Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 203 The Return of Silence

The silent retide is a natural phenomenon unique to Phuket Island.

Every year at the turn of spring and winter, before and after the Forbidden Demon Festival, when the soul-returning poplar shoots out its first buds, a school of stingrays originating from the deep sea will return from afar with their fat and strong bodies, and swim along the wide and deep The Silent River flows all the way up.

There is a saying in an ancient book: The stingray looks like a carp, with a fish body and bird wings, a pale head with a white head and a red beak. It often travels to the West Sea, swims in the East China Sea, returns to Buji, and flies at night. Its sound is like that of a Luan chicken, its taste is sour and sweet, if you eat it like crazy, you will become a big fan of the world.

Some people say that the manta rays returned to Phuket Island because they want to migrate to the shoals upstream of the river to have children and maintain the continuation of the group; others say that they want to cross the 'Dragon Gate' at the end of the Silent River, shed their fish bodies and transform into fish. They are dragon beasts; some people say that these swimming fish are the rations raised by the Taotie in the depths of the Silent Forest. Every year in the early spring, after the Taotie wakes up, it will summon its own rations to swim back to its mouth quickly.

No matter what, the migration journey is an arduous one for these stingrays.

From the Aral Sea to the fresh water, from the wide waters to the rapid rivers, as well as the large and small waterfalls and dams standing on the silent river, not to mention the many monsters coming from both sides of the river bank smelling fishy, ​​as well as from the sky and underwater A common hunter.

Even if these fish have wings, sharp beaks, and poison, they can't stop the monsters on the island that have been hungry all winter.

For the forest dwellers, this is a feast.

An annual feast.

"The resurgence of silence this year is earlier than in previous years." Dr. Duzem lowered his head, patiently adjusting the dosage of different medicinal powders, and casually explained to the two young wizards:

"Most years, the stingray migration occurs in early spring."

"At that time, after a winter of nourishment from the deep sea, they were fat and strong, full of strength. With a flick of their wings, they could leap from the mouth of the Silent River to the triple waterfall; with a light peck of their red beaks, they could break the back of a horse bear. Skin."

"The monsters in the Silent Forest have been hungry all winter, and they are no less ferocious than these flying fish."

"The prey and hunters fought from the lower reaches of the Silent River to the upper reaches of the river. For a whole month, most of the Silent River was dark red."

Zheng Qing imagined the rolling and red river water, and couldn't help but be dazzled.

“But now, large groups of stingrays have returned from the bottom of the sea early, and the ferocious beasts on both sides of the river have just been fattened up by the abundant food in the summer. They are unwilling to fight these swimming fish to their death, so they are allowed to go up. "

"This situation sounds good." Zheng Qing thought about it and murmured in a low voice: "The stingrays can swim freely, and the animals on both sides of the river do not need to die at the bottom of the river for a few mouthfuls of fish... It feels like this is a It’s a win-win situation.”

"A win-win situation?" The doctor raised his head and glanced at him sarcastically: "How did you become a public-funded student? Do you have a brain the size of a walnut?"

Zheng Qing blinked, looking a little baffled at the doctor who suddenly spoke evil words.

"This is not a win-win situation, this is a total loss." The doctor raised a finger and shook it quickly: "Every ecological chain has an extremely precise, sensitive, and fragile structure. Any unstable fluctuation at any point in the ecological chain will It will cause irreversible changes to the upstream and downstream ends of the chain.”

“Take the resurgence of silence as an example.”

"Every year in the desperate fight on the Silent River in early spring, a large number of stingrays and monsters from the Silent Forest will die. When the migration is over, the number of monsters in the forest and those ferocious swimming fish will drop to one A level that makes wizards feel at ease...a quantity that does not pose any threat to wizards."

"Not to mention that the flesh and blood of both parties nourish the vast forests along both sides of the river, such as the Soul-Returning Poplar and Unyielding Willow, and nurture countless weak creatures at the bottom of the river and on the banks...and in the North District of Beta Town, those magicians... I hope to catch some meat from the river this season and pickle some bacon for the festival.”

"Without a fight, a large number of stingrays pouring into the upper reaches of the Silent River will cause some serious consequences. For example, they will eat up all the small creatures on both sides of the river bed, and for another example, they will feed the witches imprisoned deep in the forest by the Umbrella Alliance. Certain existence.”

"That is to say," Jiang Yu also immediately woke up and said, "Did the Sand Shiqun, Red Chain Snakes, and those corpse-eating beetles all escape into the school to avoid being preyed on by these fish schools?"

Zheng Qing suddenly realized.

"It's just one of the reasons." Dr. Duzem raised the corner of his mouth with a gentle smile on his face: "A large number of stingrays passing through the border not only threaten the safety of those little bugs, but also eat up their food rations...for example The red chain snake has a lot of overlap with the manta ray in terms of diet. When the fish eat up all the bait, the big snakes can still hide in the holes and pretend to hibernate with their eyes closed. The small snakes can only sneak into the school and take a look. Can you find some food?"

"It sounds so pitiful." Zheng Qing smacked his lips, thinking of a certain little snake that was taken into the nest by an old hunting dog, and he silently mourned their miserable fate for a few seconds.

"They have been living in this environment, and there is nothing pitiful about them." Dr. Duzem shook his head and emphasized: "The real pity is Beta Town, the low-level wizards in the southern part of the town and the jugglers in the northern part. "

"Schools of sting rays are only so big."

"Now that autumn has swam back, spring is definitely gone."

"The herds of beasts in the Silent Forest have been hungry all winter. When spring comes and the flowers bloom, they crawl out of their caves and find that there are no fat fish in the river. What will they do?"

Zheng Qing swallowed quietly and turned his eyes to the window, looking at the shadowy buildings in the distance.

Dr. Duzem's cold voice continued to ring in his ears.

"Extremely hungry beasts can do anything. For example, attack a small public area of ​​the First University, or attack wizards who enter the forest... When everything fails and they face a desperate situation, these beasts Wouldn’t mind flocking to this food-filled town.”

"Why can't we see those schools of stingrays now?" Zheng Qing suddenly asked.

If according to the doctor's point of view, this year's resurgence of silence is a few months ahead of schedule, then students should have discovered some clues anyway.

Regardless of the fact that the southern area of ​​Beta Town is adjacent to the river and has a dock; the campus of First University alone has many public areas built on the banks of the tributaries of the Silent River - as well as Linzhong Lake, which is also part of the Silent River.

"Strays are nocturnal creatures. They sleep on the bottom of the water during the day and only fly and glide on the river at night. Therefore, the first people to discover the migration of fish were the low-level wizards in the Southern District who got up in the middle of the night to work."

When Dr. Duzem said this, he paused and shook his head: "What's more, you young people hide in the guardian circle of the First University all day long, how can there be a guy who has no eyesight to touch your bad luck at will? !”

Time flies.

After the elves took the latest batch of potions, it was already close to eight o'clock in the evening.

The Doctor walked the two young wizards to the door.

"You should be more concerned about your health than these little elves."

Before leaving the institute, Dr. Duzem reminded Zheng Qing earnestly: "If you fall before these elves are truly free, their tragic future will not change at all."

"I'm very healthy." Zheng Qing forced a smile, bent his arms, and bulged the muscles in his arms.

"Any healthy wizard will not have two big bags under his eyes, dark circles, and bloodshot eyes... and have nightmares every day." Jiang Yu couldn't help but said next to him: "I think what the doctor said It makes perfect sense.”

Zheng Qing chuckled and glanced at Dr. Duzem.

The doctor's dark circles are much worse than his.

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