Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 268: Battle of Eagle's Nest Island [3]

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When the signal flares that symbolized the highest level of crisis exploded in the air, the numerous pirates in the port finally found anomalies, and all of them were in a state of preparation.

At the same time, many Arabi warlocks flew to the nearby sea on the magic carpet, just to find out who the enemy is as soon as possible.

And Blackbeard's men were not to be outdone. Several vampires turned into giant bats, and they were also conducting investigations toward the sea.

Soon, they all discovered an army of Sahua murlocs looming in the sea.

"Tell the captain of the news, it's the **** murlocs coming! The number is too large to estimate!"

Several warlocks released the acceleration technique and immediately turned around and returned to the Flame Scimitar.

Then the fleet of Master Zunjin and Blackbeard were mobilized, and they would never choose to stay in the dock and wait for death.

Although fighting in the ocean is even more disadvantageous, if all the crew are on the island, all ships may be destroyed by the murlocs.

Master Zunjin also ordered the Eagle Group to stay near the port to help prevent some pirates.

Because it was the employer's order, Corleone could only execute it.

The time is still at night, and countless torches are fixed in every corner to prevent murlocs from sneaking attacks.

The sea breeze was blowing, and the Blackbeards were about to meet the murloc army soon.

On every pirate ship, the original pirate flag was replaced with a **** red pirate flag. The blood flag was raised to warn the enemy that they would not receive any mercy and that all enemies would be brutally killed.

"I'm afraid this number is tens of thousands, it's really troublesome." Master Zun Jin constantly arranged his fleet position through the exploration circle in the spire.

And dozens of Arabi sorcerers have begun to perform large-scale joint spellcasting ceremonies with amazing power.

This is an enhanced version of the fourth-order spell [Thunderbolt Dance], and is a "great gift" for the Murloc.

With the end of the spell, a dull thunder sounded on the sea, and then dark clouds in the sky could be seen gradually gathering.

The lightning bolts danced like an electric snake. Because of the joint blessing of many warlocks, the entire spell covered a diameter of close to 6 kilometers, almost covering a small area of ​​the sea.

Small blue electric lights appeared on the bottom of the sea, and the torrential rain quickly fell from the sky. When the murloc army reacted, it was too late.


The crackling series of lightning continued to fall, and countless murlocs and their mounts were chopped into coke.

It even includes a few murloc leaders close to the center, even with their physical strength, they can't resist this terrible spell containing lightning elements.

This is not over yet. Under the command of Master Zunjin, the warlocks used the large number of magic scrolls they had on hand to summon more than 100 middle and high-level water elements to attack the murlocs.

On the other hand, Zunjin himself summoned a water elemental elder tens of meters high. These elemental beings use water arrows as their main attack method. Although they do not have outstanding defensive power, their extremely high aggressiveness always makes the enemy fearful. .

Blackbeard's main ship is named 【Wandering Avenger】, this huge ship is extremely magnificent and amazingly beautiful.

This is a giant beast on the sea, and this legendary ship known as the barren sea has made the merchants and pirates on the sea feel terrified.

In the open sea quickly cut a channel, the Avenger relied on powerful defenses and deadly weapons.

The entire huge ship was filled with 38 cannons, 2 Hellfire Throwers (the masterpiece of Chaos Dwarves), and the bones of humans and sea monsters were nailed everywhere.

Under the personal command of Blackbeard, this terrifying ship is equipped with undead creatures. Whether this soulless crew member is a skeleton, a banshee, or a zombie, all enemies will be judged for death!

As long as its captain wields the legendary staff [Wailing Death Staff], the Vengeance will be able to live, and then the ship will act in accordance with his unyielding will and spread a terrifying **** breath.

Blackbeard stood on the bow laughing wildly, raising the human bone staff in his hand, and then hundreds of drowned water ghosts appeared from under the water to serve as the guard of the Avengers.

And he himself looked at the Sahua murloc in the distance, and shouted to his men:

"Shoot! Batter me these stinky fish and shrimps! Ahahahaha!"

The sky-shaking artillery fire was mixed with the cheers of the pirates, and several rounds of artillery fire killed many murloc guards.

However, these murlocs are not foolish fools, all of them are heading towards the bottom of the sea, intending to smash the bottom of the ship with weapons such as tridents in their hands.

However, many pirates have been waiting at the bottom of the ship for a long time.

Most of Blackbeard's men are not living creatures, and they are not afraid of the risk of drowning at all, and the leader is the Necromancer who appeared behind him before.

This knight in lacquered black armor should, in theory, sink directly to the bottom of the sea, but because of the enchanting effect of the armor on his body, he can move freely in the water.

The mount underneath the crotch of the necromancer is not a regular undead horse or nightmare horse, but a bone double-headed shark that has been transformed by alchemy, specially used to fight in the sea.

"For the great master, kill all the living creatures!" As he said, the necromantic knight raised the long sword in his hand and charged towards the murloc army, thousands of deep-sea zombies and skeleton soldiers also rushed up. .

Seeing the first encounter with the battle, the Murloc side had lost at least 4,000 to 5,000 soldiers. The priestess in the rear screamed and hurriedly ordered the son of Leviathan to join the battle.

"Damn evil dragon cult, I know this battle will not be easy. Our main goal is to kill Blackbeard, and the second goal is Master Zunjin."

This is also the request made by the Iron Because of the long voyage trade carried out by the Evil Dragon Cult on the sea, a large part of the merchant ships were intercepted by the Blackbeard's pirate fleet, and massive amounts of gold coins have been lost.

It can be regarded as new hatred plus old hatred, and this time Blackbeard blatantly attacked the territory of the Northern Tyres, really completely not paying attention to their organization.

So in the eyes of the Iron Witch, Blackbeard must die! ! !

At present, the two parties in the sea battled together, and suddenly there seemed to be a low roar from a distance, followed by a continuous roar, and the voice became louder and louder.

Many pirates can see a huge figure on the bottom of the sea, approaching here at an astonishing speed!

"Son of Leviathan!!!"

"Giant Claw! Giant Claw! Giant Claw!"

The murlocs roared excitedly, repeating these two sentences in murloc language.

At this time, the priestess's complexion finally improved. With the help of the giant claw ambushers, these pirate ships are definitely not its opponents!

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