Su Lun used subspace to teleport several people to a location where no one would disturb them, and at the same time spread the aura of the subspace evil god around them, so that the subspace monsters would not dare to enter this place.

Moreover, this place is remote, and no one will find it as long as they don't take the initiative to expose it.

Su Lun said to several people: "You stay here and don't leave until the turmoil in the subspace subsides."

Several people nodded while looking at the surrounding environment. They had already seen that Su Lun was stronger, so they had no objection. It was best to be able to avoid danger safely.

Su Lun turned and left. He came to the sky above Tianchu Empire. Through his strong perception of subspace monsters, he could see traces of monsters in many places on the ground.

Tianchu Empire will not be captured by subspace monsters so easily. Tianchu has a large number of divine power users under his command. Although these divine power users are not as good as the subspace evil gods, their strength is definitely not weak.

Su Lun's goal is Tianchu's capital, but he must investigate it carefully before going there.

In addition to the divine power users, there were many forces secretly observing, and he didn't want to be taken advantage of by others after he worked hard to survive.

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He called out Qin Nianxue who was on top of him and asked, "How much do you know about the imperial capital and the emperor?"

Qin Nianxue is the princess of Tianchu. Although she is a poor princess, as a royal family member she should know the empire very well.

"The capital is heavily guarded. Only the royal family and those with permission can enter. There is a divine power envoy in the realm of destruction who guards the capital and never leaves."

Qin Nianxue began to explain, and she continued: "In addition to the divine power users of the Destruction Realm, there are also more than ten people in the Illusion Realm and more than a hundred people in the Death Realm. These are strong men stationed in the capital. If necessary, the empire can bring strong men from all over the world Everyone is summoned to defend the capital."

She has been completely controlled by Su Lun, so knowing what Su Lun is thinking, it is very difficult to forcefully attack with Su Lun's ability.

Su Lun thought for a moment, and it was useless even if he broke in alone. He needed a group of subordinates who were loyal and capable of managing the situation.

The only people who are most suitable to be his subordinates now are psykers, because psykers' abilities come from the psychic wind and subspace. He is now a weak subspace evil god, and he is more than enough to control some psykers with his abilities.

Suellen stretched out his hand, and the psychic wind began to gather on his palm, forming black balls one after another.

These orbs contain the powerful power of the psychic wind, each with a powerful effect. Selun will use these things to create a large number of psykers.

The greater the number of psykers, the greater the power of the Warp, which also benefits him.

With a thought in Su Lun's mind, these spheres containing a large amount of psychic wind were immediately transmitted by satellites to all parts of the world. Whoever picked up these spheres would have the opportunity to become a psychic.

At the same time, he issued orders to Diqin and others and began to integrate forces to prepare for the next battle.

The Familia scattered all over the place were also mobilized. Using the transmission ability of the satellite, he could switch the Familia at any location at will, so the Familia moved very quickly.

After getting ready, Su Lun rushed to Tianchu's capital.

In order to avoid exposing his subspace identity, he did not use subspace teleportation, but used satellite teleportation, which would not attract too much attention.

Moreover, he also has a military identity. His identity as the Dragon Blade Military can still be used. Although he is just an ordinary member of the Dragon Blade, it can still provide a lot of benefits.

The northern part of Tianchu is a cold place covered with snow all year round.

Snow is flying outside, and the snow on the ground can cover a person's calves. The cold wind blows, and the low-temperature air makes the ice and snow even colder.

A nearby police station was glowing with light. There was heating inside the police station. It was the only warm place in the snow. People enjoying the heating inside were not only police officers, but also criminals.

"I am not a robber, you have arrested the wrong person!" Li Qinwu yelled in the interrogation room.

He has short black hair and is very young. It is now minus ten degrees, but he is wearing very little, wearing short sleeves and boxer shorts.

Li Qinwu was tied to a chair, his hands were locked behind the chair, and his feet were locked with the legs of the chair. It was difficult for him to do even a simple action like standing up.

There was also a white policeman in the interrogation room. The policeman was covered in fat. He took the baton in his hand and stabbed Li Qinwu in the stomach.

"I ask you again! Where are your accomplices?" the police shouted.

The baton in his hand was merciless, more like venting his anger than interrogating the prisoner.

Li Qinwu curled up because of the pain. He took a breath and bared his teeth and said, "I already said it just now. I was just passing by. I don't know who the accomplice you are talking about is!"

The policeman hit Li Qinwu with a stick again. As he did so, he whispered: "I'm going out to smoke a cigarette. You'd better know something when I come back."

He seemed to have had enough fun and walked out of the interrogation room with a smile. Before leaving, he did not forget to open the window for the man to let the cold wind and snow blow in from the outside. Finally, he closed the door of the interrogation room, leaving the man shivering in the cold wind.

"Damn fat pig!" Li Qinwu spat towards where the policeman left. He had already scolded all the other person's relatives in his heart.

He was very angry, but being angry couldn't get him out of here, he had to calm down.

And it all started a few days ago.

In a building in the lower world, a vivid advertisement appeared on Li Qinwu's computer screen. Li Qinwu clicked the red cross in the upper right corner at an extremely fast speed.

"What the hell, my newly installed computer actually has pop-up ads."

Li Qinwu felt as if he had eaten a fly. He was saving humans in the game just now, but now he was interrupted by an advertisement and had no interest in continuing to play.

What annoyed him even more was that there was another ad after the ad.

Behind the advertisement is an extremely deep dark space, as if it is another world.

The latter advertisement is very simple, with only one line of text and two options: no, no one in their right mind would click on it.

Li Qinwu had no interest in this game. Just when he wanted to close the advertisement, he suddenly discovered that the advertisement did not have an exit button.

"Do you think I'll click on it?"

Li Qinwu smiled and called up the task manager, found the advertising program and clicked the button to end the task.

At this moment, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in front of him and sucked Li Qinwu in.

Li Qinwu had no idea what happened. It might be a joke from the gods, or it might be some kind of coincidence. When he woke up again, he was already in another place, a land of ice and snow.

Cold was the only thing Li Qinwu felt.

The extremely cold ground made Li Qinwu jump up. He kept rubbing his palms while observing his surroundings.

"I was taken to the Antarctic?" Li Qinwu complained in his heart.

He is still wearing summer clothes, with short sleeves on the upper body and shorts on the lower body. If he is really taken to the Antarctic, there are only two words waiting for him: waiting for death.

But he soon changed his mind because he saw a strange train passing quickly, and there seemed to be no train in Antarctica.

There is a car rushing towards this side on the other side of the train. The train will not slow down, and the car has no intention of avoiding it. Instead, it speeds up.

In Li Qinwu's shocked eyes, the train hit the rear of the car, causing the car to skid and roll over in the snow, and finally hit a big tree before stopping.

Three men wearing black hoods stepped out of the car. They looked around warily, as if they were fleeing.

There was a siren approaching in the distance, and Li Qinwu stared at this scene like a movie scene with wide eyes.

"The police are chasing him, is he a fugitive?"

Li Qinwu was surprised that the police had already chased him. He quickly hid in a nearby corner to avoid being seen.

Several robber-like people were forced to have no way to escape, and they all stopped and prepared to deal with this group of policemen.

Just when Li Qinwu thought that these robbers would be caught by the police, the figures of the robbers suddenly changed, and all three robbers turned into monsters.

Li Qinwu was startled. He was just an ordinary person. He had never seen such a monster before. It was good enough that he didn't scream in fear.

The police immediately opened fire, but several monsters were not afraid of bullets. These bullets passed through the monster's body without causing any harm.

The situation suddenly reversed, and the police who were originally chasing the criminal began to retreat.

At this moment, a light suddenly flashed in the sky, and in Li Qinwu's shocked eyes, a person suddenly appeared in the sky.

As soon as the man pointed his hand, a large number of invisible swords immediately appeared around him, and the invisible swords instantly pierced the bodies of several monsters.

This time the monster fell directly to the ground, and the man quickly disappeared, leaving only the police to clean up the mess.

"I'll go, what just happened?"

Li Qinwu almost thought he was hallucinating. If the cold wind next to him hadn't made him extremely cold, he would have thought he was dreaming.

He felt that this was no longer the world he was in before.

While he was thinking, he was soon discovered by a group of police officers.

"Now! Put your hands up!"

The police pointed their guns at Li Qinwu. If Li Qinwu made any movement, they would shoot immediately.

"Don't shoot! I..." Li Qinwu was about to explain when he saw a small cylindrical object thrown over.

"Grenade? No, it's a shock bomb!"

Li Qinwu immediately recognized what it was.

Shock bombs, also known as shock stun bombs, can emit strong light and noise to make the target incapacitated.

Li Qinwu lay down immediately before he could think about it. He endured the cold and buried his head in the snow, while covering his ears tightly with his hands.

This was the best protection method he came up with with his half-experienced military knowledge. As for the magical operation of picking up the bomb and throwing it back, he really couldn't do it.

The shock bomb exploded instantly. The bright light and noise made Li Qinwu feel like he had been punched all over his body. The severe tinnitus made Li Qinwu faint.

When he wakes up, he reaches a warm place, which is the police station, and he is the criminal in the police station.

Li Qinwu glanced around the interrogation room. There was a recording device on the table in front of him, and there was a camera facing him in the corner of the interrogation room.

Because of the cold wind, the pain in his body gradually subsided and his thinking became clearer.

"Iron windows, iron doors, iron chains, what a big surprise."

Li Qinwu smiled bitterly in his heart. He was actually caught as a criminal, and the police here didn't look like good people at all.

He has no accomplices at all, he just appeared here inexplicably.

The cold wind next to him made his thinking speed slower and slower, and his body gradually became cold. If no one came to close the window for him, he would freeze to death here.

Just when he was desperate, a black ball fell through the thick roof and fell in front of him.

This black ball seemed to have a special power that attracted him. Before he could react, the black ball penetrated into his body.

"What's this?"

Li Qinwu had seen strange things before, so he was not too surprised by things like black balls, but he was shocked when the black ball penetrated his body.

At the same time, he felt a force, a strange and powerful force.

In his eyes, there was a unique air flowing in front of him, and this air was the source of power.

The black ball just now transformed him, allowing him to use this air, which is called psychic wind.

At this moment, the policeman outside came back again, holding a baton and ready to teach Li Qinwu a lesson.

The policeman closed the window to prevent the cold wind from blowing in. He looked at Li Qinwu and said, "I gave you enough time, have you figured it out now?"

Li Qinwu lowered his head, making his expression unclear. He was actually trying to use the power that the black ball gave him.

Soon he mastered the technique of utilizing the psychic wind. This technique is not difficult and can be learned as long as you work hard.

When the policeman saw that Li Qinwu did not move at all, he immediately picked up his baton and prepared to hit Li Qinwu on the head.

At this moment, Li Qinwu suddenly broke free from the iron chain on the chair and directly grabbed the policeman's baton, preventing the policeman from moving.

Li Qinwu looked around. This is the police station. Dealing with this policeman will attract people from outside. , not to mention the powerful mysterious man he saw before.

So he has to be careful about leaving unless he has the ability to fight anyone.

The moment he grabbed the baton, he immediately strangled the policeman's neck with his other hand, and at the same time unplugged the wires of the tape recorder and camera in front of him.

He had no intention of killing the policeman, so he said with force: "Tell me where is this place? What happened to those monsters before? And that person who suddenly appeared in the sky? Speak down and don't be disturbed by the outside world. people heard it.”

The fat policeman never expected that this ordinary man would be able to catch him. He wanted to ask for help, but his neck was only a few millimeters away from Li Qinwu's palm. If Li Qinwu made a move, he would not be able to escape, and his life would be at risk, so he decided to obey Li Qinwu.

He explained: "Those monsters used to be subspace monsters disguised as humans. Now the monsters are invading. Our job is to maintain order for ordinary people. After discovering the monsters, we will hand them over to powerful people to deal with them."

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