Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 135 Five boxes


Putting down the book that contained only one spell, Zheng Qing turned his attention to the amulet.

While studying at Sanyou Bookstore, Zheng Qing also bought some scattered talismans from the Hui Zi Collection. It's just that when he was ignorant at the beginning, the amulets he bought from the market could only scare a few insignificant ghosts at best.

After thinking about it, the only thing that is useful is probably the black donkey's hoof bought from the wandering bar.

Perhaps this donkey's hoof has been used as a talisman for a long time. Its whole body is covered with a layer of almost enamel patina, which fully indicates that it has been held and played with for a long time.

The pure black hoof shell will sparkle with dazzling colors under bright light. The gray and white hair remaining on the wrist is neatly trimmed and gathered on the milky white donkey bone.

According to the wandering wizard, this black donkey hoof was produced in Jiaozhou and came from an eighty-year-old old donkey who died well. It can best restrain all kinds of undead spirits - whether zombies, vampires, or those wandering on the edge of life and death. ghost.

However, Zheng Qing had reservations about this exaggerated statement.

Because he had put the donkey hoof in his pocket more than once and wandered around Dylan and Matthew. Apart from attracting strange looks from the two of them, he didn't seem to notice any discomfort in their expressions.

Dylan can also understand, after all, he is a vampire and a werewolf, and he is also a warm-blooded creature, so it is understandable that he is not sensitive to donkey hooves.

Matthew Cullen's lack of reaction to the black donkey's hooves is telling. You know, Matthew comes from the Cullen family and is a vampire with a very pure bloodline - it is not necessary to put a donkey's hoof in his mouth for it to work.

Although Zheng Qing was curious about the effect of black donkey hooves, he was determined not to risk being beaten up by the old vampire of the Cullen family for an insignificant experiment.

Compared with Dharma books and talismans, Zheng Qing felt that the most reliable means at hand were those talismans.

As a one-time consumable, talismans are a relatively luxurious means for most wizards, but for Zheng Qing, who is good at drawing talismans, this is nothing.

In his mind, the biggest advantage of talismans is that they are rich in variety and can provide sufficient coping methods for those who lack means.

If you want to calm down and calm down, the first choice is the 'Calming Mind Talisman'; when encountering an unknown evil, you can throw a few 'Evil Suppressing Talismans' to calm it down; if the enemy is too strong and needs to run away, there is also the 'Speed ​​Horse Horse Talisman' , according to legend, it was carried forward by the great wizard Shenxing Taibao in the Middle Ages, who tied it to his leg and could travel thousands of miles a day.

In addition, the 'Spirit Breaking Talisman' can break the barriers of unknown formations or spiritual realms; the 'Exploding Talisman' can be used as a simple grenade; the 'Light Talisman' will form an effective lighting area of ​​more than ten meters in radius after being ignited; and the 'Super Speed ​​Flying Crane Talisman' is even more powerful. The upgraded version of Feihe Chuanshu can help the owner get in touch with other wizards in the shortest time.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qing turned his eyes to the gray bag on the table.

This gray bag was a fifteenth birthday gift from Mr. Wu to Zheng Qing. It was gray in color and made of an unknown soft gray leather. The bag is only the size of a palm, and the whole body is in the shape of a swimming fish, resembling a fish bag and purse. The front of the purse is inlaid with jade, and the edges are embroidered with white silk thread with delicate runes the size of rice grains. It looks very simple, so Zheng Qing also gave it a simple name: Gray Bag.

The gray bag is a Qiankun bag. According to the more fashionable saying in school, this bag is a piece of space equipment. The volume of the bag is not large, only about three to five cubic meters.

For Zheng Qing, this space is already sufficient.

Most of the time, apart from books and stationery, he doesn't have anything more to stuff in this bag.

Just like now, Zheng Qing only stuffed five wooden boxes of different colors and sizes into the bag.

A bookcase made of huanghuali wood, with flat corners made of silver inlaid with cloud patterns, and a lotus leaf and a wish-shaped racket on the front. The gaps between the edges and corners are also covered with leather, and the top is painted with magic patterns. This box is filled with Zheng Qing's textbooks and extracurricular reading materials he borrowed from Shushan Hall. It is the heaviest box among all.

The second heavy item was the tool box. This box is all yellow and white in color and is made of century-old fir wood, which is antiseptic and forbidden. The box was filled with tools that Zheng Qing needed to prepare for his experimental class, including two pairs of deerskin gloves, a dozen disposable silkworm skin gloves, crucibles, mortars, scalpels, bone saws, tweezers, etc., all of which he scrubbed They are clean and neatly placed in boxes.

The most valuable thing is a small red sandalwood box. This was the first time that after he silently produced all the runes, Mr. Wu rewarded him with a box for collecting stationery. The turtle-back inkstone, pine ink, yellow talisman paper, and purple-hair pen that Zheng Qing used to draw talismans were all safely stored in it. In addition, the box was also filled with other stationery given to him by Grandma Cai, a collection of Hui characters. Includes many blank talismans.

The largest poplar box contained scattered items. For example, the drugstore owner named Deng Xiaoxian and nicknamed Pan Luer in the Hui Ziji gave Zheng Qing some commonly used medicines. Boss Li from the Hui Ziji Materia Medica gave Zheng Qing some plasters, which read: The red paper tablet with the word 'Wu', as well as incense sticks, white candles, yellow paper, etc., and even Zheng Qing's daily change of clothes were packed into small packages and stuffed in this box.

Among the entire gray cloth bag, the most inconspicuous thing is a small box made of phoenix paulownia wood. This small red box was specially used by Zheng Qing to stack the drawn talismans.

There are not only low-quality talismans with a validity period of three months, but also standard talismans with a validity period of three months, and even a few high-quality talismans.

Zheng Qing took out the small red box from the gray bag and opened the lid solemnly.

Eight evil-suppressing charms, five spirit-breaking charms, four iron armor charms, six speed armor and horse charms, two explosion charms, and one light charm.

This is all the result that Zheng Qing spent a lot of spare time in the past week.

It was also his greatest confidence in patrolling tonight.

Looking at the handful of talismans that couldn't even be filled to the bottom of the box, Zheng Qing couldn't help but feel the urge to burst into tears.

Before coming to school, this box was filled with drawn talismans - he originally planned to use these talismans in exchange for some living expenses.

There are nearly 1,500 talismans of various kinds, which can fill this small red wooden box to the brim.

Every time I pick it up, I feel a very heavy sense of satisfaction.

However, only one weekend passed.

Just after strolling around that bar, the thousands of talismans that Zheng Qing had worked so hard to draw disappeared completely.

Including more than 30 high-quality talismans, more than 400 standard talismans, and thousands of talismans within the standard.

Clean and tidy.

Not a scrap of paper was left.

Zheng Qing shook the gray bag in his hand, and then shook the small wooden box in his hand, hoping that a few forgotten talismans would fall out of the corners.

Unfortunately, not even a few scraps of paper fell down.

"Loud tycoon, I think if you go on patrol, the armor talismans you prepared are a bit small." Fatty Xin pinched Zheng Qing's shoulders diligently and said with a charming smile: "As the saying goes, offense is the best defense. I have some here. There are some powerful ones, why don’t you exchange them for evil-suppressing talismans. Seeing as you have a lot of evil-suppressing talismans, you probably won’t be able to use them.”

As he spoke, the fat man shook the peach charm hanging on his chest, and his little eyes blinked rapidly.

"Spitting sulfuric acid on your face." Zheng Qing looked at the familiar peach charm and raised his middle finger to him very decisively. www reading,.

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