Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 29 Little secrets in the boys circle

College students who have just tasted the taste of freedom often become greedy for this pleasure. In daily life, few people get up before noon on weekends.

Bai Ding's world is like this.

The same goes for Wizarding University.

In the early morning, under the influence of habit, Zheng Qing got out of bed and followed Xiao Xiao to the playground for morning lessons.

After finishing his morning homework, he rolled back into bed and took a deep sleep.

Today is Saturday and there are activities in the class in the evening.

Based on past experience, he felt that he needed to save some energy in advance.

At noon, the dormitory was still very quiet.

The curtains on the balcony were ajar. The bright sunshine can only pass through the palm-wide gap between the curtains, showing its enthusiasm to the dim world.

This ray of sunlight fell on the desk in the center of the dormitory, forming a rectangular strip of light.

At one end of the light strip is a pot of withered daisies; at the other end is a cardboard box covered with a towel.

In the center of the light belt, the fat cat spread out and stretched itself into a long strip, unceremoniously occupying the remaining area of ​​​​the sun belt.

It squinted its eyes and snored with satisfaction. The tip of his tail curled up and down as he purred, not caring that some of his secret parts were exposed to the broad daylight.

Of course, no one in the house cared about the cat's wild behavior.

Everyone is immersed in their own world.

Dylan has always been active day and night. In Zheng Qing's impression, the curtain of the six-poster bed seemed to be always closed, and only the occasional head sticking out of the curtain made people realize that there was another resident in the bed.

Fatty Xin has a big heart and a fat body. On weekdays, several roommates have to work hard to keep him from being late for class; on this Saturday morning, everyone sympathized with him for his hard work and simply let him have a good sleep.

Zheng Qing has been in an extremely depressed mood since he and several fellow prisoners received punitive tasks from the school working committee last night. In this case, adequate sleep can effectively relieve inner depression.

Only Xiao Xiao, after finishing his homework in the morning, said he wanted to get familiar with the situation in the library and disappeared without a trace.

Before leaving, he thoughtfully set an alarm clock in the dormitory to remind several dormant creatures not to oversleep.

This reminder is very necessary.

Because at five o'clock this afternoon, Astronomy Class 08-1 had a class party on the pedestrian street. The two class leaders sternly reminded all freshmen to attend on time and not to ask for leave.

There are four departments in the first year of Jiuyou Academy, which are divided into four classes. They are Astronomy Class 08-1, Divination Class 08-1, Potion Class 08-1, and Alchemy Class 08-1.

Zheng Qing's class is Astronomy Class 08-1.

After a week of contact and running-in, the newcomers in the class have more or less understanding. But from Lao Yao's point of view, it is not enough. This class is not yet a big family.

So under the organization of Downton monitor, the freshmen of Astronomy Class 08-1 of Jiuyou College planned to have a party on Saturday afternoon.

Originally, the party was planned to be held in the classroom.

But when Downton applied to the school working committee, he was regretfully informed by the office that all classrooms had been booked.

After the philosophy class on Wednesday afternoon, the squad leader of Tang University held an impromptu class meeting to discuss the gathering.

According to his idea, everyone can hold this party in the bar on Beta Town Pedestrian Street.

But this idea is questioned by many.

On the one hand, many freshmen still have the shackles of their past lives and are shunned by a life of drinking and indulgence.

On the other hand, under this plan, the cost of the party would rise to prohibitive levels. According to Downton's rough estimate, if the party is held on the pedestrian street and the expenses are shared equally, each person will need to pay at least one golden bean.

For more frugal students, one golden bean is basically one month's living expenses. In the eyes of many, the new squad leader's plan is a bit too extravagant.

After a group of young wizards who were not financially free had been arguing in the classroom for a long time, the head teacher of Downton paid all the expenses for the party with a wave of his hand.

Then everyone shut up.

This kind of wealthy behavior made Zheng Qing feel like he was filled with tears.

So, after a long nap on Saturday, in the setting sun that was almost falling below the horizon, Zheng Qing and Xin finally lazily got up and strolled towards Beta Town in their school robes.

The alarm clock set by Xiao Xiao is a magic rooster.

But he obviously ignored Fat Cat Tuantuan's resentment towards this kind of magic.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, when the magic rooster cracked the eggshell, climbed on the table, and was about to cheer up and sing loudly, a cat's paw pinched the rooster's throat with perfect accuracy, blocking the crow that escaped his throat back to his stomach. inside.

For fat cats, the most important thing after eating and drinking is to sleep.

No one can interrupt Master Cat's lunch break at will.

Not even a rooster!

"If I hadn't glanced at my pocket watch, we would have been late!" Zheng Qing boasted to the fat man next to him.

"Even if you don't look at the watch, you won't be late." Fatty Xin curled his lips disdainfully and patted his belly: "Put the biological clock here. My belly is not that stupid rooster."

"Would you like to eat something first?" Zheng Qing hesitated and suggested, looking at the various delicious snacks on both sides of the pedestrian street.

It's now past four in the afternoon, the last moment of leisure before the evening rush hour. Shopkeepers in small shops on both sides of the street are taking the time to recuperate and prepare for a wave of consumption.

Even the Maltose Knight and the Cane Sugar Soldier in the candy store have started new peace negotiations.

As the sun sets, there is peace and tranquility.

"Be patient." Fatty Xin swallowed, gritted his teeth and looked forward: "Not far ahead is the dinner place. Downton said he arranged a buffet. We went and started eating directly."

"Zheng Qing! Good afternoon!"

Zheng Qing turned around and saw a red figure waving to him.

He narrowed his eyes.

It was Elena, the gypsy witch in her class.

In fact, he had known this witch for a long time.

While on the special plane, the gypsy witch fell asleep all the way, leaving him no chance to strike up a conversation; when she clashed with Arthur's group of people on the pedestrian street, the gypsy girl came and went in a hurry, leaving only a few wounds. Zheng Qing's beautiful and graceful back.

Then he learned from Xiao Xiao that this witch was an exchange student at First University.

He originally thought that this was an unrequited love that ended before it even started, but he never thought that when God closed the window, he opened the door for him.

On the third day of school, this gypsy witch transferred to Astronomy Class 08-1 and became a transfer student.

"Good afternoon!" Zheng Qing also waved, with a bright smile on his lips.

Next to him, Fatty Xin had an ambiguous smile on his face and bumped his ribs with his chubby elbow.

Zheng Qing is very interested in this new witch, which is a generally accepted secret among boys.

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