Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 223: Crisis at sea

In the early morning of the next day, the originally calm sea suddenly became abnormally turbulent, and a violent sea storm was approaching.

The crew, including Corleone, moved into action and lowered the midsail together.

And fix all the supplies to prevent them from being dumped everywhere or injuring their own people.

Due to the towering ship building and huge size of the Carrick sailboat, it is prone to tilt the center of gravity in such strong winds. If it is not operated properly, it is likely to capsize the ship.

At the moment, the bow of the ship had been leaning forward, screaming with fright.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Quack! Cowardly little rubbish!" Badrial stood proudly on the captain's shoulders, mocking Beep's performance.

One interesting thing about this parrot is that no matter how strong the wind is, it just can't blow off the mini captain's cap on its head.

The barbarians and other subordinates who went out to sea for the first time also performed very badly. Many people vomited on the floor, and the cabin was full of the stench of vomiting, not to mention that they drank alcohol yesterday.

However, the most miserable was the construction knight, because the bow of the ship was leaning forward, and countless waves continued to pounce, almost immersing his entire body in the sea.

Because he didn't want to damage the chip, this guy started begging Corleone for mercy.

"Dear Sir! I have realized my own mistakes, please put me down!" At this time, the Constructed Knight did not call Corleone an organism.

But now is not the time to do these trivial things. If the captain and sailors' skills are not good, the entire ship will be ruined.

Corleone was naturally not in the mood to listen to him, but chose to help out on the deck.

Faced with such terrible weather, human beings are extremely small in front of nature.

The huge waves on the sea showed no signs of stopping, and waves would pounce on them every few minutes.

The worst thing was that as the storm got stronger and stronger, many old sailors showed scared expressions on their faces. They had never seen a storm of this scale, as if the sea **** was angry.

Corleone had just tied a few cables, and a sailor suddenly rushed over to the captain and shouted:

"Water has entered the bottom of the boat!"

Many people hurriedly ran under the cabin, even Corleone followed.

When they got down to the bottom, they found out that the situation was rather bad, and the bottom tank had more than half a meter of water in it.

Fortunately, there is also the old fish head Slardar. I didn't expect this Shahua murloc to be proficient in ship repair, and he soon helped other sailors to solve several loopholes in the bottom layer.

Then, everyone worked very hard to pour up the buckets of water, then pass it to the people on it, and finally pour it out of the sailboat.

The old captain Martin was nervously covered with sweat and water. As an old captain who has been sailing for decades, such weather is not common, and he has only encountered it two or three times.

Every time you experience such a storm, the sailboat needs to be fully repaired. If the wind continues to increase, the captain may have to order the mast of the front part to be cut off, otherwise there is a danger of sinking the ship.

But if it is cut off, the main mast will also lose control, and they can only float around in the wind and waves. . .

Misfortunes never come singly, there is a sea monster that is more than 6 meters long and weighs 500 kilograms is approaching the sailboat.

The undulating sea is like walking on the ground without any hindrance, and even makes it move faster.

This sea monster is silver in color, with a long and narrow body like an eel magnified hundreds of times. It has a strong and powerful jagged beak, and several pairs of small fins grow on his abdomen.

This kind of sea monster is called [Dragon Eel], it likes to attack sailboats on the sea, and then eat the crew members who fall into the sea.

But the most frightening thing is not its power in the sea, but its good wisdom.

As a subdragon monster, the dragon eel can speak aquatic language, among which the clever individual can also speak the murloc language and the common language, and is considered a cunning and sophisticated predator.

When the sea monster approached, an emergency message suddenly appeared from the core of the construct knight:

"#Warning: A large organism is approaching! Energy threshold level 5-6, high threat!"

"Your Excellency Corleone! There are hostile creatures in the sea approaching the ship!" The construct knight opened the PA mode and shouted loudly.

"Which direction?" Corleone asked urgently, and asked his subordinates to bring up his big sword.

"On the left side of the bow of the sailboat, the current distance is 755 meters, 725 meters! It is approaching our ship quickly!"

In such a short time, the people under the deck could not get the big sword up, so Corleone drew the scimitar and stood directly by the railing at the bow.

After seeing the looming silver figure in the waves, the first officer let out a miserable cry: "No! It's a dragon eel, it's an adult dragon eel!"

"We are in big trouble! Who on the boat can speak aquatic language!? We have a Sahua murloc, let him come forward!"

"You think too much. It must be unkind to approach us at this speed in this kind of weather!" said the captain beside him, his face also pale.

Sometimes, some powerful captains will negotiate through the area where the dragon eel is located, such as using food or slaves on the ship as a toll.

It's a pity that Martin is just a little-known ordinary captain. He is not the captain of the "Black Pearl" or the "Flying Dutchman". How can he communicate with sea monsters?

The structure of Carrick sailing boat is mainly wooden structure, and oak is used as the shipbuilding material.

This kind of material simply cannot withstand the collision and bite of the dragon eel, as long as the sailing boat is made with a few large holes in the side, the whole ship will undoubtedly sink.

Dozens of soldiers and sailors planned to use the ship's ballista to attack the dragon eel, but the swaying sailboat could not be aimed at, and it was impossible to even position it correctly.

Half-elf Seranis stood on a high platform with a bow and an His body shook with the sailboat, as if on flat ground.

"Huh~" After taking a deep breath and waiting for a few seconds, the half-elf shot the special arrow in his hand.

The barbed arrow grazed the dragon eel's dorsal fin, marking a blood mark on its back.

After receiving such harassment, the clever sea monster immediately sank, planning to launch an offensive from under the ship.

"Where did he go?! Lancelot, report me the position!" Corleone yelled at the Constructed Knight.

"82 meters! About to hit the upper left front, the bottom cargo deck!"

With a muffled sound of "Bump!", a large hole several meters wide appeared at the bottom of the sailboat, and countless sea water poured in.

"I need manpower to repair it, you guys come with me!" The sailor called to the nearby sailors.

Old Martin also issued a new order at this time: "Take up the mainmast's sails! Otherwise the ship will fall!"

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