Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 754 Ghost Story

Above the clouds, the royal airship heading back to East Doruma sailed slowly in the wind.

In the cabin, the hunters of the Silver Edge Hunting Group gathered together, they closed the door and discussed something.

"Hey! Aren't you guys really telling ghost stories?" After listening to Gordon and Hayata's narration, Fengying rubbed the goosebumps on her arms, feeling terrified in her heart.

"Is it possible that you are thinking too much, meow?"

Pork Chop rationally analyzed, "Maybe I just met a nervous guy wandering around in the middle of the night, and then you drank too much, so don't you remember your image clearly?"

"This possibility cannot be completely ruled out." Hayata frowned, "But this is a bit weird, and we dare not fool it with a fluke mentality."

Fengying began to analyze from the perspective of conspiracy theory, her tone was dark, "Maybe hallucinations or something? For example, you were given hallucinogenic drugs, so you saw some strange things."

"Basically impossible." Anshir interrupted suddenly.

Gordon asked with some uncertainty: "What do you mean is basically impossible?"

"What I mean is, the two situations mentioned by Zhu Chop and Feng Ying are basically impossible."

Anshir's gaze stayed on Gordon and Hayata for two seconds respectively, and continued: "If you are the only one who sees it, I tend to be dreaming.

But if two people saw it, it would be too difficult to explain.

Dreams are very vague things. I dreamed of a person last night. When I woke up the next day, let alone the clothes and appearance, it was hard to tell whether the person was a man or a woman.

You have memorized many details, although there are many inconsistencies, but this is worth paying attention to.

As for the situation Feng Ying mentioned, there are many drugs that can cause hallucinations, such as stimulant mushrooms, but the hallucinations are often uncontrollable.

If you were really drugged, what you saw last night should have been more 'surreal', like the house came to life, Ted grew his hair long, twenty Babacca danced around you or something of.

So my point is, you guys did experience some weirdness last night.

The girl in ancient costumes, the unidentifiable appearance, the endless motto, all of these are very likely to be real.

It's a warning from something. "

Feng Ying swallowed her saliva, "So, there might really be a ghost?"

"It's not impossible for you to understand in this direction." Anshir said helplessly, "It's really hard to say the two points of coming and going without a trace, and the blurred image.

But I think we should pay more attention to that warning first, rather than worrying about whether the girl is a ghost or not. "

Gordon fiddled with the sketch portrait on the table, and said with a smile: "Anshir is right, but to be honest, I thought your point of view would be more materialistic."

"You have misunderstood materialism." Anshir gave Gordon a sideways glance. "Even if there are ghosts in the world, as long as they can be perceived, it means that they exist objectively, but we still can't explain the cause."

Gordon held up his hands in surrender, "Let's stop the philosophical discussion, the key is what we do next.

What is a tower? Who is making noise and who should be solved? What is the 'king'? "

"The few of us have a limited range of knowledge. It is meaningless to guess here. We should inform the guild and scholars, they may have some clues."

"But, would anyone believe such a strange thing?" Hayata asked worriedly.

"It depends on who said it and how it is said." An Xier said with a smile: "If you let Fengying say it, no one will believe it, but if Mr. 'Brave' speaks, the effect may be different."

"Hey! What do you mean!?" Feng Ying stared discontentedly.

An Xier ignored her, he picked up the sketch and shook it, "This is also very important, compared to verbal descriptions, straightforward images are easier to convince.

I was just convinced by this sketch, the details are too clear to dream about. "

Gordon thought for a moment, then nodded, "I probably know, who should I talk to about this first."

Time flies when you have something planned in your mind.

Two days and nights later, the royal airship arrived in East Doruma.

Gordon declined the invitation of the prince and princess to take them on a tour of the castle, and led everyone away in a hurry on the grounds that "they have something to report to the guild".

The second prince scratched his head, and the third princess felt aggrieved and dissatisfied, but Prima, the guard, could understand—she felt the tense atmosphere of the Silver Border Hunters.

Being able to make a high-level hunter team feel nervous is probably not a small matter, at least it is much more important than going to the castle to play.

After briefly comforting the third princess, Prima looked at the back of Gordon and others leaving, and whispered to herself, "I wish everything goes well."

"Where did you get this picture?!" The old professor of the dragon race held the sketch, looking like he had seen a ghost.

Gordon smiled, feeling that he had found the right person.

Among the people I know, or are more familiar with, the professor is definitely the most "educated" one.

He has profound attainments in two completely different disciplines, biology and archaeology.

Especially in the field of biology, he is one of the absolute authoritative scholars even in the paleontological scribe team and the Gulong Observation Bureau, which are full of scholars.

Otherwise, he would not be the director of the Kuanglong Disease Research Institute.

Compared with biology, the main job, archeology is the professor's "hobby", but he has lived long enough, and even the depth of his hobby is far more than most archaeologists.

"I haven't seen a complete sample of the clothes, but this is undoubtedly the style of priests' clothing in the middle of the ancient era." The professor stared at the old eyes, his gaze was eager to burn through the drawing paper.

"In today's archaeological discoveries, only a small number of broken pieces of cloth have been unearthed, such as half a sleeve, and we cannot even restore a complete set of clothing styles.

Has there been any new progress in the archaeology of the remains of the ancient era? It shouldn't be, there is no reason for the old man not to know about the progress, but it is impossible for someone who has not seen the complete real thing to draw this picture.

So who drew this picture? "The professor grabbed Gordon and asked.

Gordon smiled and pointed to Hayata, "She drew it."

The professor wiped his glasses and stared at Hariyata.

Fengying at the side asked Anshir in a low voice, "Isn't it true that the complete clothes have not been restored yet? This can also confirm the age and type of clothes?"

An Xier glanced at her and explained: "It's like a jigsaw puzzle. You have been holding a jigsaw puzzle with only one-third of the pieces left over and over for many years. It is not easy to fill in the missing parts with your brain. Not sure if it's right or not.

But at this time, if you are given a complete pattern, you can immediately compare the two, because all the 'notches' can be perfectly aligned.

The completeness of the "original thing" is completely different from the stuff made up by the brain. "

"Like This."


Hayata, who was a little embarrassed by the professor's stare, stretched out her hand and waved it in front of the former.

An old dragonman who came back to his senses jumped onto the table and waved his arms, "Did you dig up the complete suit? This is unreasonable. After tens of thousands of years, can there still be complete fibers left?

No, how to save it can be discussed later, where did you dig it? ! Did you bring the real thing back? Is there protection on site? The old man immediately contacted the excavation team! "


Gordon interrupted the old scholar who was about to fly, "We didn't dig anything, but we met a person wearing this costume."

The dancing professor paused.


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