Prepare paper towels?

After seeing this scene, those netizens laughed disdainfully.

You think Su Chen is too exaggerated, you really think how awesome he is?

Netizens who do not believe in evil, with critical eyes, clicked on the small video on Weibo, and then...

Everyone was silent.

Seeing the stories told in the MV, listening to the faint singing in the ears... everyone's hearts seemed to be beaten hard.

Pain, painful!

At the beginning of the MV, the warm colors involuntarily made people fall into it.

In the video, a group of children formed a circle and sat on the sand. Among them, a red-eyed woman sat there looking at the faces of all the children.

And the children, as if they hadn't seen this woman, continued to play their games...

The atmosphere was once very strange.

At this moment, the video suddenly went dark.

The words "you when you were a kid" appeared abruptly throughout the video.

As soon as the picture turned, the children seemed to have finished playing, and each walked towards the home.

That woman also stood up from the ground. Following a little girl with a numb complexion, the little girl still did not notice her existence.

The next second, the little girl returned home. Pushing the door open, he quickly rushed into mother's arms. After the woman saw this mother, her eyes became even more red...

"Mom, I want to grow up quickly!" The little girl's crisp voice came to everyone's ears.

Mother froze for a moment, her eyes darkened unconsciously. Pamperingly rubbed the girl's head and asked: "Why do you want to grow up quickly?"

The girl didn't notice the change in her mother's eyes. She nestled in her mother's arms and said innocently: "Because I can grow up to have more friends, and there are more fun things!"

All these answers seem to be taken for granted.

But after seeing this, the people watching the video felt that their heart was severely beaten, and their eyes suddenly became red.

Stupid boy, what you are looking forward to grow up, but at the cost of the old woman in front of you!

The video continues...

In the evening, the girl's father returned from work outside. The years didn't seem to leave too many footprints on his face, and it was vaguely visible that he was also a handsome guy.

He returned home, carried the child on his shoulders, smiled and asked her how to celebrate her birthday next week.

The girl thought for a while and said happily, she should call all her good friends home, and then share her dolls with them.

The father laughed and agreed to all the demands of his daughter. Mother was watching this scene while cooking, but her eyes were a little lost, she didn't know what she was thinking.

That ghost-like woman, covering her mouth at this time, started sobbing softly.

The picture turned again, and on the girl's birthday, many friends came. It's not even a small home, and it's almost impossible to squeeze it.

When making a wish, the girl’s innocent voice appeared in everyone’s eyes in the form of subtitles:

I want to be with my friends forever, I want to grow up faster, I want to be happy every day...

Everything is so beautiful.

Everyone’s faces were filled with smiles, only the ghost-like woman, howling and crying...

Suddenly, the picture in the video freezes there.

The color of the whole picture has also become black and white without emotion.

To be continued...

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