Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 226 Green Spun

Luxifang is a famous clothing brand in the wizarding world.

Some people say that as long as there are witches in the wizarding world, there will be the shadow of Lu Xifa.

Admittedly, this statement is a bit too absolute, but in a sense, this statement expresses Luxifang's status in the entire wizarding world without exaggeration.

If Yun Xiangyi is the most standard uniform manufacturer in the wizarding world, then Luxifang is the largest women's clothing brand in the wizarding world.

Whether it is a simple Shima pure coat, an exquisite Lolita dress, a gorgeous crenolin skirt, a plain blouse, a solemn skirt, or a light Liuxian, any kind of dress has been worn by wizards. Countless transformed and improved versions of clothing styles that have been popular in the world can be found in Luxifang.

Not to mention that this store also exclusively supplies many textiles unique to magical races, such as Yuren's colorful brocade, Sharman's water-proof fabrics, and Snowy's ice silkworm mountain silk.

Just standing in front of the store, Zheng Qing deeply felt the power of Luxifang.

There are many shops on the pedestrian street with dazzling signboards. However, this small shop with only a strip of silk hanging at the door and a door height of less than two meters is always crowded and overcrowded. It is not left out in the slightest because of the simple decoration of the shop.

After saying "I'm sorry" five times, "Sorry" three times, and "I'm sorry" twice, Zheng Qing finally squeezed into the depths of the store along the narrow aisle.

Just like Dr. Xiao once said, wizards with some background always like to expand their living space.

Even when the store is open.

Compared with the external courtyard, the main hall deep in Luxifang is much wider. Many space expansion formations have been installed here. The surrounding walls are covered with talismans that stabilize the space. Even the ceiling has been cast with starry sky magic. , making the entire exhibition hall always shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere.

The huge luminous pearls wandering in the ceiling cast a pale white light, and the entire exhibition hall seemed to be plated with silver, making it look cold, noble and gorgeous.

Elves wearing different styles of gauze skirts danced in the air.

The bamboo baskets in their hands are filled with flower petals. Occasionally, when they see pairs of male and female witches, they will happily rush up and shower them with blessings.

"Are they crazy?" Zheng Qing hurriedly slapped the petals off his head, his face turned red: "Can you stop them!"

"It's just a few petals, what's all the fuss about?" Jiang Yu's face was a little red, but she objected in a nonchalant tone.

Zheng Qing knocked his teeth and felt that this statement was reasonable.

There are no fixed hangers in the showroom.

Luxi Fang has many tall fashion models wearing various styles of gorgeous women's clothing, walking slowly among the crowd.

Guests gathered around these models in twos and threes, whispering about clothing styles and clothing fabrics. If they were willing to pay a small deposit, Luxi Fang would also allow them to touch the clothing fabrics.

In the center of the exhibition hall is a long T stage.

This T-shaped platform extends from the deepest backstage of the exhibition hall to the entrance to the entrance.

Bright lights enveloped the entire T stage, making the rest of the environment in the exhibition hall much darker. The dolls with graceful figures wear different styles of women's clothing and walk back and forth on the catwalk.

The customers in the audience held up their monocle crystal glasses and looked carefully at the models on the stage.

But I don’t know if I’m looking at the clothes or the scenery.

"You want me to help you buy clothes?" Jiang Yu folded her arms and stood under the T stage, squinting at the models passing by on the stage, her voice seemed a little strange: "Or are you buying women's clothing?"

"Of course I'm not wearing it." Zheng Qing laughed dryly and added: "It's my cousin... also named Zheng. It's her birthday. I think I need to buy her a gift."

A blond-haired model walked slowly past Zheng Qing while swaying on a catwalk.

She wore a red cheongsam with high slits and a colorful green peacock embroidered on it. When walking around, the peacock's gorgeous tail feathers open and close, which is particularly beautiful.

Of course, what is even more beautiful is the female model’s vaguely exposed flesh color.

Zheng Qing felt a little dry in his mouth, and forcibly restrained his obscene thoughts. He turned his head, looked at Jiang Yu, and explained sincerely: "My cousin is still young, not on Phuket Island, outside... But you know, I can Mail it to her. The school doesn’t prohibit mailing anything.”

"Your cousin? That's so thoughtful." Jiang Yu looked at him with smiles in her eyes.

"Yes, cousin, but distant cousin... She is seventeen years old this year and will take the college entrance examination next year." Zheng Qing waved his arms and explained nervously: "She is taller... not skinny, but tall, like you ……Oh, sorry."

Zheng Qing's waving arm touched a girl next to him. His arm bounced back like an electric shock, and he explained in a panic: "Sorry, sorry, the light here is a bit dark."

The girl didn't speak, but walked past the two of them in an elegant catwalk.

Turns out to be a display model.

"This is the first time I see someone apologizing to a puppet." A chubby boy patted Zheng Qing's shoulder hard and laughed: "Brother, is this your first time to see Luxi Fang's clothing display? It's not okay to be so stage frightened... …The girls will laugh at me.”

Only then did Zheng Qing realize that the clothing models in the store were alchemy products.

"It scared me to death." Zheng Qing stamped his feet and turned around, looking frightened: "I thought they were all real people!"

"Is a real person that scary?" Jiang Yu looked at him curiously: "If you touch me, will you be scared to death?"

Zheng Qing's face suddenly turned red and he was speechless for a long time.

Jiang Yu smiled slightly, did not continue to embarrass him, and changed the topic: "You mean your cousin is having a birthday, so you bought her some clothes as a gift?"

"Yes, cousin!" Zheng Qing emphasized, and then added: "She is seventeen years old this year and will take the college entrance examination next year. I bought clothes and can mail them back to her."

"You seem to be memorizing the text." Jiang Yu squinted and looked at Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing closed his mouth and swallowed quietly.

After all, time is tight.

It was less than half an hour from the alley to Luxi Fang, and Zheng Qing only had enough time to prepare a simple set of words.

However, he has chewed these words over and over again, and as long as he doesn't lose his mind and talk about other contents, he will not be caught.

There are no loopholes.

Originally, he didn't intend to lie, but he suddenly remembered that Dylan once warned that if a girl chooses a gift for another girl, she will be hacked to death.

Zheng Qing didn't want to die young and be hacked to death, so he made up this lie.

Fortunately, Jiang Yu did not continue to dwell on this question. She took his arm with a smile and dragged him to the front desk: "It's not a big deal. I'm glad to help."

Zheng Qing followed her forward stiffly.

"I think you are better at these...your clothes...are always so decent." Zheng Qing murmured, explaining in an almost whispering voice: "Your belt, handbag, shawl...and the hems are tucked in That shape…”

"That's called a fish-tail shape." Jiang Yu turned her face sideways and raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "You have good observation skills."

The quiet fragrance penetrated Zheng Qing's nose.

He closed his mouth, not daring to say any more.

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