Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 407: The eldest lady of Shangguan family

Picked up the beauty card and saw the girl's name: Shangguan Wan'er?

Seeing this name, Wu Tian frowned. He didn't expect the girl to rename Shangguan just now. Is she a member of Shangguan's family?

As far as he knows, there are not many people in Luzhou who have the surname Shangguan. Most of these surnames are members of the Shangguan family.

If that girl is really from the Shangguan family, it would be a coincidence.

Putting away the beauty card, Wu Tian glanced at the direction the girl was leaving, without saying a word, he took a taxi to leave here.

When he returned to Fort Effie, he found that several women were not at home, only Qinglong was cleaning the hall.

"Master, how is your injury? Is it better?" Qinglong put down the mop and couldn't help but caring.

"A little injury, nothing serious." Wu Tian finished answering this and told Qinglong, "Don't do these chores in the future. I will ask a few aunts to help you do it at that time."


"By the way, how about Xiaoxue and Sister Lan?"

"Officer Su and Chef Shen went shopping, Miss Huang Lan took Xiaofeng to the movie." Qinglong replied.

"Where is Secretary Long?"


"I see, you go back and rest." After Wu Tian said this, he turned and walked upstairs.

As soon as I went upstairs, I saw Long Yun coming out of the bedroom, "Master, I have done everything you explained."

"Bring the medicine box and follow me into the study." Wu Tian ordered and walked towards the study first.

After waiting for a few seconds, she saw Long Yun walk in carrying the medicine box, and without a word, she started to change Wu Tian's medicine.

After a few days of recuperation, the knife wound on his arm has healed, there is no major problem, only a few days can heal.

It wasn't until Secretary Long changed the medicine that Wu Tian couldn't help but ask: "Did you find out the situation of the Shangguan family in Luzhou?"


Long Yun nodded and said blankly: "The Shangguan family is composed of five major consortia in the country, and the Luzhou consortium is the weakest among several branches."

"Go straight to the point."

"The Shengshi Group is the core force of the Shangguan family in Luzhou."

"Shengshi Group?" Wu Tian naturally heard of Shengshi Group, which is the largest company in the entire Luzhou area, and it can be regarded as a giant enterprise.

This company has a wide range of operations, covering real estate, mining, automobiles, port trading, department stores, catering, etc., both in the real economy and in service industries.

Shengshi Group is a long-established enterprise with great influence in Luzhou, even in the entire Jiangnan Province, and it has a monopoly in port trade.

"The name of the chairman of the Shengshi Group is Shangguan Hongyuan, who is the cousin of the patriarch of the Shangguan family." Long Yun paused, and continued: "Shangguan Hongyuan's son is named Shangguan Junjie, the general manager of the Shengshi Group."

"Do they have one named Shangguan Wan'er?"

"Yes." Long Yun nodded and said, "Shangguan Hongyuan's daughter is Shangguan Wan'er."

"I didn't expect it to be." Wu Tian rubbed his chin with his hand, and strange light waves flowed in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, he drove a sports car into the sidewalk before and almost hit him. The owner of the savage car was really a member of the Shangguan family.

"Master, do you know Shangguan Wan'er?" Seeing Wu Tian's cousin, Long Yun frowned and asked.

"It's a coincidence that I saw Shangguan Wan'er on the street just now and I was almost hit by her car."

"Shangguan Wan'er has been spoiled since she was a child. She is domineering and self-willed. She has a typical eldest temper."

"This girl really lacks discipline." After Wu Tian finished speaking, he changed his tone and turned to look at Long Yun, "Secretary Long, tell me, how should we deal with Shangguan Hongyuan?"

"This one……"

Long Yun thought for a moment, and she was a little embarrassed: "With our current strength, confronting the Shengshi Group is simply a pebble attack. There is no chance of victory in a frontal confrontation.

"Then you help me think about it, and think of a comprehensive way to deal with Shengshi Group."

"Yes." Long Yun didn't speak any more and fell into a state of thought.

After a moment of thought, he tried to suggest: "Master, I don't think we can be anxious to deal with the Shengshi Group. We can only arrange for people to sneak into them, and then make peace with them inside and out, and break them in one fell swoop."

"It needs to be so complicated?"


"Is there a better way?"

"This..." Long Yuning frowned and shook his head, "At present, there is no better way."

"Can you directly buy over the senior management of Shengshi Group?"

"The risk is too great."

"Okay, I see." Wu Tian thought for a moment, then turned to Long Yun and said, "I need detailed information from the senior management of Shengshi Group now."

"Shengshi Group has a complex structure. There are many senior executives in their company, and there are countless branches. It will take some time to investigate."

"how much time is required?"

"one week."

"Okay, I'll give you one week." Wu Tian stretched out a finger and said: "One week later, give me the detailed information of all the senior executives of Shengshi Group, including the detailed information of the chief executives of its main branches."

"Yes." After Long Yun answered, she couldn't help but ask: "Master, did you think of a good way?"

"The Shengshi Group is equivalent to an elephant. We have to destroy each one, so that this elephant is covered with wounds and its internal organs are damaged."


"Well, you can go ahead and do nothing else."

"Yes." Long Yun responded and turned to leave the study.

Wu Tian sat at his desk in a daze for a few seconds, then pulled out a business and strategy book from the shelf and began to study it.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and doing business is like marching and fighting. If you want to find a way to become stronger, you must also defeat your opponents with the least I didn’t return to my room to sleep until late, and the next day was a while. A quick knock on the door was awakened. I thought it was Xiaoxue calling him to eat, but it was Sister Lan who knocked on the door.

"Sister Lan, so early?" Wu Tian stretched out and looked listless, thinking about the Shengshi Group's affairs late last night.

"It's getting late, the sun is tanning." Huang Lan walked into the room and leaned against the wall in an enchanting posture, "Have you seen a movie last night?"

"You mean the flowers bloomed that year?"


"Look, it's not bad."

"It's really good." Huang Lan nodded in agreement, and commented: "The plot is not procrastinated, and the actors have good acting skills. This is a good film."

"It's also thanks to Sister Lan for helping us select the best male character, otherwise the movie would not be so good."

"Then how are you going to thank me?" Huang Lan Mansion lowered her body, blinking two big attractive eyes.

Wu Tian smiled badly, and couldn't help but jokingly said: "Or I will repay Sister Lan with my physical appearance?"

"Sister, you're welcome." Huang Lan twisted her seductive slender waist and approached the bed step by step.

She knew Wu Tian was joking, so she was so unscrupulous and wanted to tease this silly boy in the past.

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