Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 68 The cat’s owner

Jiang Yu did not wear a gorgeous robe today. Instead, like Zheng Qing, she wore the bright red robe of Jiuyou Academy.

However, compared with Zheng Qing's simple and normal way of dressing, she added several small changes when wearing her hospital gown.

For example, she used a very wide belt instead of the original three-finger-wide standard belt to slim down her beautiful figure; another example was that she tied a thin black ribbon around her neck with a bow.

The black ribbon hung casually from her chest, complementing the wide belt. The originally boring red robe suddenly turned into a fashionable outfit.

This surprised Zheng Qing.

Because this is not what a traditional wizard from a big family should look like.

Although he didn't have much contact, after getting to know each other during this period, he also learned about Jiang Yu's origins from many channels.

The Zhongshan Jiang family is a witch family as famous as the Qingqiu Su family and the Metropolitan Blair family. In these ancient families with a long history, the precepts of honor always accompany them.

As the great wizard Dan Qiuzi said:

"Time can rob you of your life, destroy your appearance, and consume your wealth. But it can do nothing about honor. History has forgotten the traces of countless lives, but it always remembers people such as the Emperor Enchanting and Augustus the Dragon Slayer. These dazzling names.”

Jiang Yu was born into such a family.

In Zheng Qing's impression, young people from this kind of family should be polite and strictly follow the rules and regulations of the wizarding world without breaking the rules.

This is not only related to their reputation, but also related to their family's honor.

"How is it? Is it beautiful?" Jiang Yu seemed to notice Zheng Qing's appraising gaze, and raised her chin to make her fair neck appear longer.

The black ribbon corresponded very clearly to the white skin, and Zheng Qing looked away in embarrassment.

"Is it okay?" Zheng Qing couldn't help but asked in the end: "Would it be inappropriate for you to dress like this in line with the rules of a big family like yours?"

"Rules?" Jiang Yu sneered: "If I listen to those old antiques in everything, I should go to Alpha Castle to stay honestly now... What, a little unexpected?"

"It's indeed a bit surprising." Zheng Qing admitted honestly: "Normally in class, I think you are very... very ladylike."

"I am very ladylike now." Jiang Yu folded her hands in front of her seriously and smiled without showing her teeth.

Zheng Qing touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed.

He couldn't help but look around: "Where's Li Neng? That stuffed bear of yours...didn't you bring it with you today?"

"Why did you bring it here?" Jiang Yu looked at him with strange eyes: "Li Neng is taking care of Mengmeng. Yesterday, the family sent a doctor to check it out. She needs to rest for a few days...but it will not affect her normal classes. , just can’t be strongly stimulated []”

Zheng Qing listened with envy to the personal doctor she mentioned in a nonchalant tone, feeling that he was a few centimeters shorter for no reason.

Although in fact he is indeed a little shorter than Jiang Yu.

"What's in the bag?" He sniffed and changed the subject: "It smells quite it the smell of fish? It also seems to have a bit of milk smell?"

"Are you a dog?" Jiang Yu's eyebrows were curved and the corners of her mouth were curved: "You can smell it!"

"I'm a foodie." Zheng Qing didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he poked his chest very proudly: "The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing. This is a common attribute of living things... Won't you give me a little taste?"

Jiang Yu waved her hand and said very apologetically: "This is not for you...this is for the cat."

Zheng Qing immediately thought of the dead cat in front of the rockery, and his mood fell again.

"Don't be so fragile." Jiang Yu mistakenly thought that he was frustrated because he couldn't eat, so he patted his shoulder comfortingly: "Mengmeng will feel better in a few days. I will take you to the pedestrian street for a big meal. You must go, Can’t refuse.”

Zheng Qing forced a smile and glanced at the bag she was carrying: "Do you still have a cat?"

"No." Jiang Yu showed a somewhat regretful look: "I like cats and want to keep them, but Jia Ci is allergic to cats, so I can't keep them. These snacks are for a kitten nearby. Its parents don't care about cats." I don’t know where it went. The little guy hasn’t been weaned yet, so I secretly raised him..."

"What color is this cat you are talking about?" Zheng Qing had an unpleasant thought in his heart.

"White, short-haired, with very beautiful eyes." Jiang Yu happily took out a small porcelain plate from the bag, placed it on the stone platform in front of the library, and then put a few cheese-like things into it: "I'll let you touch it later... It's very shy and is generally not allowed to be touched by strangers. But it is more obedient to me."

Zheng Qing looked at her, hesitating whether to tell the scary fact.

"Where did the little guy go?" Jiang Yu set out the food, stood up, looked at the time anxiously, and then glanced at Zheng Qing pleadingly: "Wait for a few minutes, and then we'll leave after feeding it. It should be there at normal times. Wait for me's okay with your little elf."

"It's okay, it's okay." Zheng Qing forced a smile and waved his hand.

"Did you drink too much yesterday? Your face looks a little ugly." Jiang Yu hesitated: "How about sending the elf over first."

"No rush, no rush, you can wait." Zheng Qing hesitated, trying to find a suitable opportunity.

But in the end there was no room for maneuver.

"There were fireworks set off at Linzhong Lake yesterday, did you see them?" He gritted his teeth and tried to tell the truth slowly.

"I saw it." Jiang Yu played with the plate of snacks for the kitten with great interest, without raising her head: "Mengmeng saw it after she woke up... If I hadn't stopped her, she would have definitely rushed over to see it. Ichiban. Did you see it too?”

She raised her head and looked at Zheng Qing curiously.

Then she saw Zheng Qing's heavy expression.

"What happened?" She stopped her smile and asked doubtfully.

"Cough." Zheng Qing cleared his throat, feeling a little stuffy in his throat: "There was a murder by the lake yesterday. A white kitten died. The body is still on the rockery over there."

After saying that, he looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with fear, fearing that she would do something drastic.

Jiang Yu lowered his head and fiddled with the small plate silently.

After a long time, she asked in a low voice: "Who did it?"

"I don't know." Zheng Qing held his breath and answered carefully: "The school has not collected its body yet."

"Take me to see it."

Zheng Qing hesitated.

Jiang Yu pursed her lips and glanced at him.

"The scene is a bit unsightly, so be mentally prepared." Zheng Qing explained bravely: "The kitten's two eyes were gouged out."

Jiang Yu pursed her lips hard, nodded, and said nothing.

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