Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2695 Mysterious Aggregation Principle

The normal universe is increasing in entropy.

Entropy is a measure that describes how chaotic a system—such as a universe—is. In an isolated, closed system, entropy does not decrease but tends to increase. This is a universal natural tendency.

For example, if a tidy and clean room is not cleaned and tidied, it will soon become dirty and messy: accumulated dust, dirty clothes thrown on the bed, half-eaten snacks, opened books, dropped on the bed, etc. Hair on the ground, etc. The term used to describe this phenomenon is that 'entropy (the degree of chaos)' increases. To reduce entropy, additional energy (such as human labor) is required to rearrange and clean the house.

In other words, natural processes and cosmic evolution often lead to more disorder and chaos.

Understanding entropy increase can help to understand entropy decrease.

The magic of the universe is entropy decreasing.

With the continuous gathering of magic power - that is, the continuous strengthening of personal power and the continuous spread of personal will - the degree of chaos in the entire cosmic system is constantly decreasing, and the degree of order is increasing. Even purgatory is orderly and chaotic order. It also belongs to a kind of order, and order means entropy decrease.

It is an obvious fact that all the two-dimensional worlds in Su Shijun's two-dimensional evolution laboratory and the bottom layer of the world operate based on the logic of a certain will, or to put it more bluntly, based on the thoughts of a certain big shot.

To use an inappropriate example to describe it, magic is in "unrestricted market competition", and oligopoly and monopoly naturally evolve. The "oligarchs" who control powerful magic compete and compromise with each other, and establish the basic rules for the operation of the world.

This basic rule represents a reduction in chaos and an increase in order within the system.

That is, entropy decreases.

In other words, the continuous and spontaneous aggregation of magic power (to an individual) is a process of entropy reduction. This process goes against the operating logic of the normal universe, which is why many magic theories describe practice as 'going against heaven'.

Entropy reduction is the underlying logic of the magical universe.

Therefore, it can describe many magical phenomena in the universe, such as the mysterious aggregation principle in classical magic theory: mysterious concepts of the same nature will spontaneously, actively, and continuously aggregate - such as the trouble spirit always gathering around it, and the son of luck. There will be adventures wherever you go. The hemp rope is specially chosen to be broken at the thinnest places, and bad luck only seeks out the miserable.

The more people know, the more knowledge will flow towards them; the people who know nothing, the more knowledge will flow away from them.

At the end of each round of magic tide, it is because the magic power continues to converge on one person (or several people), lifting them out of the concept, leaving only a world without magic and increasing entropy; and each round of magic power The beginning of the tide comes from the fall of high-dimensional concepts into the low-dimensional world (low-dimensional creatures analyze the high-dimensional concepts and make them readable from unknown), releasing a huge amount of new magic power and restarting the entropy reduction cycle of the entire world.

Interpreted from a certain perspective, the forbidden curse is actually a product of the concept of 'mysterious aggregation'.

Zheng Qing is no longer the novice he was when he entered college on the first day.

Concepts such as 'entropy reduction' and 'mysterious aggregation' had been briefly exposed to him in several courses such as Introduction to Dimensionalism, Convergence Principle, and Albus's Conjecture. Therefore, when Xiao Xiao mentioned these concepts, he did not waste any time. You can easily understand the implication.

"You mean I don't have to do anything for those crows to come to my door?"

Zheng Qing looked up at the tree-lined road he was about to walk out of, as if expecting a crow to be waiting for him on the tree branch at the intersection: "Then I sit back and wait to die? A group of heavily armed crows rush into the dormitory and are kidnapped to an illegal laboratory. And then cut into pieces?”

"A crow won't do anything in the school, let alone break into the student dormitory... And you are not Zhang Jixin's character and are not suitable for taking the initiative."

Xiao Xiao first dispelled someone's pessimism, and then pointed out someone's character flaws: "You can't even understand those witches. You passively accept gifts from them all day long. Why do you have the courage to do so?" Looking for trouble with those crows? The result of waiting for the opponent to make the first move may not be to sit back and wait for death, but it may also be to take time to make a decision and then wait and wait!"

Zheng Qing didn't care at all about "taking time off" and "waiting for the chance". He only heard the doctor's previous words and argued rather angrily: "...I also took the initiative to give them gifts!"


Xiao Xiao glanced at him and only responded with a one-word sneer.

If he hadn't had to pay for breaking his glasses, and if there was a risk of hurting his hand due to the broken glasses, Zheng Qing would have punched the unpunchable face in front of him.

After all, friendships among college students are like snowflakes, pure and subtle in nature. When they are fragile, you only need to pee on them and they will disappear.

Correspondingly, as long as the weather is a little bit bad, the disappearing snowflakes will quickly return to their original appearance.

It’s noon this day.

When Zheng Qing returned to the dormitory tired from two classes, he heard intense and vague sounds in the room before he entered the door. He pushed the door open and entered, and the dormitory was in a mess.

The drawers of the desk were all torn open, and the books, notes, and inkstones inside were scattered all over the floor. The paper houses of the elves that were originally placed on the corner of the table as souvenirs were completely dismantled. Zheng Qing's bed seemed to be packed before leaving school at the end of the semester. In the current state, the sheets were curled up and stuffed at the foot of the bed, the pillows stood crookedly on the side, and his change of robes hung beside the bed were also crumpled on the floor.

"What happened?"

Zheng Qing stood hesitantly at the door, looking at the chaos in the room with confusion, paying special attention to the status of Xiao Xiao and Xin, and then quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them were fully clothed and did not take out their Dharma books. They did not look like they were fighting.

Then he became even more confused about the situation.

Xiao Xiao turned around and glanced at him with an incomprehensible expression: "I take back what I said in the morning... You are right... There was a thief in the dormitory, and I suspect it was a crow."

Zheng Qing was stunned by this conclusion.

Although he did say something like 'a group of heavily armed crows rushed into the dormitory' a few hours ago, that was an exaggeration after all, and it did not mean that he thought such a thing would happen!

"Crow? Are you crazy?"

Zheng Qing murmured, his eyes a little straight, making it hard to tell whether his "Are you crazy?" was talking about Crow or Xiao Xiao. After a pause, he came back to his senses and pointed at the chaos in the room. The elephant asked: "Why do you think it's a crow?"

"A normal thief wouldn't turn a blind eye to those gems."

Xiao Xiao pointed to an open box on the table, which was filled with beautiful gems. Then he pointed to Zheng Qing's bed: "In addition, in the entire dormitory, only your bed has been given special attention... If it weren't for Crow , I can't think of anyone who would be interested in a smelly wizard."

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