Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 78 The Powder of the Sage

The sun in the sky seemed to finally be unable to bear the loneliness, and began to shyly reveal half of its face. 【】

Outside the window, the shadow of the tall wall began to slowly reveal its original shape in the faint sunlight, adding a touch of rich color to the monotonous courtyard.

The residence of the Institute of Abnormal Biology is very simple, and there is not even a formal garden in the courtyard.

Occasionally, a few birds are attracted by the grass seeds on the lawn and fly away quickly.

Zheng Qing was fascinated as he watched the silhouette of a skylark flash past. Dr. Duzem's boring "Medical Classics" terminology came to his ears. His head was buzzing. No matter how much his brain was boiling, he could not understand the doctor. Anything said.

Jiang Yu next to him also looked confused.

Dr. Duzem did not pay attention to the performance of the two people, and continued to analyze unhurriedly:

"As soon as a person exhales, the pulse will move again, and as soon as he inhales, the pulse will also move again. Breathing will stabilize the breath and the pulse will move five times. If there is too much breath in the leap, the life will be flat."

"People who are ordinary are not sick."

"When a person exhales, his pulse pulses and when he inhales, his pulse pulses, which means he is short of breath."

"When a person exhales, the pulse moves three times, and when he inhales, the pulse moves three times and is irritable. If the pulse is hot in the foot, it is said to be disease-warm. If the pulse is not warm in the foot, it is called disease wind. If the pulse is slippery, it is called wind."

"When a person breathes out and his pulse moves more than four times, he is said to be dead. If his pulse does not reach all the way, he is said to be dead. If his pulse is sparse and rapid, he is said to be dead."

"Between the elf's breaths, the number of pulses may be three or four, but there is no definite number. The color is white due to deficiency of Qi; the pulse condition is sparse at first and seems to be alive. From a human perspective, it is called suspended animation."

"If you pretend to be dead, your destiny is not over."

"That is to say, they shouldn't die yet, right?" Zheng Qing interjected impatiently.

He let out a sigh of relief in his heart, and finally had something he could understand.

Dr. Duzem turned his face sideways, looked at the young wizard with his dark eyes, and mocked: "You shouldn't die before your destiny is fulfilled? What kind of logic is this! There are millions of people who died in the world, and how many of them were destined to be terminated?" of?"

"Wizards are illogical," Zheng Qing curled his lips and muttered in a low voice.

"What?" The doctor's ears twitched.

"I mean, is there any way to save them?" Zheng Qing quickly changed to a flattering tone and complimented: "If fate is not over, you must have a way to save them, right?"

Beside him, Jiang Yu covered her mouth and smiled softly.

Dr. Duzem turned his head towards the witch with a puzzled look on his face.

"Ahem." Jiang Yu immediately corrected his demeanor and asked respectfully: "You mentioned before that there is a way to temporarily prolong the lives of these little guys, right?"

The doctor nodded reservedly: "That's why I'm diagnosing the pulse here, just to see if the prescription has any effect."

"What's the result?" Zheng Qing asked impatiently.

Dr. Duzem lowered his head and did not answer his question immediately. Instead, he continued to say something that did not sound particularly relevant to Zheng Qing:

"Each elf potion contains the unique thoughts and intentions of the creator."

"For example, girls like to use flower petals and grass leaves as medicine; boys often choose jade and deadwood as medicine; married wizards often add a little wine to the potion; and octogenarians like to add a little dragon's blood or ginseng essence to the potion."

"In addition, some neurotic wizards will use strange things like 'roses that have not fallen through the frost,' 'wine plum leaves that have not fallen for three years,' or 'twin golden cicadas' as medicine, lest someone crack their own formula. "

"There are even those who are thoughtful and use words such as 'dead man's pillow mat', 'horse horse simmered in fox urine', and 'dust from long-uninhabited old houses' to prepare medicines."

"Even if you know these tricky prescriptions, if you don't know whether they are boiling decoctions or mixing pills, powders, ointments, and elixirs, you will still be trying to draw water from a bamboo basket."

"It should be noted that although the elf potion is called a 'potion', it is medicine, not water. There is no alchemy book that stipulates that this medicine must be made into a decoction."

"What's more, with different emotions and changing minds, even if everything is in place, there is no completely consistent elf potion."

"And without the original potion, any other method of awakening always has disadvantages of one kind or another... Do you understand these?"

Zheng Qing nodded silently.

Then, fearing that the doctor wouldn't see it, he said aloud: "I know."

Dr. Duzem nodded, pondered for a moment, and said, "I have two prescriptions here that can be distributed to you immediately. You can choose one."

Zheng Qing glanced at Jiang Yu in surprise.

A trace of blush appeared on Jiang Yu's cheeks, and she was obviously very excited: "There are two ways? Which two!"

"One medicine is 'Yu Yuanling Powder' and the other medicine is 'Sage's Powder'."

"The former is superior in its high quality and low price. One dose of the medicine only requires one golden bean, which can extend the life of an elf for a week. However, this medicine is highly resistant to drug resistance. After three or four doses, the effect of the medicine is minimal. "

"The latter is better because of the long-lasting effect of the medicine. Once you take the medicine, you will be fine for at least half a year. But it is a bit expensive, a medicine costs at least one jade coin; and after the elf uses the 'Sage's Powder', he will develop a certain degree of dependence. sex."

"Sage's powder?" Jiang Yu looked at the doctor hesitantly.

"It's just what you think." Dr. Duzem reached out and rummaged through the desk drawer and took out a small bottle.

The bottle seems to contain a rainbow, and the colorful lights are shining, making people intoxicated.

"This is the remaining medicinal dregs in the alchemy furnace when refining the 'Philosopher's Stone'; only the alchemy furnace that successfully refines the 'Philosopher's Stone' will bring out some 'Philosopher's Powder'." He said here , the doctor raised his chin proudly: "In the entire Phuket Island, no, in the entire wizarding world, it is estimated that only I can provide you with a sufficient amount of 'Sage's Powder'."

"In the past few years, nearly ten 'Philosopher's Stones' that were produced less than three years ago have appeared on the market in the wizarding world. Were you the ones who refined them?" Jiang Yu's face turned red and she looked slightly excited.

"The great wizards don't bother to do anything, and many registered wizards are powerless. The capable alchemists are still worried that refining such things will attract inner demons and block their paths." Dr. Duzem smiled bitterly and shook his head repeatedly, with a slightly expression on his face. Sadness: "Only a guy like me, who is neither good nor bad, has no future, and happens to have some know-how, would bother to refine such a premature thing."

The two young wizards looked at the doctor uneasily, speechless.

Dr. Duzem's voice changed, and he gently put aside his previous unwillingness, and tried to say in a light tone: "'Philosopher's Stone' can extend the life of great wizards; 'Philosopher's Powder' can also be used by ordinary registered wizards." Very helpful. Since your usage is not large, I can squeeze some units out of my daily expenses, so there is no negotiation on the price.”

"This is the friend you brought. I must show enough friendship." The doctor turned his head and looked at Jiang Yu with his dark eyes open.

Jiang Yu pursed her lips and glanced at Zheng Qing in embarrassment.

Zheng Qing smiled bitterly.

Even if it’s a friendship price, I can’t afford it.

He felt a little regretful in his heart.

If you didn't go shopping for amulets at the Wandering Bar yesterday, you might be able to exchange your accumulated standard amulets for some Sage's Powder today.

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