Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 131 I think about it every day

The Linzhong Lakeside is extremely peaceful at night.

Insects do not fly, birds do not sing, and fish do not swim.

The pale moonlight fell on the dark lake, sparkling like a broken mirror, making people dizzy.

Zheng Qing sat blankly by the lake, facing the broken lake surface, thinking hard about why he was here.

Attend class? No, it's already evening and there are no classes scheduled.

Self-study? That's not right. Even across a small square, Zheng Qing could see that the Shushan Pavilion not far away was dark and without a trace of light, let alone self-study.

Dating? But with whom?

Before he could think clearly, a hand patted his shoulder.

"You're here!" A familiar voice sounded in his ears, bringing out a string of laughter like silver bells.

Zheng Qing suddenly turned his head, and as far as he could see, he could only see a graceful figure gradually disappearing into the thick fog by the lake.

"Slow down," he yelled, chasing after him.

After running a few steps and chasing her deep into the thick fog, Zheng Qing grabbed the figure from the back very domineeringly and pushed her against the thick and mottled trunk of the sycamore tree.

The long eyelashes trembled violently and slowly lowered.

A blush painted her fair cheeks.

The girl didn't refuse, but her breathing became short of breath.

"What am I doing?" When Zheng Qing tried to kiss her, the thought suddenly appeared in his mind: "Who is she?"

He shook his head vigorously, and the girl's face in front of him flashed rapidly.

Very familiar, yet strangely unfamiliar.

Her eyes seemed big and beautiful, but they seemed just dark and bright.

Her lips were a bright rose color for one moment, looking plump and pleasant; and then they were tightly pressed together, as if she was suppressing something.

Her hair style is very strange.

The left side has long straight black hair, exuding a faint scent of jasmine; the right side has large chestnut red waves, swaying with a seductive aura.

"What is that!" the girl suddenly screamed, pointing behind him.

Zheng Qing turned around and looked.

The originally broken lake completely collapsed, revealing a ferocious fish head.

The fish's head was dozens of meters high, staring blankly at the young man and woman not far from the shore with a pair of dull round eyes.


A dry sound came out of the fish's mouth.

The fish head moved toward the shore little by little, gradually revealing the sharp fins on its head, shoulders and neck, its thick arms, and its chest and abdomen covered with blue-black scales.

"...hiss...tear into pieces..."

A stench rushed towards the fish head as it approached, making it suffocating.

"It's the Fishman King, hurry up!" Zheng Qing turned around and pushed hard.

The girl immediately disappeared into the thick fog.

"It's cold in the north! No, it's the cold north wind! No, no!" Zheng Qing flipped through his Dharma book frantically, shouting various spells, and finally saw the required spell in an inconspicuous corner.

"The north wind is so cool!!" He stood up and threw the Dharma book hard at the fishman. 【】

A huge bright light pierced the dark night and hit the fish-man, and rumbles of thunder sounded from the distance.

"Ouch!!!" the fish-man roared and quickly retreated into the depths of the lake, gradually disappearing out of sight.

The lake returned to its shattered calm.

The fog covered it again.

The fight a moment ago disappeared completely like an illusion.

"Meow..." A timid kitten meowed deep in the thick fog.

Zheng Qing hesitated and followed the sound.

On a rockery by the lake, a young white short-haired cat is catching dancing black butterflies. Its chubby little fur paws shine with an intoxicating soft light in the moonlight. It is shaking its head and tail when jumping, looking very naive.

"Can't catch!" He felt something in his heart and shouted, trying to rush forward to stop it.

"Ah, trouble." A hoarse and melodious voice sounded in his ears, and a slim figure rose from the lake. The mist shrouded her like a veil, making her true appearance invisible.

A huge force came from behind, pushing Zheng Qing heavily into the lake.

Bright red, viscous liquid poured in from all directions, along his long mouth, his nostrils, and his ears.

Zheng Qing waved his arms, struggled, and slowly sank into the depths of the lake.

Before he sank completely, he heard the last words:

"Being cute is also a kind of original sin."

"Plop!" With a scream, Zheng Qing rolled out of the curtain and fell onto the carpet.

"Xi Xi..." The elves woke up quickly, fluttering their wings and looking worriedly at the young wizard mumbling and crawling back onto the bed.

On the window sill, the beard that was squinting in sleep trembled slightly, and then snored disapprovingly again.

The night is getting dark.

The sky outside the window was filled with dark clouds, and there was no trace of moonlight.

Saturday morning.

When Xiao Xiao once again asked Zheng Qing to do morning classes, the normally active public-funded student did not show up for a long time.

It wasn't until Xiao Xiao drove the group of elves into the curtains that Zheng Qing climbed out of his six-poster bed in despair.

"Aren't you going to do morning lessons?" Xiao Xiao put on his belt and turned to look at Zheng Qing. He was startled by his majestic appearance and uttered a rare curse word: "What's going on!"

Xiao Xiao's voice rose a lot, apparently ignoring the other sleeping figures in the dormitory.

"Ouch!" Tuantuan screamed in dissatisfaction, twisting his fat body and pushing deep into Fatty Xin's bed.

The fat man snorted twice and continued to play chess with Duke Zhou.

In mid-air, the little elves that were screaming were also frightened and quickly hid behind Zheng Qing's neck.

Xiao Xiao smiled apologetically at them.

"What's going on?" He pushed up his glasses, lowered his voice and asked again: "Your eyes seem to have been blown out."

Zheng Qing squinted his eyes and took a look in front of the full-length mirror.

Indeed, his originally small eyes now had almost only a slit left. The bulging eyeballs looked like they had been filled with several liters of ink, or like they had been stung carefully by a swarm of giant wasps.

"Nightmare." Zheng Qing muttered, pressed his sore shoulders hard, and simply replied: "I was woken up several times last night... I feel like I will never be able to sleep well again."

"Nightmare?" Xiao Xiao muttered as he pushed Zheng Qing towards the door: "How can First University still have nightmares? How annoying you must be."

"What do you mean?" Although Zheng Qing's mind was a little unclear, he still did not forget the two cufflinks and directed an elf to fly back to the dormitory to get them for him.

"What nightmare did you have?" Xiao Xiao did not answer Zheng Qing's doubts, but continued to ask.

Zheng Qing opened the outer door of the dormitory and walked into First University in the early morning.

"Forgot." He rubbed his cheeks vigorously and took a few deep breaths.

In the early morning on campus, the air is very fresh.

The aroma of earth and grass flowed into Zheng Qing's lungs along with the mist rising from the morning dew.

It’s a sobering elixir that never goes out of style.

Zheng Qing's spirit was obviously lifted a lot.

"I have nightmares as soon as I fall asleep, and forget them as soon as I wake up. I can still recall a few episodes when I got up, but as soon as I breathe in the fresh air outside, I forget them all." He complained as he walked: "It's very standard. nightmare process."

"It's indeed very standard." Xiao Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

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