Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 264: Meet with Master Zun Jin

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In the end, everyone enjoyed this dinner, even though there were many pirates around.

"It seems that I can only stay here for a few days." Corleone thought in his heart, don't get me wrong, this is not because the dancer is beautiful enough, but the request of the pirate warlock before.

Others recognized the glamorous performance of this tavern, and with a few long wooden poles, it was possible to create such an attractive stage effect.

"I didn't expect to see such a wonderful performance in such a remote country, and the brilliant idea, I guess it came from the empire." A businessman said excitedly.

"Have you seen it?" Smiling curiously asked.

"That's not true, but the Holy Onyx Empire has become more and more open in recent years. Ladies are no longer as tightly covered as before when they go to the streets, and they are no longer dressed up as staid'nuns'."

"Some salons even advocated using as little fabric as possible to show more beautiful figures, and even nearby countries have begun to follow suit. Hahaha, it's really great!"

"This is not a good thing, and it's too vulgar. It belongs to the empire of mankind anyway." Another businessman seemed to be indignant and offered his opinion.

"You start to pretend to be tall again, I saw you wipe your nosebleed with a handkerchief just now, hehehe."

When they returned to their respective sailing ships, they could see that many pirates were already active nearby.

Several of the Arabi warlocks and their subordinates stood on the deck of the Bloody Mary.

The warlock headed by him looked extraordinarily thin and could be described as skinny. He also wore a gorgeous silk robe and held a small staff inlaid with sapphires.

"You are a mercenary group? Show the proof." The warlock asked arrogantly, but when the little prince Okaza walked out, his face changed and he showed a surprised expression.

"Okaza, is that you?"

"You are... Uncle Mattini!" Ocaza called out, but he didn't expect to meet his relatives here!

"Aren't you studying in the palace? How can you run out to be a mercenary, it's really unreasonable!" As he said, the sorcerer Martini grabbed his shoulder.

But when he tried to pull Ocaza away, he didn't succeed. He almost staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Hey! Why don't you even listen to what your uncle said? Have you forgotten who bought you those books when you were a kid?"

"Uncle, don't worry about why I became a mercenary. You have been missing for several years. My father and I thought you were already buried in the sea. You actually became a pirate!"

"Hahaha, that's a long story. Let's just go ahead. You and your captain will go to the Flame Scimitar with me. Let's relive the past."

A warlock approached and asked, "Captain, do we still need to inspect these merchant ships?"

"No, this is my eldest nephew's fleet, you quickly get the magic carpet ready."

So Corleone and Ocaza followed his uncle, got on an exquisite flying magic carpet, and flew toward the giant ship.

The martini warlock and the little prince's father [Jalafat Sultan] have a very close relationship and can be said to be one of the most trusted people.

In order to help the Sultan to complete a secret mission, he took his subordinates to overseas, who knew that he would never come back.

Now the two have met unexpectedly, and there is more to say.

Soon, the flying magic carpet landed steadily on the deck of the Flame Scimitar, and Corleone was also taken to the golden exotic spire at the stern.

Although Corleone is well-informed, he is still attracted by the luxurious decoration in the minaret. In this unique building, there is an indescribable magnificence.

The floor is covered with gold bricks, the walls are covered with gold leaf, and the ceiling chandeliers are decorated with thousands of high-quality rubies.

The several marble statues lined up on both sides were obviously made by famous artists.

At this time, Master Zun Jin was leaning on the "sofa" comfortably, flipping through a thick book. The reason for using quotation marks is that this "furniture" is composed of several beautiful women.

They are stacked on top of each other, showing the extremely strong flexibility and physical strength of the body. These veiled women are not ordinary servants, but the superb personal guards of Arabi, ready to die for their masters at any time.

After the martini warlock led the two into the living room, he signaled them not to make any noises, and just waited quietly.

After dozens of minutes, Master Zunjin put down the book in his hand and observed the few people in front of him with one eye.

"My most loyal friend, won't you tell me who these two are?"

"My lord, this is Corleone, the commander of the Eagle Group, and the other is my nephew Ocaza. He is a very powerful senior warlock."

"Oh? Has reached a high level at such a young age? Great." Master Zunjin stood up from the "sofa" and signaled the guards to leave.

"Your Excellency is also quite strong, should it be about to break through the legend?" Master Zunjin asked Corleone kindly again.

The secret magic ring in his eyes exudes the aura of detection, which can roughly estimate the combat power of other people.

"You are right." Corleone had no worries, so he admitted directly.

"Both of them are top talents. When I was in my 20s, I was in the Warlock Academy, hahaha."

Master Zunjin smiled happily and said, he looked very approachable, making people feel that this was not the first time they met, but a conversation between old friends for many years.

Worthy of being a legendary pirate who is famous all over the world, full of personality charm.

"Then the two merchant ships should still stay in the deep water port. Don't worry, I won't charge you any fees. Come on, sit down."

Speaking of Master Zun Jin sitting on the carpet made of golden wool, Corleone and the others also sat cross-legged.

In the side room, dozens of slender maids walked Everyone held fruit plates and wine glasses in their hands and placed them respectfully in front of them.

The fruits inside are also expensive, and a few bunches of [Deep Sea Crystal Grapes] can slightly enhance the ability to master the water element and are worth dozens of gold coins.

"I am a person who likes to make friends with others. A great wise man once said that we must make many friends and make few enemies."

"Haha, shouldn't you mind if you are a pirate friend like me?" Master Zun Jin raised the glass to face Corleone and Ocaza.

"This is our honor." Corleone retaliated with his glass.

The next few people talked freely again, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

At the back, Master Zunjin also showed them the huge mechanical Thundertooth.

This large-scale structured life form was also excavated from ancient ruins, and was repaired by Zunjin himself, becoming his most loyal servant.

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