Monster clones from all over the world

Chapter 299 Research Center

Su Lun looked around and saw that there were more than one anesthetic needles around.

He felt that this place was getting more and more dangerous. It should be a small island, but it was not recorded on the charts, which meant that there must be something special about this island to avoid appearing on the charts.

Moreover, the dosage of those anesthetics is too large. Even for the previously discovered demon wolf affected by the deep sea extract, only one bottle of anesthetics is enough. Such an amount of anesthetics can only be used on very huge creatures.

Su Lun continued to move forward for a while, and he saw a wooden hut, and there was a sentry-like building next to the hut.

But he didn't see anyone.

Su Lun slowly walked towards the cabin, trying not to make too much noise.

There were no disturbing beasts around, so Su Lun quickly touched them.

The door of the wooden house was missing, and there was still a pool of blood at the door. The mess around it showed that a battle had occurred here.

Su Lun saw the monster's scratches on the ground, and more importantly, he found traces of bullets, and there were quite a few.

"There are bullets, which means there are police or military here."

Su Lun frowned, because this was a trip, and even Lin Yun, a police officer, would not carry a gun, so these bullets could only belong to other people.

He slowly walked toward the cabin.

Most of the contents inside the cabin were damaged, but the purpose of the place could still be seen.

Su Lun saw radio stations and desk phones, as well as many instruments of unknown use. Except for these mechanical things, everything else was destroyed.

He found no useful information, so he walked to the nearby outpost.

The outpost was built very high, and Su Lun quickly climbed to the top. There was also no one on top.

Standing on the outpost, Su Lun could see far away. The surrounding trees and grass had been cleared away, and the line of sight was very wide.

Su Lun saw a book on the outpost. When he opened it, he found some command records on it.

"After receiving the order, the base began to conduct testing, and no one was allowed to approach the base."

"After receiving the order, the test went wrong and some samples were leaked. The outpost reported any abnormalities immediately."

"After receiving the order, the base was destroyed, the test target escaped, and all personnel gathered outside the base."

Su Lun carefully checked all the commands recorded above. These commands were all related to the base and testing.

He saw a map at the end of the record, which marked the situation of any place on the island.

From this map, he discovered that this island turned out to be a secret experimental base.

This base is carrying out some kind of project. Su Lun saw a lot of words about dinosaurs in the project log. This base is researching things related to dinosaurs, but there is a problem now.

He rummaged through the post and finally found a revolver with only six rounds of ammunition.

Su Lun picked up the pistol and shook his head, thinking: "There are too few bullets, and there is not even a magazine left here."

He sighed and put the pistol on his body. Although the pistol was not very powerful, it could be used as a means of attack and could save his life in many situations.

Suellen finally walked out of the post and prepared to continue along the road.

Lin Yun is not here, she probably went to the base in front.

Su Lun looked at the map. There were many outposts on the entire island. The base was in the center of the island. It was surrounded by various outposts and guard locations. The security was very strong.

The security force here can be said to be very strong, and the densely packed outposts on the map are enough to protect the entire island.

But now that no gunshots were heard and no one was seen, the island's defense forces may have been completely wiped out.

Su Lun put away the map. If there was anywhere around where he could find Lin Yun, it would be the base not far ahead.

However, judging from the situation here, it is definitely not safe inside the base. The closer you get to the base, the more and more things related to the other world around you.

Su Lun left the outpost and continued to move forward. There was a research center between here and the base. Only after passing the research center could we reach the interior of the base.

He quickened his pace, taking advantage of the fact that it was still early. If he hadn't investigated the research center clearly after dark, he might have to be alone in the forest all night.

The island is huge and it takes a lot of time to walk across it, not to mention that the roads around it are not safe.

Su Lun found many strange things on the roadside, which were the remains of various creatures.

What surprised him was that no larger animals were found around him. In theory, there should be no shortage of large beasts in the forest, but now there are none.

When Su Lun was approaching the research center, he noticed something was wrong.

On the road ahead, Su Lun saw some heavily armed people with guns in their hands and seemed to be patrolling.

But these heavily armed people are not normal people, but monsters in the other world.

Su Lun hid behind a bush to check. These people all had the unique aura of the other world, and coupled with the changes in their bodies, they basically could no longer be called human beings.

These people had distorted faces and many scars on their bodies. They looked like they had been attacked by wild beasts.

Moreover, these people were pale, and Su Lun found that these people were very similar to the living corpses he had seen in the hospital before.

Living corpses are living corpses. Anyone who dies may become a living corpse, and corpses that come into contact with the other world are more likely to become living corpses.

This island can be said to be completely covered by the other world, and people who die on the island have a high chance of becoming living corpses.

Su Lun carefully walked around these zombies. Although these zombies had guns on them, the zombies had no intelligence and would not be able to use firearms. However, it would be troublesome to attract the attention of these zombies, so it was best to go around them carefully.

The research center is located above a waterfall, and on the side of the waterfall, a strange monster immediately caught his attention.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Su Lun looked at the creatures under the waterfall and couldn't help but question. Although he himself was considered a monster after undergoing the fir ringing ceremony, the monster below was obviously even stranger.

The monster under the waterfall looks like an orangutan, but what is strange is the pair of forelimbs in front of it.

The monster's forelimbs are very thick, and each forelimb has five long and narrow claws. These claws are very sharp and even have a metallic sheen.

The monster roared wildly. It jumped on the vines and climbed up. Where there were no vines, it directly stabbed its claws into the rocks to climb.

Rocks are as fragile as tofu to monsters.

Su Lun immediately felt bad when he saw this scene. This monster was completely beyond the scope of ordinary creatures.

Although the vines formed by his cedar ring ceremony are sharp, they are not capable of breaking stones like monsters.

Moreover, the monster is very ferocious, with a ferocious face showing a mouth full of sharp teeth, and it is also very fast. The opponent's terrifying claws have no impact on its forward speed.

"The monster's claws are so sharp, let's just call it a Dreadclaw."

Su Lun gave the monster below a name. He had never seen this kind of creature before, and the name Dreadclaw suited the monster below very well.

It was obvious that he had broken into the opponent's territory, and the Terrorclaw now ran out to drive him away.

Although the monster looks terrifying, Su Lun will not retreat because of this. Only by constantly fighting in the face of fear will he become stronger and stronger.

Moreover, Su Lun was interested in the opponent's claws. Although his fangs were strong, his attack method was too simple. If he could devour the claws of the fused Terrorclaw, he would be much stronger.

"Your claws are beautiful, but soon they will be mine."

Su Lun smiled sinisterly and rushed towards the Dreadclaw.

His fir-circling ritual requires a large number of monsters for testing, and this monster is a good test sample.

It's different from the living corpses outside. There are too many living corpses to deal with. There is only one monster here.

The Terrorclaw became even more angry after seeing Su Lun's actions. No creature had ever dared to face it directly. All creatures that came into this place were turned into a pile of skeletons.

It kills all intruders, cutting its enemies in half with its claws.

Su Lun did not run away, but he was not a fool either. He knew very well that the opponent's claws were very dangerous and he could never confront the opponent head-on.

Vines sprouted from his hands, covered with tooth-like spikes.

He rushed forward, grabbed the Dreadclaw and dragged it to the ground. This was on the vines on the wall of the waterfall. The terrain was very unfavorable to him, and the ground was his home court.

The vines obviously couldn't bear their weight and broke instantly, and they fell to the bottom of the waterfall.

Only then did Su Lun realize that there were white bones and rotting corpses under the vines on the ground. These bones had been chopped into two pieces, and they were obviously killed by the Terrorclaw.

The Terrorclaw kept swinging its claws, and Su Lun kept dodging. Sometimes he couldn't completely dodge, and a deep blood mark was immediately drawn.

Su Lun was not completely at a disadvantage. While avoiding the attack, he also attacked the Terrorclaw. Several dark green scars appeared on the Terrorclaw's body.

The corrosive fangs began to work. The poison slowly spread throughout the body of the direclaw, and the wounds began to rot.

However, the vitality of this Terrorclaw beast is much stronger than that of ordinary creatures. Apart from its movements being slower than before, it does not appear to be poisoned at all.

Su Lun was not in a hurry. Being infected by his corrosive poison, it was only a matter of time before the other party died.

After a while, the Terrorclaw finally fell to the ground, and Su Lun was exhausted.

You can see that the body of the Direclaw is covered with rotten wounds, but it can still persist for such a long time despite so many wounds, which shows how tenacious the Direclaw is.

Su Lun was not idle either, he immediately started to devour the Terrorclaw beast.

Su Lun said without thinking: "Fusion!"

He had been thinking about the claws from the beginning, and it was best to integrate them.

The fir-circling ceremony was quickly completed, and Su Lun felt severe pain in his limbs. However, having experienced the fusion of fangs for the first time, he endured the pain this time, and cold sweat continued to break out on his body.

Dark claws sprouted from his limbs, replacing the original nail claws.

The fear claws are harder, and he found that the fear claws can be extended and retracted at will, and can be retracted when not needed, without affecting his running.

Su Lun raised his hand and looked at his new claws. The claws were extremely black and had a metallic luster. They were about 7 centimeters in length and could be retracted freely.

The claws reminded him of Wolverine in the movie, and he looked similar to the wolf.

He found a calf-sized tree nearby and slashed hard with his claws, and the tree was immediately cut in half.

"The Terror Claw is comparable to a metal knife, and the skin of the monitor lizard cannot stop the Terror Claw at all."

Su Lun still remembers that his own sharp claws did no harm to the monitor lizard. If it had been replaced by the current Terrorclaw, the monitor lizard would not have been able to survive a round in his hands.

Su Lun looked back and forth at his attributes. The fastest way for him to grow was to merge with new forms and gain new abilities.

He is now more than ten times stronger than his original form.

However, he has not found a bloodline so far. There is no bloodline in either the giant lizard or the Dreadclaw.

But this is also expected, generally only powerful and ancient creatures have bloodline, such as giant dragons.

Normal creatures can only gain new forms, such as claws and fangs.

Su Lun is quite satisfied with his growth rate. His current size has reached one meter. He is not a dominant overlord in this jungle, but he is still one of the best.

Suellen retracted his fear claws and looked at the spacious cave behind him.

He wanted to find out why there were special red fruits here, why the Dreadclaws were here, and what must be hidden in the cave.

Su Lun slowly moved forward into the cave. His steps were very light and he made no sound.

There was light flashing inside the cave. Su Lun thought someone was inside, but when he got closer, he discovered that the ore in the cave actually glowed.

Su Lun grabbed one of the ores. These stones had sharp edges and corners, not like the stones in the cave at all, but rather like artificially polished stones.

This made him even more curious and he kept going.

The cave was not very deep, and Su Lun quickly reached the end of the cave.

The cave is covered with vine roots, and the vines outside grow from this cave.

In addition to the tree roots, there is a decayed wooden table in the cave. The table is filled with glass bottles of different sizes, and there is a human skeleton in the corner.

You can tell from the dust on the bones that this place has obviously been abandoned for a long time.

Su Lun didn't know exactly where this place was, but one thing was certain, there were humans in this world.

Su Lun looked around in the cave. There were many glass bottles in the cave, which felt a bit like a chemical laboratory.

"Is this person doing chemicals?"

Su Lun thought for a moment and found that this was the only reasonable guess at the moment. Moreover, he found something like a collar in the cave, and the collar was cut off by something sharp.

The direclaw outside is probably a pet that has been staying here since its owner died.

Su Lun shook his head and left the cave. He found no useful clues inside.

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