Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2642 April Fool’s Day


April 1st, April Fool's Day, February 17th in the lunar calendar.

Appropriate, engagement, blessing, coming-of-age ceremony.

Taboo, burial, travel.

When looking through the old almanac in the morning, Zheng Qing vaguely remembered that burial was also taboo on April Fool's Day last year. It was particularly interesting. I don't know if it was because the God of Death refused to be fooled, or because the taboo on death was desecrated.

It has been two days since the Forbidden Demon Day, that is, the incident that occurred in Beta Town on Monday.

As more and more information is revealed through different channels, the entire wizarding world is becoming more and more aware of the changes that happened on Phuket Island that day - from the brief full-scale deployment of the First University's guardian circle, to the North District of Beta Town The sudden burst of strange Qi from a suspected legendary rank, to the short and unconvincing announcement issued by the school, all showed to every wizard who had some knowledge of divination skills that there was something behind the matter.

But very magical.

The more people recognize that there is an inside story about this matter, the fewer people will talk about it in public.

This caused the public opinion that Zheng Qing thought would last for ten and a half months to die out in just two or three days. In the words of a professional in dormitory 403, this is a standard dimensionality reduction attack.

"Facts have repeatedly proven that wizard rank is the biggest variable in public opinion."

In the practical part of potions class on Thursday morning, Fatty Xin said this while waiting for the saffron to be soaked: "... Every time the wizard level increases, the public opinion's reflection of the real situation decreases. In other words, Ordinary wizards don't dare to discuss matters involving high-level wizards too much, because their "ubiquity" and "omniscience" are most likely true... and as low-level wizards, they don't know where the boundaries are. place, so 'taboo' has become the best way to deal with it. Do you still remember the dozen uses of the word 'taboo' that we learned in the magic class last year? Hey! The reason why it has so many meanings is because it has such a rich meaning. I have a very profound understanding of the rules of society!”

As he spoke, he poured out the water from the soaked herbs, wrapped them in gauze and began to squeeze them. On the podium, Professor Li was repeatedly emphasizing in his slightly weak voice that "avoid rhizome residue when squeezing" and that it is forbidden to use. Magic interferes with the production process, ''squeezing the herbs until they lose their original color'' and other operational details.

"Do you think it's particularly easy to get into trouble on the Forbidden Demon's Day?" Zheng Qing squeezed the gauze bag in front of him with his fingertips and said thoughtfully: "This year's Forbidden Demon's Day is over in Beta Town. Something happened. It was the fishmen from Linzhong Lake who caused trouble last year during the Forbidden Demon Festival... Doesn’t the name of the Forbidden Demon Festival conflict with the school’s luck?”

Last year on the Forbidden Demon Day, in order to protest against the school's interference in the independent status of the fish-man tribe, the young fishmen of Linzhong Lake held a parade around the lake. They muddied the lake water, pulled the tails of buffaloes, and plucked the feathers of flamingos. Throwing the kappa on the shore to scare the witches caused tension in the school for several days.

"It's not that the Forbidden Magic Day is unlucky, but that wizards choose to release the 'violence' accumulated in society on the Forbidden Magic Day." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses with his wrist and analyzed carefully: "From the perspective of divination , the violent energy surges, harms the harmony of heaven, affects the flow of luck between heaven and earth, and feeds back into reality, various accidents, large and small, will break out on this day..."

"How to release anger?" Zheng Qing asked with great interest.

He subconsciously felt that this method of releasing the power of high-dimensional concepts would be similar to the release of forbidden curse power.

"When no one uses magic, the hostility bound by magic will naturally be released." Xiao Xiaoyan explained concisely.

Obviously, he didn't know the specific method and just repeated the concepts in the book. Zheng Qing pondered over the word 'naturally' and was silent for a while.

Next to him, the fat wizard had already crushed the herbal juice clean. He was listening to his two companions discussing how easy it was to get into trouble during the Forbidden Demon Festival. He suddenly interrupted with a piece of news: "In fact, the young fishmen of the Linzhong Lake fishman tribe are also planning to cause trouble this year. It was like last year, but on the day of the Forbidden Demon Day, the spirit of the big snake in Beta Town was swept away, and the entire Linzhong Lake immediately became quiet... The young fishmen were stuffed into the bottom of the lake by the old fishmen, like a group of frightened quails... …”


The fat wizard received a slap on the back of the head.

He turned around angrily, only to see the Potions Professor quietly appearing behind him at some point, looking at him with a smile: "Test you, this slap will give you a dose of potion."

A slap to give a dose of medicine?

Fatty Xin looked at his companions with a confused look on his face - Zhang Jixin closed his earbuds and listened and pretended not to see anything, Zheng Qing was lowering his head and concentrating on squeezing his herbal juice, and Xiao Xiao was holding a notebook and mumbling, as if he was reciting the words from the textbook. prescription.

Merlin, when has he ever seen Doctor Xiao endorse it?

"Sorry, Professor, I don't know." The fat wizard admitted his defeat very bachelorly, showing a look of honest guilt.

"This medicine is called 'Hu Tu Slap', which was passed down from a certain butcher named Hu in ancient times."

Professor Li wiped his hands and explained slowly: "The famous magic theorist Zhang Shanqiao, also known as the 'Tianmu Shanqiao', commented on this medicine and said, 'Papal is hot in nature, pungent in taste, expectorant, improves eyesight, and cures insomnia. "Crazy heart, to cure the poison of flattery, mix it with raw lard, and it will take effect in an instant"... I didn't put lard on my hands just now, so the effect of the medicine is a little less, but I want to treat "Crazy heart" or "improve eyesight" There should be some?"

He seemed to ask a rhetorical question at the end.

But only a fool would refute this sentence - Fatty Xin nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, for fear that if he slowed down a little, Professor Li would slap him on the back of the head again.

The professor nodded with satisfaction, then looked around and reminded the young wizards as a warning: "The medicine I just gave him, if you need it, just ask... No matter who has bad eyesight, he can't see this." In class, if you are still crazy and have the audacity to talk about unknown legendary wizards, I will give you a few courses of treatment for free."

A circle of heads shook in unison.

It wasn't until the professor turned around to inspect other test stands that Fatty Xin looked away, touched the back of his head, gritted his teeth and looked at his companions, his lips moved, and he cursed silently: "A bunch of unloyal bastards!"

Xiao Xiao held the notebook and showed the fat brother the answer he had just written - Old Almanac, today is a good day, pray for blessings, have you prayed?

Zheng Qing looked at that rhetorical question and suddenly felt inexplicably flustered.

Because from the corner of his eye, he happened to catch a glimpse of several witches' test benches not far away from them. Jiang Yu was rolling up her sleeves, revealing a small section of her white jade-like arm, and a string of dark gold haha ​​beads on her wrist looked particularly eye-catching.

Zheng Qing knew very well that she was not such a high-profile character.

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