Powerful computing power can only increase the speed of scientific research, and only the collision of different ideas can produce sparks of new technology.

Even the Zerg in fantasy works will create some individuals with independent thinking. It is best to compare the ideas of these individuals with the ideas of the theme to draw the optimal conclusion.

Before, Cochise was a tool controlled by the vampire's body, but now he is in control of his own body.

"Who are you anyway?"

Cochise looked at Suellen. He had heard many legends about vampires, but they were all lies. Such creatures did not exist in reality.

He is now dominated by human thinking, but the hierarchical suppression among vampires is still there. He can ask, but cannot disobey Su Lun's orders.

"You can call me Dracula." Suellen remembered the name of a certain vampire protagonist in the movie.

He uses a clone, and his name is the same. Since the name Dracula fits his current identity, he will use it directly.

Cochise was stunned when he heard this. Of course he knew what Dracula was referring to.

Although he doubted the authenticity of the name, he did not question it. No matter what Su Lun's name was, he became a member of the vampire clan.

Moreover, Su Lun also made his thinking normal so that he would not be affected by the vampire's body.

Seeing that the other party lowered his head and said nothing, Su Lun felt a little bored.

He waved his hand and said: "You go find some people who are motivated but unsuccessful, and find a way to turn them into the same kind."

The ancestor of the Vampire Clan has absolute life and death control over the lower-level Vampire Clan, so he does not need to consider many things when developing his power here. As long as someone becomes a Vampire Clan, he is a member of them.

Cochise didn't know why Su Lun was looking for this kind of people. He immediately said: "There are many people like this in this city. These people have ideals and ambitions, but they don't have any ability. They can only make small fuss. There is no way to change society as a whole.”

This is a backward country in the old continent. It once had a glorious civilization, but due to the decline of the country, the cohesion of the civilization is gradually disappearing.

"Ability can be learned, but thought is the most important thing for a person."

Su Lun doesn't care what the other party's identity is, as long as the other party has a heart to move forward, that is the target he is looking for.

Cochise nodded and immediately followed the instructions. He was a policeman, and this status gave him a wide network of contacts. He knew all kinds of people.

Before leaving, he glanced at the black liquid in the corner and the various equipment in the basement.

This is his home, and he knows very well what is in the basement. The original basement did not have these things at all.

Although he didn't know where these things came from, he guessed that Su Lun was by no means just a vampire.

Cochise walked out, and Suellen picked up the potion in front of him and waved it in front of his eyes.

The inhibitory potion he made this time can be specially used for the vampires, and this place can also be used as a production factory to produce inhibitory potions.

With the Shoggoths around, there would be no problem at all in making these things.

"Although the vampire's abilities are good, they also have serious side effects."

Su Lun is holding a suppressive potion. This potion is needed for the vampire's ability to be used normally.

He once thought about turning his body into a vampire, but now it seems that this is not possible.

First of all, there is the issue of the vampire class. His avatar is the ancestor of vampires. If the main body also becomes a vampire, the main body will take advantage of the vampire avatar as a vassal. He will not be stupid enough to do such a thing.

What's more, becoming a vampire will have the side effect of wanting to eat blood.

Su Lun thought about it and realized that what he wanted was the ability of the Vampires. After all, immortality and eternal life were the wishes of most people, not to mention that the Vampires also had the ability to heal themselves at high speeds.

He opened his palm and dropped the blood into a test tube for research purposes.

His current scientific research capabilities have improved a lot, both in terms of computing power and strength. The Qianxin Network and a large number of omni-devices have formed the strongest scientific research base on the earth.

"It's a pity that there are no clones in the clone system that focus on scientific research."

Su Lun recalled what happened before and shook his head. He had been searching in the clone system for a long time, but could not find a clone that could be used for scientific research.

When he used to play games and watch movies, he was very envious of those scientific research base vehicles, automation research institutes, scanner guns and the like. As long as he got the sample, he could study all the data immediately. But reality is not a fantasy. In reality, he wants to create something similar to The stuff is very difficult.

The only automated scientific research base he has now is Qianxin Network, and the bottle of vampire blood in front of him can be handed over to Qianxin System for research.

Su Lun asked Qianxin System: "How long will it take to fully analyze the vampire's abilities?"

[It takes one month to analyze the structure of the Vampire Clan, but the time it takes to analyze its principles cannot be determined. 】An emotionless electronic sound came from Qianxin System.

Su Lun currently only has a partial understanding of the vampires, and the inhibitory medicine was developed based on this part.

A month is neither long nor short, he can only wait slowly.

Su Lun handed the test tube to the Shoggoths and asked the Shoggoths to take the test tube from underground to the research base of Qianxin Network.

He walked out of the basement. There was no one in the villa, only a lot of messy items.

Now that the Thousand Hearts System has no results for the time being, and it is impossible for Cochise to develop too fast, he plans to go to the construction site of the psychic center to take a look.

Suellen left the villa. Before leaving, he used the construct to change the appearance of his body and try to make himself more like a human. He got into an old taxi and headed to the center of Gunburg.

Gunburg was once the castle of a nobleman, and his territory was very vast, so this place continued to be called Gunburg.

The place Suellen wants to go is the center of Gunburg, which is the former castle of the nobleman.

After a long time, Su Lun took a long time to reach his destination because the vehicle he was traveling in was too old and slow.

He came to a castle, which he said was very tall and magnificent, but it looked very dilapidated because of its age and disrepair.

There are not many people around, this place has been turned into a park for people to play, and the magnificent castle can indeed be a good attraction here.

Su Lun walked toward the castle while looking around, and he found that he was being watched.

Su Lun glanced at these people. They were dressed like gangsters, and they were obviously the local gangsters in this place.

He was speechless and said in his heart: "These people have noses like dogs. They can be encountered anywhere."

Su Lun sighed slightly. He often went to different places, and basically everywhere he went, there would be people like this coming out to cause trouble.

He was an outsider in this place. No matter where he was, outsiders were the easiest targets for evildoers. He was used to these things.

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