Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 205 Divination Class

"Take, take what you can get."

"Bu, predict what you want to know."

"Divination, divination. Prediction through occupation. This is what you must remember, the basis of everything!"

Professor Yi Jiazi's squinted eyes suddenly opened wide, and the dark pupils dilated with excitement, almost occupying his entire eyeball. He waved the bamboo stick in his right hand heavily, and a series of air explosions sounded in the air, adding a rough background sound to the speech he was making.

"Divination is to intercept those messy and chaotic fragments on the basis of obtaining certain resources, and then use superb magic skills to extract useful information, so as to peek into the reality hidden behind the illusion."

"In the process of divination, you have to throw away your preferences, your own positions, your own logic, and even your 'selves'."

“Only in this way can you be truly objective and calm when dealing with the thoughts and emotions of others.”

Having said this, Professor Yi paused for a moment, his eyes a little lost, as if he was recalling something.

The classroom was quiet, no one made a sound, everyone was holding pens and immersed themselves in taking notes quickly.

Professor Yi's concise description of divination dazzled everyone and made them unable to control themselves.

Even the gypsy witch, who looked unhappy at first, furrowed her beautiful eyebrows, put the tarot cards that she rarely left her hands on the corner of the table, and buried herself in taking notes.

At that time, although there was no ambiguous atmosphere brewing between the two, Zheng Qing could always get a bright smile every time he looked at her.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qing couldn't help but smile silly.

Once again he couldn't help but turn his head and look towards the back row of the classroom.

Elena's seat is still empty.

Since yesterday, to be precise, since Saturday, Zheng Qing has lost news about her.

Dozens of paper cranes came and went from the balcony of the dormitory. Some were wet with dew, some were hit by bird droppings, and some had small wings chewed off by flying insects, but none of them showed signs of being opened.

It's like a drop of water falling into the sea or a grain of sand drifting into the desert.

In such a large school, a university protected by formations, a student disappeared silently.

Perhaps because of the short time, many students noticed that the beautiful witch did not appear in the classroom for two consecutive days, but they were not too worried.

Everyone speculated that Elena was sick or was doing some experiments - for a wizard, disappearing from the public eye for a few days was not a big deal at all. There are even some great wizards who have not attended the Grand Wizard Conference of the Wizards Alliance for decades or hundreds of years. However, until the exact news of their demise is received, the Wizards Alliance will always reserve those noble chairs for them.

In addition, the transfer students have their own small circles of activities, so no one like Zheng Qing deliberately inquires about the whereabouts of the gypsy witch.

Wizards are another group that pays great attention to personal privacy.

Learning to maintain a healthy distance is a social skill that every wizard must master.

Even Dylan patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder and comforted: "It doesn't matter, maybe the Gypsy Witch Group is doing some prayer rituals... Just like the nobles under the moon, they spend half of their time every year on various useless things. In terms of meaningful rituals and blessings, you should take advantage of her absence to practice ballroom dancing so that you won’t be in a hurry after the moon hunt begins.”

Dance with Jelena.

Zheng Qing seemed to smell the fragrant scent of her body for an instant, which was suffocating.

He shook his head vigorously, trying to collect his thoughts, turned to look out the window, and took a deep breath.

There is plenty of sunshine at noon.

The light yellow color rushed through the tall floor-to-ceiling window, falling on the floor, between the desks, on the students' new robes, and on Professor Yi's broad forehead.

The professor's forehead was a little shiny in the sunlight, and beads of sweat could be faintly seen under the sparse hair, shining like crystals with five colors of light.

He had thrown the withered bamboo whip on the desk, piled with the thick lecture notes.

The tall blackboard that occupies one wall is densely covered with complex spells and reasoning processes. Large and small symbols seem to form a dizzy spell, making Zheng Qing's mind go blank.

The elves in gray uniforms flew nimbly between the blackboards, wiping away the abandoned derivation formulas.

The young public-sponsored student looked at these alchemical beings with envy, and for the first time in his life, he had deep doubts about his own IQ.

Even the elf knows which fragments are useless and which inferences can be wiped off the blackboard.

How embarrassing it is.

The lament in his heart did not last long. The professor's words broke the silence in the classroom.

"I found that you were not serious in studying theoretical knowledge before."

The professor held his head high and looked down at the entire classroom, his small dark eyes shining with wisdom.

Many people showed expressions of approval, but due to Professor Yi's "brutal" image, no one responded stupidly.

"I know that you all want to start learning those superb divination skills immediately."

"I want to learn to hear the beep-bop-bop of tortoise shells under the burning fire, I want to see the colorful images in the rotating crystal ball, and I want to find out the subtle meanings of the different combinations of the seventy-eight tarot cards."

"So you'll think I'm wasting my time."

"This is a very wrong idea."

Professor Yi tilted his head and scanned every student's face with his sharp eyes. Many of them lowered their heads in guilty conscience.

"Theoretical study is a very important foundation for divination."

"I rarely teach you how to perform real divination in my divination classes - adults with well-developed cerebellum can easily complete those uncomplicated techniques - what I want to teach you is how to obtain resources and obtain a person. The most secret life. With the trajectory constructed by these resources, you can get the future you want without extraordinary talent.”

"The basis is a series of mantras and mathematical equations..."

The professor turned around and tapped the blackboard hard.

A series of frame drawings and a series of annotations slowly unfolded on the dark green board.

"You need to learn basic deductive logic, master common models and proof methods. Then on this basis, learn how to analyze the data obtained from divination, find the maximum possibility between different probabilities, special code for special situations, and skillfully operate in the environment ''Module'' domain''group'' generation switches between these different categories.

"Because divination will inevitably involve time and space, you must also understand the tensors and vectors of space, understand the shadow factors when energy is projected in space, and avoid fallacies in conclusions due to the lack of the 'life acceleration' constant during calculations."

"Everything is based on a huge amount of calculations - of course, there are some special talents who can reach accurate conclusions through intuition, but most people, I mean all of you sitting here, do not have this talent - so , you must master various functions, including single complex variables, multiple complex variables, harmonic analysis, etc., including but not limited to ordinary differential equations, partial differential theory, functional analysis, topological applications, etc. "

"A large number of calculations can converge the probabilities and various possibilities, and arrive at an almost 'prophetic' conclusion."

“In the process of convergence, you must know relevant regression analysis, conduct multivariate analysis, refer to time series analysis, and draw on statistical judgment theory. This does not include coordination, gaming, dynamic programming, and limit that may be applied in the convergence process. Simulation, non-parametric statistics, etc.”

The huge framed picture on the blackboard has been squeezed to the edge, but various complex terms still appear in the gaps and blanks of the lines.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, and for the nth time, he planned to give up the course.

This is not his idea alone.

Zhang Jixin had completely given up on treatment. He pumped his strong biceps and tightened his head, turning his originally red face into purple. He tried to activate it by "putting it to death and then living". More brain cells work.

Zheng Qing didn't know if this method would be effective.

He only knew that his grade for another assignment at the end of the semester was basically certain.

Unlike his expectation of a perfect score in the Talisman class, he no longer had any hope in the Divination class.

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