Master Summoner Online

Chapter 760: Patrol

"Ding ~! The time and space door was successfully destroyed! The Shadow Guard cannot continue teleporting, annihilating the remaining Shadow Guard to complete the mission ~!"

"Flop!" Sitting on the snow. The explosion just not only smashed the space-time door, but also killed the shadow guards who did n’t know how much. Just now I reminded that the shadow guards can no longer be added. Now killing one is one less. Of course, this does not affect the strength of the monster. It's more troublesome to get more and more during this time.

It was not until 8 o'clock in the evening that the remaining shadow guards were completely cleaned up. These shadow guards did not explode, but the rich experience has made all of us at least one level higher. At this point I have risen to 119 level 32 % Position, turned back and handed over the task to 120 properly.

Lonely sings: "Thank you, the Beast God!"

"Thank me? I should thank you for it, right?" I said, "If it's not really difficult for you to complete such a task, now I will go back to hand in the task!"

Lonely was singing and laughing lightly: "Well, go, see you next time!"



The task was completed. The dragon tooth elites brought by Ye Shuang had all been promoted two levels in this mission. Lonely also led the battle spirit to rise two levels, including three consecutive ones. After saying goodbye to them, Xueyue, Yun Lan and others took out the teleport crystal and returned to Longyuan.


His eyes lit up, and he returned to this underground world full of strange treasures.

On a huge Baoshan that is dozens of times bigger than other Baoshan, the true red-eyed black dragon is not lying on it like this before. Although he is still lying, he is obviously very energetic.

I stepped forward: "That broken door hasn't come yet, I was destroyed."

True red-eyed black dragon said: "Tough work. But ..."

"But what?" I asked.

True red-eyed black dragon said: "What you destroy is just a guise."

"The front?"

True Red Eyed Black Dragon said: "The real space-time gate has already been completed elsewhere. Now the abyss guys have begun to gather troops, and they will start attacking when their monarch comes."

"No way. Are we not busy?" I said very unhappy.

"It doesn't count to be busy. If you don't destroy the space-time gate here, then there will be two waves of troops coming to the mainland. At that time, no one will be able to return to the sky." True red-eyed black dragon road.

"So it is," I asked again, "how many abyss monarchs will come?"

"How many? One is enough! If there were more people, the world would no longer exist."

"One person? But it was so easy to open the passage. Why only one person came?"

"That ’s because they are too strong. The space-time tunnel can only carry one abyss monarch. If two or more abyss monarchs step on a space-time tunnel at the same time, the space-time tunnel will collapse, and then they will Locked in the gap between the two worlds, so you understand me? Imp! ”True red-eyed black dragon.

"Probably understand." I laughed.


"Ding ~! Mission [Wind Cold Mountain] completed! Earn 200 million experience points, 200,000 gold coins, +2 fortune, and reward for the mission: [Dragon Spirit] ~!"

"Ding ~! All auxiliary participants get half of the base and random mission rewards ~!"

In the next moment, the golden light in Longyuan flashed, and with a memory of 100 million, all of me had been upgraded to the third or fourth level at the same time and had a lot of experience left. I gained 200 million for my concentration of cultivation, and after I rose to 120, all the rest was absorbed into the cultivation of concentration. Although it increased the attributes, it became a waste in a certain way.

Of course, I got another dragon spirit through this mission. The last dragon spirit made me a huge gain. I do n’t know what will happen this time. Click and use it immediately.

"Ding ~! You accept the baptism of Dragon Spirit ~!"

"Ding ~! Your skill‘ Black Dragon Armor ’has been increased to 20 seconds ~!”

"Ding ~! Your skill‘ Dragon Soul Break ’attack range increases attack power by 20% ~!”

"Ding ~! Your skill‘ Dragon Soul Cut ’has had 5 impacts on Dragon Wave, each time reducing damage by a certain amount.”

"Ding ~! Your equipment,‘ Broken Boots ’,‘ Blood Wings ’absorb all the remaining dragon spirit ’s energy changes ~!”

The equipment has changed again. This dragon spirit is really a good thing. Click to see their attribute changes immediately.

Stormy Boots, Grade: Dark Gold, Defense +1000, Magic Defense +500, Dexterity Specialization +200, Magic +3000, Movement Speed ​​+ 50%, Cast Speed ​​+ 30%, Lucky +2, Special Attributes: Skill Cooldown -20%, additional skills (1): space square-traveler, consumes 370 magic, expand multiple groups of space squares within 10X10 yards around themselves, the target stays in one of the squares for more than 05 will be bound Hold for 3 seconds and cool down for 30 seconds. Additional Skills (2): Resonance of the water veins, consumes 1500 magic, summons the water veins of the underground to form numerous indestructible water blades to attack the enemy for 10 seconds. Cool for 10 minutes.

Bloody Wings, Grade: Dark Gold, Defense +300, Magic Defense +250, Dexterity Specialization +100, Movement Speed ​​+ 35%, Avoidance Rate + 15%, Magic +2000, Life Steal + 40%, Special Attributes : Hematitis burns around the body and causes 200 constant fire damage to nearby enemies (can be turned on and off). Additional Skills (1) Absorb Blood Shield, consume 1000 mana, condense powerful blood to protect yourself and absorb all damage to heal for 5 seconds and cool down for 17 hours. Additional Skills (2): The flower and bird wind moon (blood) consumes 10,000 magic to awaken blood to condense into a pair of blood wings to fly, maintain for ten minutes, and cool down for 10 seconds. Requires level: 97. [Be familiar with driving lightly]: Reduce the use level of equipment to 10 levels. Introduction: It is said that this cloak was soaked by a demon with the blood of ninety-nine women for seven hundred forty-nine days.

All attributes have increased significantly, and some of them have also changed. The attributes that previously ignored the attack on the wings of blood have become life stealing, but there is still 40% enough to allow me to support some battles. The previous shock breaking on the Storm Boots also turned into a powerful AOE skill at this time, and my output ability has been improved by a grade.

After comprehending the reward, I looked at the time. I said, "It took one afternoon and one night. It seems that I haven't eaten for a long time."

Yinyue Road: "Well, Big Ben, let's go off for supper!"

Guardian said: "Yeah, my stomach is so hungry that I can't help but gurgle, I will eat after going to bed early and going to class tomorrow. This task really hurts us all!"

"Huh!" Fire Dance nodded and smiled. "But fortunately, the mission is not insulted!"

"Back to the hotel and offline!"



Take off the helmet to wash your face, go downstairs with MM, came downstairs, I saw that guy in the duty room has been snoring at this moment, and I also found that this guy is still lying under an inflatable Baby, it looks like this guy--it's not saved!

After eating a sumptuous supper on the second floor of the cafeteria, most of the girls in the Student Union returned to their rooms to rest. I'm no exception. I haven't visited the Maple Leaf Station for a whole day today. I don't know how much money I can make for me today. I am looking forward to it.

Go online at the same time the next day, first go to the Dragon Man's Blacksmith Shop to repair the equipment, then go to the corpse witch to add potion, then go to my station to see the situation, produce some farmers to deploy some hunting sentry, and then click a few After finishing all the crystal towers and bunkers to strengthen the city walls, they returned non-stop to the Dragon City to the Maple Leaf Station.

Whenever I think about the benefits brought by Maple Leaf Station, I ca n’t help but want to laugh. Today, I came to Maple Leaf Station and saw seven guys in front of my Maple Leaf Station. These people are in my store. It kept spinning and buying things, just staring at the shop. And when there are players who want to buy things, they deliberately crowded them out, but no one wants to mess with them. I see that they are staring at the three big words 'patrol ambassador' on top of their heads. There are many kinds of positions that players can seek. Many players will go to work to earn money in their spare time. There are many types of jobs. You can go to the smithy for iron, drugstore refining, hotel inn-side plates, etc. There is a new one among them. This is the professional patrol agent. The condition for becoming a patrol agent is that the player must now have a mercenary group and sufficient reputation to reach a certain level.

The main task of the patrol is to combat commercial crime. Since the system has been developed into the autumn leaves market, the open space areas around the main square, the resurrection square, and the four-door teleportation square of the dragon capital are not allowed to set up stalls. Players must gather in autumn In the Ye market, when the players set up their booths, they will randomly and randomly be turned into commercial thieves who steal player items and funds. The role of combating commercial thieves to protect player property is 'patrol ambassador'!

The number of patrols is available in each city. The specific number is determined by the commercial size of the city. The main city of a system such as the Dragon City has an estimated number of tens of thousands, but I am wondering that this group of patrols Instead of catching the thief to make money and gain popularity, I was standing in front of my shop, humming the tune softly, preventing me from doing business.

So I immediately stepped forward to ask what happened.

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