Meng Shen Love College

Chapter 192: Make-up exam is required

Senior Qing Min "fallen to death" in the examination room, but he wouldn't die outside the examination room, because Senior Qing Min had been teleported out before he fell to the ground. So, I was thinking, how to score such an exam?

When I returned to the lawn, "Mao" and "Mao" ran to me excitedly: "You have been here too long! Senior Qing Min jumped!"

"It's really... unexpected..." Xiao Nuo held Xiao Bai while "touching" while looking at the starry sky where there were only stars and moons left. The eye-catching screen finally disappeared into the night sky.

"Here." Jiang Yan extended his arm and pointed it behind me. He was still lying on the ground, too lazy to get up.

"Mao" and "Mao" immediately looked behind me, Xiao Nuo also turned around gloomily, and saw a man walking out alone in the silent and dark teaching building, his legs seemed to be weak. Step by step, he walked softly, and walked alone in silence, like the only warrior after defeating tens of thousands of powerful enemies, walking down the battlefield with scars.

"Daqing..." "Mao" and "Mao" immediately greeted him. When the figure was about to fall, "Mao" and "Mao" supported him in time. He was startled and looked at "Mao" and "Mao". "Mao" and "Mao" nodded to him, pulled his arms around his neck, and supported the dying big man with her petite body.

Qing Min has been staring blankly at the "Mao" and "Mao" who set up him. "Mao" and "Mao" helped him walk towards us. Qing Min's eyes always fell on the faces of "Mao" and "Mao". The gaze gradually softened, and there was joy in "showing".

They walked in front of me. In Qing Ming's sight, there was only "Mao" and "Mao", except for "Mao" and "Mao", he didn't see anyone until "Mao" and "Mao" helped him sit next to us. , He saw us, and he was surprised.

"You..." He stared at us blankly, "Wait for me?"

"Of course~~~" Jiang Tan was still lying on the lawn like a dead man, pointing to the sky, "The sky is almost bright."

Qing Ming smiled secretly, still shy and shy, then, he peeked at me secretly, I laughed, he was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask anything.

I am curious to see Jiang Min: "Senior Qing Ming is considered a pass or fail?"

Jiang Di closed his eyes and looked like he was really about to return to heaven: "Pass..." He said weakly, "Although he fell to death in the end, this test is for him to overcome the obstacles in his heart and leave that block. Pumice, so, he jumped, and it is considered a pass, but it is "Mao" and "Mao", which can only be considered a barely passing."

"Ah? Why?! Didn't "Mao" and "Mao" win the battle?" Da Qing and I both looked anxiously at "Mao" and "Mao", Da Qing also turned to stare at Jiang Yan closely.

Jiang Yan stopped speaking, as if he was dead. He just moved his feet, pointing at Si Yinuo, as if asking Xiao Nuo to say. It's rare, Senior Jiang Yan doesn't want to be a spokesperson, he just doesn't have the energy to speak.

"She's been in front...Hidden for too long..." Xiao Nuo gave the answer gently.

"Mao" "Mao" lowered his face: "I, I am alone for the first time... I'm a little... scared... I did hide for too long..."

""Mao" "Mao"! You are already very good!" I said heavily, and Senior Qing Ming also nodded his head and gave two thumbs up to "Mao" and "Mao"!

"Mao" "Mao" smiled shyly, and pulled her long hair embarrassedly: "I'll try harder next time..." She smiled and looked at all of us, "Thank you, wait here. Daqing and I, let's go back."

"What are you going to do? It's dawn." Turning around lazily, "We have to make up the exam~~~"

"Mao", "Mao" and Daqing were taken aback, looking at me together, "Mao" and "Mao" were excited with blue eyes: "Xiaolan, you have decided to make up the exam!"

I scratched my head and nodded embarrassedly: "Yes, I decided to make up the exam. I'm sorry... I made you worry about me."

"Awesome!" "Mao" and "Mao" rushed over and hugged me, "This way my brother will definitely come back!"

I was startled, "Mao" and "Mao" let go of me in embarrassment, pretending to be angry: "My brother is too much this time! How can I just leave! Really! I will help you scold him when he comes back!"

I didn't speak because I was really angry. Girls would be angry. How could they come and leave, say that being with me is everything? If you don't want to be together, you don't want to be together? !

It's just a friend relationship, and I can forgive it. If it's a boyfriend, Shi Fusu, see if I don't catch up and beat him until he begs me not to leave him, and kick him off and reward him with a word: Fuck!

If you are in a good mood, reward him with three words: Roll the calf!

Is Mo Ming too domineering towards our contractual relationship? Obviously I am the master, how can he be!


This foolish wolf, if he dares to come back and see if I don't kill him, he will be able to call his master and leave. This is an ordinary friend, and he can't stand it, okay!

Fusu is the boy I like, but he is the boy I trust the most! The most trusted! Is there anything in our family that is not in front of him? How did my dad and mom avoid him?

If you really don't want him to know the secrets of our family, send him away early.

I trust him so much, even, my dad trusts him so much, even more! My mother trusted him so much, but he left, only because Owen let him down.

At the beginning, he was my servant, he forced me to make a contract with him, and he vowed to not let me leave his sight, he wanted to offer me a lifetime of loyalty and life, if not for Fusu , In this case, which girl is not tempted?

Therefore, when he left me, leaving me with a back view, my heart was hurt. Although, in the end, I used this to comfort myself, but deep in my heart, I still couldn't understand his behavior of asking me and abandoning me at will.

Hey... Protoss can do the same as servants.

Looking back on everything with Mo Ming, he did so in line with his "sex" personality, because he has always been so strong and stubborn, he must have the final say in everything, otherwise, he will always chase you, "force" Force you until you agree.

The sky gradually shines in the quiet. After the big exam, it will give you time to rest, just like in class, such as putting your arms back and restoring your vitality...

The mortal also said that using his life in the college entrance examination is good here! ==! ! ! And I am going to make up the exam...

"That's right!" Jiang Yan suddenly sat up, his pale face "color" was dyed a layer of gold in the faint morning light, and only his face could be dyed in the morning light!

His exclamation made all of us look at him nervously. He looked at me: "How can you make up the exam without that foolish wolf?!"

"Mao" and "Mao"'s face "color" is even more embarrassing: "Xiaolan...You have a large number of adults, forgive my brother, remember to summon him..." "Mao" and "Mao" said that they were too guilty. , Like understanding my temper, I would rather die than surrender.

I didn't speak, I didn't want to promise "Mao" or "Mao", and I didn't want to deceive "Mao" or "Mao".

"Mao" "Mao" saw that I didn't speak, so he lowered his face and sighed.

Qing Ming stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder. When "Mao" and "Mao" looked at Qing Ming, Qing Ming said only two words with a solemn face: "Deserve it."

"Daqing!" "Mao" and "Mao" stared at him gloomily, "Why do you think my brother is wrong?"

"Does anyone here think that the foolish wolf is doing the right thing~~~" Jiang Li asked, lying on the ground, no one raised his hand.

"Mao" and "Mao" also covered their faces: "As a clan of wolf gods, I also feel very ashamed. I actually... dumped the owner..."

"Sister Xiaolan..." Xiao Nuo hugged Xiao Bai and looked at me grimly. The silver pupils flickered under the long bangs, and the corners of his mouth had begun to raise evilly, "If I... break the contract..."

"No!" "Mao" and "Mao" shouted, "That way, my brother will be ruined all his life!"

I didn't bother to look at Xiao Nuo, because after that catastrophe, I knew him too well. I just had nothing to look for, lest the world would not have "chaotic" "sex" personality.

Then I look at Jiang Feng, hey hey hey! Senior Jiang Yu! How can you make up the exam when you lie down like this!

The sky was already bright, and I got up to prepare for my make-up exam. I don’t know if Dark Yang will shoot me on the wall. However, I haven’t found Dark Yang yet, Dark Yang has fallen from the sky!

Immediately, even Jiang Yan, who was lying on the ground, stood up to welcome the arrival of Dark Yang.

Dark Yang stepped on a black cloud and slowly landed, his expression was even more terrifying than death. He gloomily scanned Jiang Tan, Xiao Nuo and I.

Xiao Nuo still hugged Xiao Bai while "touching" while looking away. From last night to now, he has not indicated that he will make up the exam.

I also "forced" Jiang Yan to make up the exam.

Dark Yang just glanced at Xiao Nuo and directly skipped Yan and looked at me. He looked like he knew Xiao Nuo would not make up the exam, and even ignored Jiang Yan, and only watched me express his attitude.

"Xia Xiaolan, even if you divorce the true god, you have to take an exam!" His deep voice made me sluggish for a while, and slowly, I blushed, let me go! You don’t need to mix things up with such things like broken love, teacher!

"Huh, just a mere mortal, what qualifications do you have to abandon the exam!" Dark Yang's tone is a tone that completely treats me like a cockroach... I don't even have the qualification to abandon the exam...

"Are you ready to make up the exam?" Dark Yang's voice was already low and low like thunder, and I honestly faced him: "Well, can you let me have breakfast first?"

"Why don't you say to go to the toilet and wash your face?!" Li Drink "shook" like a surround sound system in my ear, I really want to say if I can go to the toilet and wash my face again of!

But now, I dare not say anymore.

Dark Yang looked at Jiang Yan and Xiao Nuo gloomily: "Which one of you has to make up the exam?"

Xiao Nuo did not speak, Daqing and "Mao" and "Mao" looked at Jiang Yan, and I secretly looked at Jiang Yan, and Jiang Yan suddenly stroked his forehead, with an elevation angle of forty-five degrees: "Ah~~The sun is so dazzling..." Seeing that his body became weak, he actually did it again! also! Lying down again! ! ! !

He fainted on the ground and shouted directly: "Huh...huh..."

Daqing shook his head contemptuously, "Mao" and "Mao" muttered, "Cunning."

I looked at Jiang Ping stiffly, and if you say yes, I will also take the exam? ! ! Your tm kicked me and kicked me into the goal and escaped by yourself!

I really want to shit, Jiang Yu-senior is too sinister and sinister.

"Then send Xia Xiaolan to the make-up exam site." Dark Yang directly retracted his eyes to look at Jiang Yan and Xiao Nuo. I just wanted to wait, he already raised his hand: "The make-up test begins!"

Hey! I'm really not mentally prepared yet!

The familiar white light suddenly appeared under my feet, and the figures of "Mao", "Mao" and Daqing disappeared in front of me. How could the fairyland be teleported everywhere!

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