying on the beckoner when he was preparing to launch a move, or was quickly climbing to the surrounding high ground to avoid being drowned. Of course, there were also escapes from the dead. After finishing the big move, immediately the remaining boss Tatar's attack on the players on the high ground, Tatar has entered the previous battle and there are still six remaining, and these six Tatars are definitely the biggest obstacle to killing the boss.

The tide summoned by BOSS has gradually receded, and players on the high ground have also regrouped and rushed forward to BOSS. Of course, some players who tasted the power of BOSS chose to go back to the city or hide in that place.

"Master, are we going?" Tianzhao asked.

I said, "Of course, but you have to solve it first. You can kill that fish with peace of mind."

Black Shinto: "Let's go now."

I touched Amber Dragon's cheek and said, "Seeing that the left-most man isn't there, let's kill it!"

"Roar!" The Amber Dragon roared in excitement and rushed at the stunner immediately. At the same time, the emperor spit out water polo **** that were more than five meters in diameter. At each moment, the water polo ball could hit a group of players, even if It is a magician with a shield or a warrior who will be killed immediately when he is next to it, not to mention those archers assassins and the like. The players who rushed up like a stubble fell down one by one. The white light caused by the death of the players is a rolling picture, and the scene is tragic.

But there are still real masters in the tragic, BOSS skills filter out most ordinary or low-level players, these masters who are buried in the crowd began to emerge.

On my side, the amber dragon threw his mouth and sprayed flames, and instantly hit the tadpole, and then the dragon claws swept down the guy's large basin of fish scales to reveal the bright red flesh, and the horror made a terrible noise, followed by the dragon The tail slammed up, and under the impact of a strong impact, the stunner flew out immediately.

"Good job, continue to kill it!" I shouted on the amber dragon head, and the amber dragon roared and proactively greeted the head man, but the man in the water was very flexible. He rushed over to find a dragon claw. At that time, the sloppy man leaned away to avoid the next, a sword stabbed in his hand, the Amber Dragon could not escape it and was injured by the sword. The Amber Dragon was extremely angry at this time. Since the noble dragon's body was affected by this, It was a shame and a shame to be injured by a kind of small fish and shrimp. Suddenly, the claws burned with a blue flame, slammed the puppet's chest, and his armor was torn immediately, leaving four deep blood grooves on his chest.

The savage trembled with pain. Since the sword in his hand stabbed amber head above the head, I was shocked. If I was stabbed, it would poke me out of a hole. This time, the speed is too fast. My ability has not reached the level that can activate the skill defense in an instant, and I can only part a face, and the blade and helmet produce a harsh grinding sound.

NND, it almost broke the face. Doesn't this guy know who beats people and faces? "Amber Dragon grabbed this guy's hands."

The very obedient pair of dragon claws of Amber Dragon clenched the sultry arms, and the sharp claws penetrated deeply into the meat. The sore guy was roaring, and I immediately lifted the red-eyed dragon gun and jumped to the fish head of this guy. It was madly picky, and the red-eyed dragon gun kept piercing into its fish head, and suddenly its face blossomed and blood splattered.

I was so miserable that I was struggling but it was not as powerful as Amber Dragon. I could only shake my head constantly and wanted to throw me down. When I pierced the dragon gun in my hand, it wouldn't help.

Tianzhao and the Black God also jumped down to share a cricket, and the three men beat on the guy's head, but the cricket was helpless. In the end, after a while of battering, the cricket made a few miserable sounds, and his head was banned. I didn't move, a pair of dead fisheyes were highlighted by the violence I hit and my eyes hung out.

The big mouth gasped, and the experiencers poured in after the death of the Tatar. The remaining 1% of the experience was immediately filled. The whole body was full. The three returned to the Amber Dragon. The Amber Dragon's arms pulled the Tatar. Pulling his arms down and falling to the side, at the same time the puppet fell into a pool of blood.

Ah—the other side suddenly made a terrible noise.

I saw a cricket fighting with seven or eight players, but these players were not **** opponents at all, and it was not very difficult to see that they were all sixty-seventh-level players. In this way, the soldiers in front couldn't bear the savage attack, and soon two soldiers were killed. A soldier, an archer, and a magician were under them. The situation of these three people became extremely critical. I shot Slap the head of the amber dragon, the amber dragon's heart grasps the amber dragon's long beep, and rushes over.

With a roar from behind, a pair of dragon claws with the effect of breaking the barrier slammed behind the stingy man and then pulled a large piece of flesh, and saw the blood spray the face of the amber dragon, and it tried hard. Meng, I can see the bone in this blow.

The stingy man who tore off a large piece of meat made it mad to throw away the players, and turned around, but this is waiting for it is a mouthful of breath that has been brewing for a long time, the hot flame swept this end immediately The man was ashamed, and fell down suddenly.

At this moment, the soldier who was sitting on his feet stood up and said, "This friend thanked the rescued party!"

I laughed: "It's up to you, and the rest is for you."

I took another pat on the head of the amber dragon to realize that it was flying to the next target, and the surrounding battles continued to erupt. Although powerful and under the soft rub of thousands of players, only two remained.

The two heads of tartars gathered around the fish emperor, and thousands of professional players in the periphery looked at the three bosses with jealous eyes. At this moment, the three headed monsters were like fish on the chopping board, and they were in a slaughter-like situation.

Tianzhao asked, "What will the master do next?"

I said, "The two crickets are no longer a threat. We deal with the fish king."

Black Shinto: "The Amber Dragon is moving!"

"Roar!" Amber Dragon roared towards the Emperor, and at the same time, the Emperor ordered the two remaining Tatars to attack, and the player began to attack again, but the players almost targeted the Tatars. After all, they could not attack the fish. The emperor caused damage.

I took the Amber Dragon back on my own and let it rest for a while. At the same time, it was too large to be easily targeted. Secondly, this guy was too admired. I didn't like to be too high-profile.

So after taking it back, I took the sky photo, and the black **** was about to rush up and suddenly heard a sound: "Weiweilong! I didn't expect to meet you here."

As soon as I turned my head, I saw a handsome, unreasonable, handsome man waving his hand over to "Shu Tao!" The person who came right was the magic swordsman Shu Tao. I turned and asked, "Why are you here?"

Shu Road laughed: "I just came here to see the excitement here, I didn't expect to meet you."

I laughed: "Since you're here, do me a favor and kill the fish!" Said this kind of Tianshui Fish King who was abusing a little rookie.

"No problem." Shu Dao laughed, but his voice did not fall into a deep voice. "Shu Dao, we have met."

I saw a guy with an extremely heavy armor dragging a giant iron anchor coming up. This guy was the undead warrior. Shu Tao's face changed and changed: "Butcher, come here for fun."

The undead warrior called the butcher said, "Just come and play, you are not the same."

"Almost," Shu said.

I said, "Do you know him?"

Shu Tao nodded and said, "I played against him."

I said, "Who won?"

Shu Tao shook his head and said, "The day before yesterday, I met the guy in the wild, because some things happened, and I lost very badly in that game. His bones would be broken by him, and the internal organs would be damaged. Instead of relying on space scrolls for trials, my level of experience will be in his hands. "

The butcher said: "You are also strong and can kill me twice."

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