Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 4981: One hand

"Sit on!"

The three of them listened to the sound, and they also clung to the aircraft sitting underneath. They only felt that the aircraft was speeding down and flew down. A burst of fierce wind blew, blowing them even their eyes. I can't open it.

Behind them came the sound of the roaring of the giant birds and the flapping of the wings. They only felt the eyes of the eyelids darken. At the same time, the air between the air was cold.

Looking forward, it turned out that the aircraft was blocked by the leaves formed by the towering trees, and came to the forest and landed on the ground.


I only heard a voice coming, and I saw that it was a giant bird who was not willing to escape from the prey. However, the wings were swooped down, and the red beak with a hook in the tip screamed, and the claws with two claws turned toward The nearest Mu Mu grabbed.

Perhaps this giant bird thinks that this human child is a small one, and the lethality is not strong. As long as it is caught, it will be easier to take the prey to a full meal.

"Be careful!"

Not only Song Lingbo's father and son, but even the 12-member Song family also screamed at the same time. When they saw the giant bird catching the child, the instinctive wanted to cut it with the sword in his hand, but Worried about hurting the child, he quickly rushed to the front, but unexpectedly, when they saw the next scene, everyone immediately stayed where they were.

Mu Yan saw that the giant bird was holding the big claw of the eagle and grabbing him. He didn't even wrinkle his brow.

To be honest, he is a young man, but the number of animals he has killed is not counted, let alone a giant bird.

Originally, this giant bird did not dare to come down like other giant birds. Perhaps this matter has been turned over. He is a child, and naturally he will not chase such a group of giant birds called scorpion birds to pluck and kill. However, this one only feels that he is the one who has no power to bind his hands, and he wants to arrest him to be a food. In this case, he naturally cannot stand still and let it be.

What's more, the people who followed the Song family came to this forest in order to experience long experience, but the Song family felt that they were the children's estimated self-protection power. Under such circumstances, he felt that there was a hand necessary.

So, when the giant bird caught him, he violently pulled out the dagger in his boots and jumped quickly. He grabbed the hair of the giant bird and jumped into it. On the back, the hand fell off the knife, and the head of the food bird was cut off with a knife.

The **** slammed from the air and sprinkled on the ground, a sharp and screaming scream, and it was so horrified and frightened that the moment when the sound was heard seemed to have fallen. The head of the food bird was cut down and dropped. On the ground, the giant bird preparing to fly away from the wing also plunged down because of this sudden change.


The size of an adult-sized bird fell to the ground and faintly twitched a few times until the end of the body was completely stiff and broken.

The three sons of the Song family and the twelve Song family Jingwei were stupid, and looked at the scene in front of them with a stunned look.

This, this is too cow, right? Is the child's skill too good? And his reaction, is it too fast?

Was a giant food bird killed by him? Still cut the whole bird's head with a knife, you know, the bird's head is the size of an adult's arm...

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