Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 943: Thousands of Cockroaches in the House

Chapter 2721 House of Thousand Cockroaches

Mention the principal.

Zheng Qing was also mentioned.

Su Shijun finally stopped making excuses with the old wizard in front of him, and very directly lifted the heavy curtain covering this secret accident.

This is something many powerful wizards try to avoid.

Existences like them will leave traces in time and space with every word and deed, so if there is no deliberate interference, the names mentioned by them are likely to become nodes for some powerful diviners to trace and pay attention to.

Almost at the same time that the witch mentioned the word 'principal', old man Ruoyu moved his hand to his silver wolf-headed cane and rubbed it twice.

Invisible magic waves spread in all directions, slightly delaying the witch's voice for a few seconds.

Then the old man smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He did not directly respond to Su Shijun's sharp questioning. Instead, he habitually used examples to express his thoughts like every professor from First University does when giving lectures.

"Drink tea. Take a sip of tea first to relieve the anger."

The old man turned the wolf-headed crutch again, and the tea cup that she had put aside before Su Shijun floated steadily up and stopped in front of her. The tea in the cup swayed slightly, creating circles of faint ripples.

The witch frowned and did not brush off the legendary wizard's second kindness. She took the cup and took a sip.

The tea was warm but refreshing, making her finally feel less anxious.

Old man Ruoyu picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip. Then he smacked his lips and breathed a sigh of relief: "——When making tea, you have to take your time. When the tea leaves are put into the water, after one minute, the tea will be It will turn into an attractive light green color, like the buds that have just been pinched out in spring, making people open their index fingers... Most people's tea is ready at this stage, but if you want to drink it with a more mellow taste and more flavor. For a unique tea, you have to add ingredients, simmer it over low heat, and wait for an hour... Of course, my tea uses more ingredients and the brewing time is longer. Note that the longer the tea, the richer the flavor and temperament. The more charming it is.”

Su Shijun lowered his eyelids and thought about the meaning of the old man's words.

She wasn't stupid enough to think that a legendary wizard was actually here chatting about tea with her.

Fortunately, old man Ruoyu didn't give her any room to over-guess. He paused for a moment, took another sip of tea, and said what he wanted to express directly: "Patience is a very rare quality... It's a pity that in this world It’s also becoming less and less important, especially among young people.”

Su Shijun looked calmly at the old wizard behind the desk.

"I'm not impatient, but I can't bear to know nothing." She believed that Old Man Ruoyu knew this. Moreover, as a wizard from a noble family, she also knew the characteristics of fate's solidity and fragility, delicateness and roughness. She knew that a A nail dropped by a blacksmith may affect the history of the world for hundreds or even thousands of years to come.

That's why she didn't act as impulsively as she did when she smashed the Wandering Bar twice before. Instead, she came to the office of the vice president of First University.

This time, the old wizard didn't look at her.

Instead, he turned his gaze to the corner of the office, his eyes dark.

"——I have been the vice president of First University for hundreds of years. Students and teachers have come and gone, houses have risen and fallen, and campuses have changed. Many things have been changing, but one thing remains the same, cockroaches. "

As he spoke, he gently turned the wolf-headed crutch in his hand, and a wisp of black hair pulled a small insect back from the darkness and landed on the table in front of the old man: "...there were cockroaches before I came, there are cockroaches now, and after I die There are still cockroaches in the school; there are cockroaches in the academy, there are cockroaches in Alpha Castle, and there are cockroaches in the Starry Sky Rubik's Cube; there are cockroaches in the teaching building, there are cockroaches in the petting garden, and there are still cockroaches in the Herb Garden.

They are ugly, spread disease, steal food, and worst of all, are incurable.

Some wizards who need cockroach powder in making potions will buy a few lab-grown cockroaches from outside. These tenacious little things are very good at escaping. As long as one gets caught, if it is not dealt with as soon as possible, a large group of cockroaches will soon appear in the entire area. They hide in dark corners and wait silently for dark.

They're so hard to get rid know what? The thickness of the cockroach's body is only a few millimeters. Whether it is a crack in a door or a wall, it can become their habitat. They have a wide range of diets and strong fecundity... They are too difficult to eliminate.

So we can only let them survive within reasonable limits.

Life is like this, and everyone must learn to compromise with it. "

Just like tea is not tea, cockroaches are not cockroaches.

But compared with tea, the cockroaches mentioned by Ruoyu are relatively easy to understand - and too easy to understand, because she hates small bugs like cockroaches as much as those sneaky dark wizards.

"In that case, why don't schools legalize those illegal labs?"

Su Shijun said with a hint of ridicule: "Those cultists, black magic rituals, sacrifices, degenerates... let's just legalize them all, give them what they want, and let them use their exploits to atone for their sins. The school can easily harvest a large number of clean people." A new world without burdens, wouldn’t it be possible to achieve more with one stone?”

At this moment, the old wizard vividly recalled how troublesome the Qingqiu Fox was.

"no thank you."

He seriously corrected the witch's slightly fierce words: "...Separating good guys from bad guys is not only a moral or profit choice, but also a magical choice. If you choose black magic, you choose the order that is slowly collapsing. , chose chaos. All this is contrary to our pursuit, and retaining the existence of black magic can always remind us not to cross that boundary.

From this perspective, you can also try to understand the thoughts of those wizards who go astray.

If you're walking the same path day after day, it's easy to start thinking about taking a different path. Most wizards will try to suppress this thought - many people call it 'evil thoughts', I prefer to call it 'distraction' - and continue to move forward along the path they have chosen long ago, but there is always a small Some people have other aspirations and have gone astray.

Let’s talk about that child.

Do you think we are in control of that child's fate? No, on the contrary, because others dare not interfere with his destiny at will, that's why he encounters disasters again and again. This was the backlash from the gift of magic he had received.

As the old saying goes, every gift given by fate has a price secretly marked on it.

Every twists and turns he experiences now are reducing the calamity that would have befallen him directly. Let the long river of fate flow naturally... We stick to our respective posts and see where fate will send that child. Don't let impulse take over your thoughts. At the same time, we need to be prepared for all eventualities. Just because I'm old-fashioned doesn't mean I'm dead. "

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