Su Lun, who had completed his transformation, immediately opened his eyes. Now that he has eyes again, he is like a phoenix reborn. His size and all aspects are much stronger than the Black Eclipse Dragon. Now he is the Celestial Dragon, a creature that exists in legend. The ancient dragon in.

With a flick of his tail, he directly knocked away Ishizaka Ryo, who was rushing towards him. Human beings were no more than ants to him now.

He looked at the sky. There was a roar in the sky, and several fighter planes were flying towards here quickly.

Because Su Lun's size increased again, the people on the fighter plane quickly discovered that Su Lun looked like a monster.

"Target found, prepare to launch missiles."

The commander of the fighter planes issued an order, and all fighter planes aimed at Su Lun on the ground.

Su Lun also guessed that these fighter planes were definitely not here for sightseeing. The outside world should already know the situation on this island. There is no doubt that the army will land on this island.

There are no intelligent creatures on this island. In the absence of intelligent creatures, the human army will treat the monster race as experimental subjects and will never show mercy.

If he were still the Black Eclipse Dragon, he would have no choice but to run away when encountering human fighters, but now that he has completed his transformation into the Sky Dragon, there is no guarantee that he will run away.

Su Lun flapped his wings. Although he was very big, he could fly easily.


The fighter commander gave an order, and ten missiles quickly flew towards Su Lun.

These missiles are full of explosives, and they will definitely be seriously injured if they are bombed.

Su Lun opened his mouth wide, and a stream of white breath spurted out from the big mouth.

The breath was like a laser, detonating the missile directly in the air and aiming at the flying fighter plane.

"Alert! Take cover immediately, the monster has counterattacks."

The fighter planes began to scatter in all directions, but the fighter planes could not fly faster than Su Lun's breath, and some fighters were still hit by the breath and exploded.

Su Lun closed his mouth and coughed. The violent energy emitted from his throat made him feel a little uncomfortable, and the breath consumed was very large, so he couldn't stop breathing.

"The Black Eclipse Dragon has completed its transformation, it's time for me to leave."

Su Lun fluttered his wings and flew towards another small island in the distance. This island was useless to him.

As Su Lun gradually moved away, Ishizaka Ryo, who had been hiding, dared to show up.

He was almost killed by a tail-flick just now. If it weren't for his body's powerful self-healing ability, he would have turned into a ball of flesh.

"The monster is gone, this island should be safe."

He breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the army lands on the island, the monsters on the entire island should be cleared.

However, what he didn't know was that the army had blocked the coast of the entire island, warships surrounded the island, and every road was heavily guarded.

The people on the island cannot leave the island because the island is regarded as an isolation area. No one can leave the island until the Mad Dragon virus is thoroughly studied.

Currently, Sakura Country attaches great importance to the situation on the island. When monsters appear all over the world, the country that contacts the monsters first will benefit more.

Just like the Kyushu Kingdom established the Dragon Bird Force by studying monsters, and the New Kingdom established the Tianshu Agency, the Sakura Kingdom also wanted to use this opportunity to establish its own army.

Ishizaka Ryo returned to the city. He was now fully awake and the Mad Dragon virus could no longer affect his thinking, so he was ready to leave the island and take a good rest.

He felt something was wrong before he even reached the city. Helicopters kept circling back and forth over the city, and armored vehicles blocked the roads.

Instead of hunting down the crazy creatures on the island as he imagined, the army began to build a fence and surround the city.

"What's going on? Why don't they evacuate everyone?"

Ishizaka Ryo felt strange. He was about to go find someone to ask, but an armored car drove up in front of him.

A group of special soldiers stepped out of the car and surrounded him, followed by a man wearing special combat clothing.

"Are you Ishizaka Ryo, the police chief of Elk Island?"

The man took out a photo, in which Ryo Ishizaka was fighting a big black bird. He compared the person in the photo with the person in front of him and gave a final nod.

"I'm Akira Yagi, a member of Section 9 of Sakura Country's special operations team. Please come with me."

The man spoke without any emotion, and had a sense of mystery about a special person.

Ishizaka Ryo frowned when he heard this, and asked: "What's going on? Why don't you evacuate everyone on the island?"

He wondered why this man came to him, but what was even more strange was why he didn't lead the people on the island to evacuate.

Akira Yagi explained: "You may not know yet, but the island is now full of a virus called madness. All living things will become crazy when exposed to this virus. Now the island has become a quarantine area. .”

"Once someone leaves secretly, the entire human society may collapse, so that's why we didn't take people to evacuate."

Ryo Ishizaka nodded. He now understood that he was infected with the same thing as those crazy creatures.

He thought for a while and chose to leave with Akira Yagi.

With the island sealed off, research is proceeding apace.

Any place related to monsters is where Dalian scientists gather. Any kind of monster will have a strong impact on the development of science.

If the monsters on the earth suddenly disappear from the world, using the things left by the monsters, the level of human science and technology can also rise to a higher level.

It's just that monsters don't suddenly disappear.

In the temporary experimental base on Elk Island, Akira Yagi explained to Ryo Ishizaka as he moved forward.

"We found a large amount of scale powder on the island. The crazy animals also had this kind of scale powder. After preliminary identification, these scale powder came from that monster. Everything that happened on the island was related to that monster."

Ishizaka Ryo nodded when he heard this. He had the same idea.

Akira Yagi continued: "I came here to find you because of your abilities. You need to conduct a lot of experiments to investigate your abilities clearly."

"You should know that the major countries in the world have set up special forces to deal with monsters. These troops all have special abilities. Our Sakura Country is not a match for these countries at all."

"Now that the international pressure on Sakura Country is increasing, we need a truly special team to have a bargaining chip. You are our hope."

He told all about the current situation, because of the changes in Ryo Ishizaka, as long as this change is copied to the soldiers of the special forces, Sakura Country will have a powerful special forces and will have the confidence to deal with international affairs.

Ishizaka Ryo didn't expect that there were so many reasons. He felt that his ability to maintain his sanity might be due to his special physique. He had seen many humans who transformed into mad dragons and turned into madmen. As long as they did not become mad, they could fully control the mad dragons. ization ability.

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