"Damn it!"

Ishizaka Ryo quickly retracted his hand. Although the wound on his hand was not deep, it was extremely painful.

He carefully picked up the black iron piece on the ground, and upon closer inspection he discovered that it was not an iron piece, but something like scales with many patterns on it.

The scales had a special luster, were very sharp, and were extremely hard. The wound on Ryo Ishizaka's finger was still aching.

What he didn't know was that the scales were covered with scale powder that was invisible to the naked eye. These scale powder had entered his blood circulation along the wounds, and the Mad Dragon virus spread rapidly in his body.

Ryo Ishizaka suddenly felt a little dizzy, and suddenly began to feel irritable.

"What's going on? Didn't you sleep well today?"

Ryo Ishizaka shook his head and climbed out of the pit, not paying attention to his changes.

"Takakura, pack this thing. This may be evidence left by the prisoner." Ishizaka Ryo handed the scales to the young policeman behind.

A young policewoman named Gao Cang packed the scales in an evidence bag. He noticed that Ryo Ishizaka was acting strangely, as if he was about to fall asleep.

She asked doubtfully: "Senior, are you okay?"

Ishizaka Ryo shook his head. His thinking was a little unclear. He patted his face and said, "Maybe he didn't sleep well. Let's quickly get rid of here...here..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly fell to the ground.


People around him immediately gathered around. They found that Ryo Ishizaka was still breathing and immediately called an ambulance.

Ishizaka Ryo still maintained a trace of sanity. He didn't know why he was unconscious. The scenes in front of him kept flashing before the ambulance came to him.

He was carried into the ambulance and the doctor examined him. The only thing he felt before he lost consciousness was that he was very angry, as if the Land Rover in his heart could not be vented.

The matter of the fiber optic cable being cut was taken over by other police officers.

Because the optical cable was disconnected, there was no Internet in the entire Elk Island. As a result, the spread of the incident was very slow, and everyone could only use mobile phones to communicate.

At the police headquarters on Elk Island, they constantly checked the surveillance cameras around the incident site, but could not find a single suspicious person. There were very few people going out at night on this island, and there were no people coming to such a remote place. They The clues were lost for a while, and the only clue left was the scale-like thing found by Ryo Ishizaka.

The scales have been sent to a testing agency for testing and it will take some time to get the results.

Gao Cang came outside Ishizaka Ryo's ward. She was waiting outside, feeling very strange in her heart.

She has worked with Ryo Ishizaka for a long time. Ryo Ishizaka is a police officer who has been in the police force for many years. He has no serious physical illness and will not faint for no reason.

In addition, she kept wondering who would destroy the fiber optic cable.

"The optical cable is disconnected and there is no network signal. The other party must have a bigger plan."

Although Gao Cang didn't know the purpose of destroying the optical cable, the matter was definitely not over yet.

She suddenly thought of something and immediately called the headquarters.

In addition to optical cables, signal transmission includes signal towers and satellites. Now that the optical cables are damaged, the next target is likely to be signal towers.

The call was dialed quickly, and Gao Cang immediately said loudly: "I suspect that the other party will destroy the signal towers on the island. Please send people to surround the signal towers!"

She was a little anxious, because it was related to the safety of the entire island. Once all the signal towers were destroyed, the island would be completely isolated from the outside world, and the only remaining way of communication was by ship.

The person on the other end of the phone immediately said, "I know what you're thinking, but this requires a lot of manpower. We can't transfer people at will until we get accurate information."

The person on the other side of the phone has more things to consider. If the only police and military on the island are mobilized at will, it will put the place without an army into a dangerous situation, because the island's military strength is very weak.

This island has neither economic value nor a large port or airport. Even if there is a world war, no one will come to this island, so there is no need to maintain too many troops.

Gao Cang had nothing to say and could only hang up the phone. She also knew that she could not mobilize people at will without evidence.

She could only hope to uncover more clues now.

She looked in the direction of the ward and waited patiently outside.

Time gradually passed, the sun dispelled the darkness and rose into the sky, but the treatment in Ishizaka Ryo's ward was not over yet.

The two doctors stood in front of the hospital bed and stopped. They thought at first that Ryo Ishizaka had fainted due to some kind of disease, but now they found that this was not the case.

Ryo Ishizaka's heartbeat is getting faster and faster, and his blood flow is faster than that of ordinary people.

A normal person would be close to death at this heart rate, but Ryo Ishizaka not only didn't look like he was about to die.

A joint test found that Ishizaka Ryo's brain activity was very fast, but he had not yet woken up.

The two doctors had never encountered such a situation. Just as they were about to change their treatment method for Ishizaka Ryo, a cloud of black energy slowly emerged from Ishizaka Ryo's body.

The black gas is like some kind of powder blowing in the wind, which looks very weird.

The doctors looked at each other and felt something was wrong, and they couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Ryo Ishizaka, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly stood up, and black gas was rising all over his body.

The powder accompanying these black gases continues to spread to the surroundings. These powders are the Mad Dragon Virus.

Ishizaka Ryo is transforming into a mad dragon. The characteristics of the mad dragon virus fill him with the desire to fight. He only has a trace of reason left to control his body.

But it was difficult for him to completely control his body with only his sanity. Like a madman, he rushed directly towards the two doctors.

Because there was too much noise, Gao Cang and some police officers who were guarding outside the ward immediately rushed into the ward.

Ishizaka Ryo manically destroyed everything in the room. His remaining sanity allowed him to control himself not to hurt others, but the Mad Dragon Virus prevented him from calming down.

"what happened to him?"

Gao Cang saw the crazy Ryo Ishizaka and did not dare to approach him, especially because the black energy on Ryo Ishizaka's body made him look like a monster.

One of the doctors survived Ishizaka Ryo's hands. He said tremblingly: "I don't know what happened, but he suddenly went crazy!"

Because Ryo Ishizaka was very manic, a police officer had already drawn his gun and aimed it at him.

But Ryo Ishizaka, who was unable to think normally, ignored the gun at all and rushed forward even if he was pointed at it.

Gao Cang saw that the situation was not right and immediately shouted: "Don't shoot!"

But it was too late. A young policeman was frightened and pulled the trigger.

A bullet directly penetrated Ishizaka Ryo's arm, and the severe pain made Ishizaka Ryo wake up a little.

He wanted to speak, but no words came out.

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