Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 154 The Kappa is Not Dead

Most of the time, fireworks appear in the night sky as a decoration for holiday celebrations. 【】

People use those swaying firelights and brilliant colors to express their inner joy and joy.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, there will not be only one solitary fireworks released in celebration. On the contrary, for the sake of excitement and celebration, fireworks blooming all over the sky are the correct footnote.

But now, there is only one solitary fireworks hanging in the night sky in the distance.

The same fireworks, but a different flavor.

The moment of youthful beauty, across Linzhong Lake, complements the bright moon that is gradually setting in the west.


A dull sound echoed over the lake.

It woke up many sleeping creatures.

The tree sperm stared in confusion and made dissatisfied squeaks. For them, Linzhong Lake tonight was a bit too noisy.

The kappas behaved much more calmly. They grabbed the fat bugs and bit off the heads. While sucking the last few bites of dessert before dawn, they chattered and communicated with their friends.

The old fish man who had just returned to the bottom of the lake stared at the red fireworks hanging in the air with turbid eyes across the turbid lake water. He shook his head and stopped the tribe's urge to pry, and just asked the tribe to help push the lake surface. Those boats go faster.

More than a dozen dinghy boats quickly glided across the water and headed straight for the scene of the incident.

They originally belonged to the third patrol team tonight, mainly responsible for patrolling from 4 am to 6 am. 【】

Now, because of the call of this firework, he has entered working mode ahead of schedule.

When Old Man Verne brought Zheng Qing and Lin Guo to the place directly under the fireworks, there were already many figures in black and gray robes gathered here.

"Why are you issuing a warning?" The old man strode forward, leaning on a wooden stick, and his voice was very serious.

May's low bark sounded in the crowd.

The onlookers quietly parted a path to let the old man pass.

Zheng Qing dragged Lin Guo behind.

In the crowd, he saw many familiar faces.

Professor Yi from the divination class, Assistant Hilda from the practical class, and his own interviewer Thomas, as well as some other members of the escort team who had appeared on the special plane, and many gray-robed school guards who often met on campus.

Everyone was silent and had serious expressions on their faces, as if an army of monsters would rush into the campus at the next moment.

This made the young public-funded students a little uneasy.

"The situation is different from last week." Professor Yi's voice slowly dropped and became inaudible, but his lips were still moving quickly, obviously saying something.

Zheng Qing didn't bother to guess the professor's lip reading.

He is very self-aware. Since these adults don't want you to know anything, it's hard for you to know anything under their noses. 【】

After squeezing through the crowd, he saw several busy figures kneeling on the ground with their backs to him.

Zheng Qing stood on tiptoes and crossed these broad backs. The sight in front of him made his stomach churn.

Then he immediately reached out and covered the eyes of the little wizard next to him.

"Don't block it, I'm not a child!" Lin Guo struggled in a muffled voice.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment, and when he saw Professor Yi nodding not far away, he let go of his hand blocking Lin Guo's eyes and allowed the little wizard to squeeze forward.

"Wow." Lin Guo didn't show any fear, but instead made a sound that sounded like he was happy to see Hunter Xin.

This made Zheng Qing feel a little ashamed.

He just saw the scene in the crowd for the first time and almost vomited.

A thin figure stretched out his arms and lay on the lawn, dying.

This is a kappa.

To be precise, this is a dried-up kappa.

Its skin seemed to have been dried in the desert for thousands of years. It was shriveled, tight, and seemed to have no moisture at all.

The essence in the jade plate on its head was almost completely exhausted. It was only because of the abundant moonlight tonight that the plate did not dry up completely. This is the only reason why it is still surviving.

But the most shocking thing was that the kappa seemed to have been chewed by something from the chest and abdomen down. All the skin and flesh were gone, leaving only a pile of white bones and the blackened and discolored internal organs.

"I heard this is the missing kappa..."

"Fortunately, he's not dead yet. The school has hundreds of ways to find the murderer."

"Unfortunately, if something like this happens while patrolling, I will definitely have to submit a 3,000-word patrol report next week!"

Several students from the patrol team bit their ears and sighed repeatedly.

Zheng Qing pricked up his ears, searching for information around him, suppressing his inner discomfort, and carefully looked at the withered kappa. He always felt that the clean-gnawed bones of the kappa looked familiar.

"Is it made of magic salt?" Old Man Verne asked in a low voice.

"If it's some kind of special ritual, the technique shouldn't be so rough." Professor Yi shook his head, gently poked the kappa's dry body with tweezers, and whispered, "Do you have any ideas?"

"The bone surface is smooth, without a trace of tissue residue, very clean and tidy...Osteoporosis, this should belong to the bones of an old kappa in his twilight years...very strange." Old Man Verne's rough fingers slid over the kappa. femur, murmuring: "But looking at the face, this is clearly a little guy less than ten years old."

The dying kappa let out a low groan, which was particularly oozing out against the dark night.

"Is there any difference between the ones made with magic salt?" Zheng Qing poked Thomas next to him and asked humbly.

Thomas looked back at him and blinked, as if thinking about how to answer the question.

"As my good student, shouldn't you first consult your teacher when you encounter problems?" Hilda emerged from behind the two of them, put her arms on the shoulders of Zheng Qing and Thomas, and taught in a low voice: "Turn around."

Zheng Qing obediently turned his head to the other side, and was immediately frightened and almost screamed.

Hilda's hand on his shoulder hung with an inconspicuous little pendant.

It was a dry head.

"This is the magic-tanned corpse... part of the corpse." Hilda's oily voice whispered in his ear, like a devil's whisper, creepy: "Exquisite, small, without any feeling of blood, and It is full of artistic flavor and exotic culture... The little kappa lying on the grass looks more like a poor ghost whose body was eaten away by a group of piranhas. "

"The bones after gnawing by piranhas will not be so smooth." Thomas said in a deep voice: "Besides, I have never heard of piranhas attacking kappas."

Zheng Qing did not listen to Thomas.

All his attention was focused on the magic-tanned head in Hilda's hand in front of his right shoulder.

Perhaps due to the magic refining, the head has shrunk to the size of a walnut, and the purple skin on it is wrinkled, almost completely covering its facial features.

The long gray hair was neatly combed and tied tightly with a silver bar.

The end of the long hair was tied with a buckle and hung on Hilda's wrist.

Face to face, eye to eye, forehead to forehead.

This withered head stared blankly at Zheng Qing, making the young public-funded student break out in a cold sweat.

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