Meng Shen Love College

Chapter 265: It's also the master's game

I picked up the phone and raised my face to look at the stands of the young gods in the sky. Xuanyuanchen was too busy to disturb him all the time. I looked at the phone again, and called directly to a man who was more idle and who knew the secret history of the Six Realms and the Golden Rooster and Duck King. Who else could he be? Of course, it is the senior Jiang who can reverse all living beings after sucking blood~~

The battle above is getting fiercer, and the people who ambush Mo Ming are slowly approaching. The wolf clan's team fights are unmatched. In our mortal world, wolves are very strong and united animals.

At this moment, I found that the rankings of William and "Mao" and "Mao" are quietly rising, because everyone's attention has been focused on Mo Ming's ambush, and they obviously want to repel Mo Ming first. , So they have a chance to win the totem sacrifice.

"Iamazombie~~~" The slow zombie ring back tone of Senior Jiang Mi started to ring again, let me go! I really can't stand the slow and procrastinating music, but now it is the most tense moment, suddenly listening to me this kind of music feels like meeting Mr. Sloth!

Senior Jiang, answer the phone soon! You guy should be still in good spirits after drinking the blood of Xuanyuanchen's "bribery"!

"Dear~~~ You are looking for me~~~" Finally, Jiang Ji answered the phone. When he appeared in front of me, he looked at me lazily, but the moment he saw me, he was stunned. After having a look, he immediately started to look left and right, look at your sister! My palace is now very anxious to know if I know!

Finally, his eyes fell on my face, but his eyes were gloomy: "Who are you?! Why did you take Xiaolan's phone!"

Ouch, let me go! I really want to smash the phone in his face, if not because he is just an illusion.

"Senior Jiang Yan! It's me!" I almost stood up!

Suddenly, his face was "forced".

I'm about to touch my forehead with anger, this palace is just changing clothes, is it that exaggerated? ! Senior Jiang, don’t you look at my face every day and tell me by smelling me?

He blinked his blood-red eyes, then blinked again, suddenly leaned over and looked at my face carefully again, and opened his ruby-like eyes in surprise: "Oh, my dear, I can't recognize you dressing up! Hiss... I didn't expect you to look like a goddess in your clothes~~~

He stretched out his hand and "touched" my face. I patted it open and penetrated his phantom. When answering the phone, there were two situations. This kind has a tactile feeling, like Xuanyuanchen, I guess it has something to do with the level of the gods and the level of the gods.

Because my hand penetrated Jiang Zhen, his illusory hand still fell on my face, rubbing back and forth like "touching" some porcelain.

"I usually wear clothes!" I frowned, and he retracted his hand to look at me again, and shook his head: "You only wear school uniforms, I think I'm used to it."

I stroked my forehead: "Senior Jiang Yan, don't you usually look at my face?"

He leaned over in front of me and squinted his eyes and laughed: "I'm sorry, Xiaolan, the smell on you is more appealing to me."

it is as expected! I live with some strange flowers, and I use my sense of smell to recognize people.

I looked at him with a deep face: "Senior Jiang Yan, I want to ask what does it mean to open a circle under the people behind you?"

Jiang Yan stood up, glanced behind me, winked for a while, and smiled intoxicatingly. He turned and stood beside me, leaned his elbows against my seat, and leaned close to my ear and whispered: " They are all contacting their guardians and commanding them?."

"Contact? Isn't this cheating?!" I looked at him in surprise.

He shook his head with a smile: "Xiaolan, do you know the f1 event?"

"I know, racing."

He nodded: "The racers have their own off-court guidance. The Totem Sacrifice is not only a game for the wolf clan of the wolf family, but also a game for the owners. The participants on the field can’t see all the situation. The owners can see part of the game, and they will give their wolf clan partners through the circle to guide them and help them win the victory!

Nani! There is such a thing! This is not a game to play tournaments? !

Pointing the other hand to the air: "Look, the people inside cannot see the "Mis" palace, but those outside the field can see a part of the "Mis" palace. The "Mis" palace of the Totem Festival is ever-changing. If there is not a single field, It’s hard to win the game with outside guidance."

"Why didn't Mo Ming tell me?!" I patted the armrest anxiously.

Jiang Yan looked at me, "Because maintaining the magic circle requires divine power, unlike you usually just summoning."

I was stunned. It turned out that Mo Ming didn't tell me because I was... a mortal. To be precise, I used to be a mortal without a trace of supernatural power. He told me it was useless, so he never thought of relying on my help to win the totem sacrifice.

"Furthermore, the test of maintaining the magic circle is the ability to control the stability of the divine power~~" Jiang Yan looked at me and shook his head, " always let the divine power get out of control, and the unstable performance will only hurt the body~~~~"

Jiang Mi's words instantly extinguished the dry fire in my heart like a basin of cold water, and even lowered her head in shame: "Senior Jiang Mi...I'm sorry..."

He raised his eyebrows to look at me, and I looked at him shamefully: "I know why you are angry...Last night, I vomited blood because of supernatural power..."

"It doesn't matter!" He didn't expect that he suddenly became tense, no longer scornful, but looked at me very seriously, "Mo Ming is okay! Although he did not reach the end of the totem festival in previous years to win the tooth, he It's also number one."

"But this time I want him to the end!" I squeezed the armrest and looked at him scorchingly, and solemnly said "Xiao Lan, if you want to think it over, you must stabilize your emotions." Only by controlling your own strength can the circle be stable."

I took a deep breath, nodded, and took a closer look at Jiang Min: "This is an opportunity to practice steady control of my supernatural power."

Jiang Mi lifted his lips: "This is, in the training of divine power, what is needed is more actual combat, but." His expression is serious again, "Once you open this circle, you are telling everyone that your divine power is awakened. Now, do you really think about it?"

I looked at the screen in the middle, Mo Ming was already besieged. This time, someone obviously didn't want him to be the number one! Because the young gods are choosing their guardians!

I nodded without hesitation: "They will know sooner or later."

"Okay!" Jiang Yan stood up, "Waiting for the good news from you and Mo Ming." After speaking, he disappeared beside me.

I stare at the high-altitude screen and play games. Who can beat me?

I closed my eyes and started to adjust my breathing, so that my emotions became stable. When I opened my eyes, I waved my right hand down without hesitation: "Contract formation! Open!"

Immediately, the huge silver magic circle of Mo Ming and I bloomed on the leaves under me, and the divine power slowly flowed out from between my fingers, and the magic circle began to rotate slowly under me.

My left hand left the armrest and slowly brushed it beside me. Green leaves grew from the back of the chair, slowly surrounding me, as if I was sitting in a green game cabin.

After the divine power stabilized, I started talking to Mo Ming: "Mo Ming, there is a corner behind you. Go there first, and I will give you the information."

"Xiaolan!" He stood on the screen in a daze, Senlu looked at me in surprise as if crossing the screen.

Immediately, there was a "commotion" in the stands.

"Look! Xia Xiaolan has opened the magic circle!"

"But! But how is it possible?"

"She is a mortal, how can she maintain the circle?"

"Does she have any new artifacts?"

"Map!" I called out the artifact map that Feng Lingcan gave me. The map flew out of the Qiankun bag and displayed it in front of me, and the noisy sound came like a tide like water as usual.

"Ah~~~ I'm dead, we are all going to grow mushrooms~~~"

"Who makes us have a lazy master~~~~ She always does not work out, we are almost hidden by the snow~~~"

"But every time I change and reorganize, it hurts~~~~"

It's so noisy!

"You guys did the best!" I screamed, one by one, they were honest again, twisting on the map aggrievedly.

I frowned, "If you don't need you, you feel bored, and if you use you, you find it troublesome to reorganize, so I will burn you up again!"

"No~~~~ The master kisses you the cutest~~~"

"Wow~~ Have you noticed that our host has become more beautiful~~~"

"Ah-I'm almost "fascinated" to death! Do you feel my small antenna is hard!"

"Shut up--" I, Xia Xiaolan, was actually "driven" crazy by a map. Maybe Senior Feng Lingcan thought they were annoying, so he threw them to me.

I looked at them with a cold face: "Set up the map of the Totem Festival "Mis" Palace! Mark everyone out for me!"

"Ah~~~~~~ Don’t~~~~~" Immediately, there was a cry on the map, "The map of the Totem Festival is the most abnormal~~~ It will change every 30 minutes~~~~~"

thirty minutes!

I immediately looked at the sky. Fortunately, I was more sensitive to time. I went to bed on time for get out of class and awoke on time after class. Especially when I play games, my brain is fully open and every second counts!

It should be twenty-nine minutes since the last time the "Mission" Palace changed, and there is one minute that the "Mission Palace" will change again!

I immediately looked at the map: "Move fast!"

The map floated out of my hands and immediately began to reorganize. In an instant, everyone turned into a small q version on the map, and everyone had their name marked on the top of their head!

I raised my lips and smiled: "Can you predict what it will be like in one minute?"

"We can," they said on the map, "because we have changed the map of the Totem Sacrifice many times, and it is regular."

"Okay, start forecasting."

In an instant, the map began to separate, and another part was separated, and the upper wall began to crack, turn, and even soar!

"The changes in the "Mystery" Palace of the Totem Festival will become more and more complicated over time. The first time is a flat change, and after the second time, a three-dimensional change begins. After two hours, it will enter the space chaos. Variety."

In their explanations, the map on one side has become a three-dimensional figure, and the place where Mo Ming stands will sink deep, and Mo Ming will have no way out!

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