Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 927 The civet cat exchanges for the prince

Chapter 2705 The civet cat exchanges for the prince

Qian Doudou only thought for a second before issuing a series of orders.

"Take some emergency measures!"

"Position 2 increases the observation intensity of the school's guardian array, allowing violent breakthroughs to the teaching assistant's office to peek into the magic and protective barriers! Report any abnormal situations at any time!"

"No. 3 will come with me to knock on the door and launch a mandarin duck battle formation. If I am fatally attacked after opening the door, I am allowed to retreat immediately without hesitation. Do you understand?"

"Captain, isn't this a bit exaggerated..."

"Repeat it, do you understand?"



According to the emergency response plans prepared by several security teams, when the target encounters an abnormal situation, the security team on duty needs to immediately notify the other two teams to raise the school's security development alert level, and report to the teaching assistant group, school working committee, and principal's office at the same time.

However, considering that the location where Zheng Qing disappeared was in an office building - it was hard for him to imagine that a dark wizard would choose to attack the absolute core place of such a school - and that it was the office of the teaching assistants, and there was an elite wizard guard beside him, intuitively Tell Qian Doudou that there is a high possibility that this abnormal accident was an own error.

Therefore, he compromised a little and did not fully implement the emergency plan.

Even so, he also left a series of his choices and orders on the task ledger to ensure that he would not be troubled later because of this small flaw.

Office buildings are unusually deserted on weekends.

The two wizards were shining with obscure protective spells, like two ghosts, riding on the breeze, quietly drifting through the halls, stairs, and corridors, and arrived at the door of Thomas' office.

There is no door god or animal head with a ring on the door, so naturally there is no warning.

Knock on the door or just rush away.

Qian Doudou hesitated for another second.

Before he could make a decision, the office door opened by itself.

It was Thomas who opened the door.

At the same time, Qian Doudou's ears also heard the feedback report from Guard No. 2: "The guardian array broke through the protective magic in the assistant teacher's office and confirmed that there were no traces of fighting in the room... Is there an open space box?"

In fact, when she saw Thomas was safe, Qian Doudou glanced at the open small box on the desk behind him and already understood what was going on.

At this moment, there is feedback from peers, and the situation could not be clearer.

"I guessed it was you."

The owner of the office took the initiative to spread his hands, indicating that he was not holding the Dharma book, and at the same time explained quickly: "I was down there just now, and suddenly received an alarm that the office guarding circle had been breached, and I immediately realized what was going on. ...Misunderstanding, just a small misunderstanding...I thought you would feel more at ease if I were in the same office as him."

Thomas is also a member of the escort team, but he is under Zhang Yu's command.

"This is against the rules."

The tall and lanky wizard at the door had a hint of annoyance in his tone, and looked at the Germanic man in front of him - I heard that this guy was from Starry Sky Academy, and he had gone to the North Sea alone to track down the Misthorn before. No wonder he was so unreliable - He slightly emphasized his tone and said in a way that people in the Starry Sky could understand: "If you plan to continue to do this escort mission, you need to abide by one principle - Occam's razor principle. If it is not necessary, don't do it that will cause trouble to the guards." Misunderstood movements - otherwise any slight error may cause the razor to cut your throat.

"terribly sorry."

Thomas noticed the young witch not far behind the tall and lanky wizard who was facing a formidable enemy. She didn't make any more excuses. She just raised her hands and took a steady step back to get out of the doorway and let the two guards outside the door pass. His vision is broader: "I very much support Occam's principle..."

"So you put our target into the space box?" The witch outside the door sounded a little unkind.

"Feel sorry."

Thomas apologized again, with a wry smile on his face: "I just asked him to help organize some things... This is an office building, guys, which teacher doesn't have a space box in his office? When students come to the office, they will inevitably Do something for the teacher... I thought you wouldn't be so nervous if I was by his side... He will be out soon, do you want to see him? "

"Thomas?" Zheng Qing's voice came from the box, and he seemed very angry: "I have sorted out your pile of rags... Do you want to move out now?"

The German looked at the two guests at the door and shrugged.

"Wait a moment... get down right away!" He shouted behind him.

At the same time, Qian Doudou's ears also received real-time feedback from Guard No. 3: "The guardian array detected the voiceprint characteristics and confirmed that it was the real voice of the target."

He gestured behind him.

The witch glared at the German with a complaining look, tiptoed, and retreated silently.

"No need."

The guard captain on duty replied to Thomas' invitation with a straight face, then paused and softened his tone slightly: "According to the rules, he shouldn't know about our existence, so there is no need to meet... By the way."

He raised his finger and pointed at the ceiling of Thomas' office. At this moment, several unstable spell lights were flashing on the edge of the ceiling: "...I just activated part of the emergency plan, so the anti-peep magic in your office was broken. If necessary You can tell Zhang Yu directly what materials to reimburse."

After that, without waiting for Thomas to answer, he nodded slightly and left.

Thomas smiled as he watched his figure disappear into the corridor. He paused, then stopped smiling, and turned back into the office. After briefly checking the degree of damage to the office's guardian magic, he got into the small box again.

Compared to a bright office.

The space in the box is not only small, but also a little dark. Only a few luminous stones embedded in the wall shed mottled, dense light.

In the corner of the basement, the long and narrow coffin has been opened.

At this moment, there was a person lying in the coffin, and a person sitting next to the coffin. Hearing the sound of going down the stairs, the man sitting next to the coffin slowly turned his head, revealing half of Zheng Qing's face.


The half of its intact face was squirming, covering the exposed muscles and blood vessels on the other half bit by bit. Its voice was exactly the same as Zheng Qing's: "...I'm ready, do you want to go out now?"

Its tone is normal, without any dull or mechanical feel.

Thomas slowly walked to the coffin, held on to the coffin wall, looked down at the other Zheng Qing who was sleeping quietly inside, and after a while, he sighed softly and closed the coffin lid.

"hold on."

He turned his head and glanced at 'Zheng Qing' next to him. He bent down and stared at the slowly squirming face. He carefully looked at the small blood vessels on the edge of the face that were like tentacles. His voice was very calm: "It's time tonight." It’s still a long time, don’t make mistakes in haste... We still have a lot of time.”


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