Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 20 First Battle

As the ship shook, Xia Yi saw a white beam of light coming from a weapons bay not far from her. The quantum low-pressure cannon's quantum beam hit one of the hunters.

The hunter actually spun five times quickly, rushed all the way, and avoided the attack of the quantum cannon. He quickly rushed out of the attack range, passed through the meteorites and garbage in space, and flew towards the merchant ship again.

Angry curses from other cabins came directly from Xia Yi's voice device, and she couldn't help but twitch. After leaving the Nada star, it left the range of the Star Network satellites. It is difficult for ordinary voice devices to directly contact the Star Network. It must rely on the Star Network communicators on the spacecraft or the surrounding asteroids.

Now sitting in the weapons bay, Xia Yi's voice device was directly received by the ship, and the conversations between the four weapon bays and the control room were clearly transmitted.

"The hunter's attack is too strong! Get on target, turn on the backup propeller and leave here immediately!" The captain's loud voice roared again, making Xia Yi feel like his eardrums were about to burst.

With his zero combat experience, Xia Yi asked: "Captain, with this kind of firepower and a pusher, can we escape?"

"That's why I asked you to kill them quickly! While there are only 6 Predators now, you hurry up and fight them." The captain yelled over angrily. The current situation is very bad, and it can't get any worse.

The captain sent a distress signal to the surrounding colonial stars on the star network. If there was an army base nearby, they could come over and help. But they were right next to a dust ring, and there were no other planets around them. The nearest colony star No. 47 was only two days away from him.

It's really too careless. This place is close to Colonial Star No. 52 and is on the edge of Nada's sphere of influence. It is easy to encounter people from Melasti Star. Compared to Colonial Star No. 53, Colonial Star No. 52 is closer to the edge. If it weren't for the military mineral resources produced on it, that asteroid would never have been occupied by the army.

He has been traveling to Colonial Planet 53 for many years, and has encountered Predators twice at most, and the number each time was no more than three. This kind of thing where even parallel battleships appeared together has never happened before. After thinking about it, if I hadn't sent this soldier to Colony 52, I wouldn't have encountered such a situation today. At this point, there is nothing to regret, so I can only run away with my life.

Xia Yi tried several times, and finally knew how to control the quantum low-pressure cannon, and immediately started looking for the hunter. Hunter fighter planes flew around among the space meteorites, and sometimes would hide behind the meteorites and suddenly rush out to attack them. This kind of space fighter is famous for its flexibility. It is small but fast, making it difficult to guard against. It is not easy to lock them.

"That meteorite is too annoying, let me blow it up first." Xia Yi noticed that there was a large meteorite in the distance, blocking a lot of sight, so he pointed the quantum cannon at it and pressed the attack button. . The quantum cannon buzzed and shot out a beam as thick as a fist, hitting the meteorite. The meteorite was instantly blown into pieces by the quantum cannon's attack.

Suddenly, Xia Yi discovered that a Predator was hiding behind the meteorite. The meteorite was blown up by the quantum cannon, and the fragments and shock wave hit it right on top. The Hunter, who had temporarily lost control, was swaying among the debris. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she quickly pointed the quantum cannon at the Hunter, hoping to destroy it directly.

However, after pressing the attack button, the quantum cannon did not emit a beam. Xia Yi looked at the glass light screen in confusion and found that the quantum cannon was still being prepared. She couldn't help but say: "What a bastard! I want to attack!"

"Use kinetic energy weapons! Press the blue button after locking!" Someone discovered this opportunity and knew that the quantum cannon must be prepared, so they quickly shouted. If they let this Predator escape, they would lose an excellent opportunity.

Xia Yi had already locked onto the Hunter and quickly pressed the blue button to open the lower part of the weapons bay. With a sudden movement, something flew out from inside, piercing the starry sky and rushing toward the targeted hunter. Without the dazzling beam of light, the thing was just a shadow, moving so fast that my eyes couldn't keep up.

"What shape does this kinetic energy weapon use?" Xia Yi still had time to ask such a question at this time. Everyone was too busy running for their lives to pay attention to her.

Kinetic weapons are very special. They are neither ion nor particle weapons, but an attack using entities. Xia Yi remembered that when he was explaining in the army, the instructor pointed to the kinetic energy weapons of different shapes and said that these weapons imitated high-speed flying space meteorites. Use scrapped battleships or other metal junk, reshape it, and launch it at super-light speed. The more advanced kinetic energy weapons are, the faster things fly out. Although they will not explode and dissolve, they are very lethal to small warships.

This kind of cheap and beautiful kinetic energy weapon has been equipped on every civilian ship. The Nada federal government has strong control over weapons, and only a few weapons can be used on commercial ships. Like kinetic energy weapons and quantum low-pressure cannons, no matter how high-end they are, they are difficult to purchase and install without a special license.

Although Xia Yi didn't see clearly what kind of kinetic energy bullet it was, it hit the hunter accurately. There was no need to continue to eject the second kinetic energy bullet. A huge hole was opened in the middle of the Hunter. Following this force, the Hunter was broken into two parts from the middle.

"Great!" Xia Yi couldn't help shouting. Even if she is no longer interested, it is her first time to kill a space fighter, so it is normal to be happy.

"Continue! Don't be careless, we still have to deal with 5 Predators." The captain was not at all considerate of Xia Yi's mood and did not encourage him at all. He was just busy watching the voyage while controlling the ship to avoid the attacks of the Predators. . They also kept asking people to send messages directly outside the star network, trying to contact other merchant ships or military reconnaissance teams.

At this time, excited sounds came from another weapons bay, and another Predator was killed. It seemed that the Hunter-Killer fighters were still easy to deal with. He killed two of them with just a merchant ship. Xia Yiyi's impression of this broken ship was somewhat improved.

Killing two Predators will not make the ferocious Melasti people back down. In order to avenge their comrades, their attacks have become more fierce. The merchant ship was constantly attacked by laser beams. Many places in the outer layer were melted by the laser beams, leaving gaps. The captain controlled it well. The laser beams did not fall in the same place for a long time, otherwise it would be penetrated into the inner layer and cause trouble. That's big.

As the merchant ships fought and fled, another Predator was destroyed, which reduced the pressure on them from the attack. Seeing that there are only 3 Hunters left, Xia Yi has calculated the interval between quantum low-pressure cannons and is looking for opportunities to kill another Hunter.

Suddenly, a particle beam suddenly shot out from the parallel battleship that was still far away from them, and the red particle beam arrived immediately. The captain had already seen it, his hands were so fast that only an afterimage remained, and he was desperately controlling the merchant ship. Finally, the hull of the ship tilted, and the particle cannon flew past the ship's butt, frightening the people on the ship.

Before everyone could rejoice, they heard the captain shouting in despair, "Oops! The cannon just destroyed the equipment of the energy defense shield. We must use the energy defense shield to escape!"

"It's enough to repair it." Xia Yi said lightly: "But Chuan'er, you are very generous. You even have an energy defense shield, which is completely invisible. You didn't open it before you had this thing, and you still let us fight for a long time. .”

Ten minutes later, Xia Yi looked at the captain with a serious face and said seriously: "It's not good for you to do this. What if I die?"

The captain patted her shoulder and said sadly: "Don't worry, if you don't succeed, we will die together!"

Xia Yi was wearing a space maintenance suit, holding his helmet in his hands and looking at the crew members who were busy around him. Afraid that she would accidentally slip when she went out and be unable to come back, and end up becoming space junk. They also fastened a fiber space steel rope on her back, and also hung a maintenance robot arm on her waist, with one end tied on the legs.

"Why should I go? I'm not a maintenance worker." Xia Yi looked at the captain in confusion. He was obviously just a passenger and didn't know how to repair any energy defense shield. Why was he inexplicably allowed to leave the ship to repair this thing? . Isn't there even a mechanical arm for the outer hull? He actually asked someone to do it himself.

The captain patted Xia Yi on the shoulder with a serious face, "Because you are a soldier, and I am retired. How can a soldier sit still and wait for death like this! The others have not been trained, and you are the most powerful one now. I believe you It works!”

Xia Yi didn't buy this account at all and continued to look at him with squinted eyes.

"I don't have enough manpower. I have to make sure that the ship doesn't stop here and be killed by the hunters. Other people have to make up for the attack of the weapon ship. You see, the outside of the ship is beaten to pieces. Just repairing these places I There are almost not enough people. Although my crew members have sailed a lot, they are not trained like soldiers. Although I know it is very dangerous, there is nothing I can do. Look at those miners, their bodies are strong enough, but let them Everyone will die if we go out." The captain had no choice, otherwise he wouldn't have asked Xia Yi to repair the energy shield device.

"Okay, it's just that why didn't you open this energy shield while it was good? It's necessary to hide it like a treasure." Now is a critical moment of life and death. Xia Yi can't care about anything. If he cares about it any more, he will lose his life. Well, there are more than 100 people on the ship. Anyway, if you can't escape, you will die, so why not give it a try. Just repairing a commercial ship outside the ship station in a hail of bullets is really quite a challenge.

"The energy shield can only last for 3 minutes. In these 3 minutes, you have to turn on the 5 thrusters to escape with all your strength. Only in this way can you have a chance to escape from their hands. Moreover, I have been in contact with the 47th Colonial Star and they are sending manpower. Come to help. As long as we can hold on, we can wait for reinforcements. The damage on the energy shield side is unclear, the line of sight is blocked by something, and the maintenance arm at that position is also broken, so you have to be careful." Although the captain's face was ugly , but preached very firmly.

Xia Yi didn't say anything more. He put on the helmet and tried his flexibility. This kind of space maintenance suit is very close-fitting and can move freely. I also wore a mecha helmet for a long time during military training, so I have no problem adapting to the helmet.

There are suction devices under her feet that allow her to step on the hull of the ship, and there are small pushers on her body that can keep her propelling for 2 minutes at critical times. This is the only equipment a poor and shabby merchant ship has.

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