Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints

Chapter 347 The Crown of the Powerful Juggernaut, the Hill of Knights and Dragons

[Name: Crown of the Contaminated Juggernaut +5]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Normal effect: When your weapon attacks the enemy's weak point, the damage is increased by 50%, and the reaction speed is increased by 100%. 】

[Special Effect-Sword Intent Diffusion: Your battle qi damage is increased by 50%. 】

[Special Effect - Plateau Juggernaut: When you kill a player, the cooldown time of all skills will be reduced by 1 minute, only valid for skills with a cooldown time of less than 3 minutes. 】

[Special Effect - Juggernaut Time: Your current reaction speed is increased by 200%. Cooldown time 60 minutes, lasts 10 minutes. 】

[Note: Since you have the pride of the gods, the hidden special effect-Leader Washing is automatically activated. 】

[Hidden Special Effect - Washing of Lead: Find the Fountain of Saints in the Hill of Knights and Dragons, or use epic-level holy water to wash away the dirt on the crown of the Juggernaut and upgrade its quality to epic. 】

[Introduction: Juggernaut! You mean the one that turned into a mad dog when it was enlarged? Hurry up, protect the back row, he's about to rush in. 】

Zhao Ba is holding an object full of glasses, some of which are contaminated and cannot see clearly, but the remaining glasses that can see clearly also give him peerless abilities.

He changed it without saying a word, and his vision gradually became clear.

"My sword speed has not slowed down!"

Zhao Ba said to Daphne in surprise: "Woman, you are not very good!"

Daphne raised her head, revealing her white and round chin, not knowing what Zhao Ba was talking about.

Zhao Ba was satisfied with all the effects of the Juggernaut Crown, which could greatly increase his output.

It is simply an artifact for agile fighters, assassins, and shooters.

What he wants to do most now is to find the Fountain of Saints and wash away the dirt on this item.

He didn't find epic holy water at the auction house, but even if there was, the price would be ridiculously expensive, and profiteers would raise the price to the sky.

The only flaw of the Juggernaut Crown is that it doesn't have any defensive power.

But for a man whose sword is as fast as lightning, what kind of defense is needed!

If you can't kill others, just kill yourself and apologize!

The Ring of Argris can increase intelligence by 30%, and is a thing used by mages.

The effect of the golden meat cleaver is good, it can increase the damage of grudge, but it doesn't play knife against Zhao Ba.

As for the lead-injected boots, this is useful for Zhao Ba.

[Name: Boots of Lead Injection +3]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Normal effect: Increase your movement speed by 80%, and increase the defense and damage of your feet. 】

[Special Effect - Lead Injection: Reduce your movement speed by 100%. 】

[Special Effect - Strength Enhancement: After you enter the lead injection effect for 1 hour, every hour thereafter, your strength will be permanently increased by 0.1%, and your movement speed will be permanently increased by 0.1%. Up to 100% increased strength and 100% movement speed. 】

[Note: Since you have the pride of the gods, the hidden special effect-the power of the earth is automatically activated. 】

[Hidden Special Effect - Power of the Earth: After you have permanently increased your strength and movement speed by 100%, you will then permanently increase your Earth Attribute Enhancement and 100% Strength by 100%. 】

[Introduction: keep your feet on the ground, face the front, the road will eventually come to an end. 】

He put on the lead-filled boots again, and his movement speed decreased rapidly.

It does feel heavy underfoot.

But for the permanent increase of 100% strength and 100% movement speed, as well as 100% earth attribute enhancement and earth attribute resistance, he is willing to do so.

When encountering an enemy, he can just change into the previous piece of equipment that can slide.

"Why did you put on your robe again?"

Zhao Ba was about to leave, but Daphne turned into a beauty hidden under a veil as before.

He likes Daphne's appearance without a veil, she is beautiful and seductive, and she is not easy to get lost.

"If I don't wear it, innocent people will be damned."

Daphne said lightly: "You can defeat the orcs and the terrifying abominations with your own strength, but others cannot."

"Most people in this world are ordinary people. They don't have great strength. This curse is enough to destroy them."

She is proud, but also kind.

Zhao Ba nodded, summoned the Flame Lurker, put his arms around Daphne's slender waist and said, "Hold on tight!"

In the next second, there were five more bloodstains on his face, which was the oil fee.


Qian Duoduo followed behind Flame Lurker, yelling and telling Zhao Ba that he hadn't gotten into the car yet.

"You are too fat, you need exercise just like the orange cat, run more!"

Zhao Ba said that he didn't mean to stop, but Qian Duoduo still used his amazing jumping function to get into the car, then scolded Zhao Ba with a "beep, beep, beep" sound, and then ran to Daphne's side.

The Flame Lurker moved very fast, much faster than Zhao Ba running with his legs.

[There are many dead knights in the room ahead. They have been affected by the magic radiation, and their bodies have disappeared, but their souls are still attached to the armor. Once they were warriors of the gods, now they become corrupted undead creatures, and join Ta'yaron to kill passing adventurers! 】

The origin of the name of Knights and Dragon Hill is closely related to Knight Revenant and Ta'ya Dragon, who are hostile to each other.

When both exist in a room at the same time, the distance between them will be very far, and they will not mix together.

The souls of the knights used to be the knights of the gods, but they died because of the cruel battle of the gods. After death, their souls were not collected by the gods into the kingdom of God, but turned into undead.

As for Ta Yalong, their origin is mysterious. Although they have the appearance of a "true dragon", their intelligence is lower than that of many Ya dragons.

Dragons do not recognize Ta Yalong as their kind, and adventurers who kill Ta Yalong and bring Ta Yalong's horns to the altar of Dragon God can increase their friendship with Dragon God.

To distinguish the true dragon from the sub-dragon, the method is very simple.

All dragons with four legs, two wings, and dragon horns are true dragons.

All dragons without four legs, two wings, and dragon horns, no matter how much they look like real dragons, are still sub-dragons.

For example, Wyverns, generally ignorant humans often regard them as real dragons, but in fact they are just flying dragons among sub-dragons.

There are only so many real dragons, but there are many more sub-dragons.

This is due to the wide range of sexual interests of the Dragon Clan.

"The enemy is coming, attack! Attack!"

The knight revenant is like the armor standing upright in the castle of the nobleman. When the player enters the room, they will move and make a roaring sound.

They rushed towards Zhao Ba with their black giant swords, and they would line up and charge like players. If ordinary players encountered them, it would be a headache.

However, Zhao Ba was not afraid of them. He held an extremely long giant sword in his hand, manipulated the Flame Lurker, and began to attack.

Although the armor of the Knight Revenant is thick, it looks weak under the huge size of the Flame Lurker.

When their giant swords slashed at the body of the Flame Lurker, only sparks burst out, but the damage was not much.

After a while, they turned into scattered armor fragments and fell to the ground.

[Game tip: You disassemble the soul of the dead knight to get the black knight super sword +4 (rare quality)*2]

[Game tip: Decompose the soul of the dead knight to get the armor of the black knight +3 (rare quality)*1]

[Game Tip: You get metal fragments (rare quality*45)]

[Game Tip: You get...]

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