Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 9 I don’t know I am a guest in the dream

A damp breath penetrated the nose.

Zheng Qing shuddered and opened his eyes.

Within sight were thin white mist, criss-crossing branches, and a golden moon in the dark sky. Beneath him, a bit of cold air passed through the loose robe, sending a chill through his heart.

What time is it now?

Where am I!

He struggled, climbed up, and looked around in panic. He searched around his body for a long time, but he couldn't find the familiar gray cloth bag. Even the amulets hanging around his neck and the badges pinned to his chest were gone.

An uneasy feeling arises spontaneously.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

The breath he exhaled seemed to be in vain, carrying the moisture and coolness in the air, and rolled back into his lungs again.

He recognized the familiar sight before him.

In front is Linzhong Lake.

He was now standing at the end of the tree-lined stone road leading to the lake.

Under the moonlight, Linzhong Lake is quiet and silent.

In the distance is the sparkling water. A strange-looking water monster stretches out its long neck to explore the leaves of the ginkgo tree on the shore. On its back, a thick mermaid shakes the reins in boredom, closing its eyes. open eyes.

The big fiery red birds put their heads under their wings and formed a ball, gathering together like a basket of freshly baked sesame balls, with white mist steaming above their heads.

On the shore, several rockery stones stood quietly by the bluestone road, casting a thick shadow on the ground in the moonlight.

He staggered for a few steps and felt a little weightless. His hands and feet seemed to be out of control, so he immediately stretched out his hand to support a sycamore tree beside the road.

His arm passed through the tree trunk without any hindrance, causing him to stagger.

He raised his hands in front of his eyes, and through the light blue translucent skin, he could clearly see the curved bones, bulging muscles, intertwined slender blood vessels, and the gurgling white blood in the blood vessels.

ghost? ghost? What's wrong with me?

With his mind in a mess, he trotted straight to the lake, knelt on the ground and looked at the reflection in the lake.

A blurry face glowing with white light.


The sudden meowing of a cat broke the tranquility by the lake, and also startled the young wizard who was thinking wildly in front of the lake.

He looked up.

A white kitten about a foot tall appeared in the grass by the lake.

This kitten must have been born not long ago. The fetal hair on its head and back has not faded yet and looks a bit mottled. Standing in the grass, trembling, it makes people look at it with pity.

Different from this pitiful appearance, under the kitten's two front paws, there were two even more pitiful little guys.

The left paw is holding a gutless young man, and the right paw is holding a flower-skinned frog.

The kitten meowed and pushed with its two paws, trying to provoke a fight between the two aquatic animals.

However, in the face of a powerful enemy, both crabs and frogs shrank their heads, curled up, and tried their best to look half-dead.

This made the kitten gradually lose interest.

Suddenly, its ears twitched and its head raised.

A black butterfly swayed past the kitten's head and floated to the rockery not far away. The kitten immediately forgot about the poor creature at its feet, jumped up, and began to catch prey in the sky.

The butterfly's wings flickered, and it lightly slid out of a circle in mid-air, dodging the furry little claws, and finally landed on the towering rockery.

The kitten's big eyes narrowed, and it sneezed twice angrily. Then it climbed up the towering rockery along the protruding rocks, and jumped towards the butterfly.

The black butterfly seemed not to have expected this situation at all. It seemed a little sluggish under the sudden attack. It was crushed by the furry cat's claws before it even had time to open its wings.

Zheng Qing looked at this cute little guy and felt a familiar feeling in his heart for some reason.

He couldn't help but reach out his hand.

As expected, the palm passed through the kitten's body easily without any hindrance.

Seemingly sensing some movement, the kitten tilted its head, staring into those pure, light green cat eyes, and looked over curiously.

"Ah, what a cute little thing!" A clear female voice came from behind, startling the young public-funded student.

His neck was pulled back so hard that there was an ominous creaking sound between the joints.

A charming face came into view.

Then she walked closer and closer, and finally passed directly through Zheng Qing's body.

A numbing feeling surged from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Before he could moan in comfort, a pungent burning sensation squeezed out from all directions, making him howl and fall to his knees.

"This is..." Zheng Qing raised his hands and looked at the burn marks remaining on his palms, feeling a chill rise in his heart.

When he gasped for breath and turned around, the witch was squatting by the lake, washing her face with water.

Her whispers to herself drifted into the young wizard's ears with the evening breeze.

"The boss said that witches are neat guys."

"So wash your face frequently."

"He also said that as a witch, you have to apply cosmetics on your body frequently... until you have a fragrant smell."

"It's like aura of aura... When a witch stands there, she will be enveloped in her fragrance within five meters... It is said that this is a passive skill. As long as a wizard walks into the range of the fragrance, his intelligence will be forced. dropped by more than 30%.”


The witch turned her back to Zheng Qing, and her voice gradually changed with the sound of gurgling water.

From crisp, to low, and then to turbid and hoarse.

Until the end, a sizzling noise could be heard in every word she spoke, like a low-quality radio, which made people feel upset.

The meow of the kitten interrupted the witch's monologue.

She raised her head in surprise and saw the cute little thing on the rockery.

"You're still here?!... It's a bit troublesome."

The witch stood up, walked to the rockery, stretched out her delicate hands, and stroked the furry little ball.

The kitten bent down docilely and purred with satisfaction from its chest.

"Oops... you smashed the butterfly to pieces, what should I do to you?" The witch's low and hoarse voice seemed a little confused: "The boss said that the school doesn't allow you to eat anything... not even a bug."

The kitten turned over, exposing its soft belly, and grunted in the hope of being scratched.

There was a blurry reflection in its pure eyes.

"That's too bad..." the witch muttered: "The boss also said that no one can see me washing my face...and no one can see me...what an unlucky day."

Slender white fingers brushed the kitten's neck, scratched it, and then pulled gently.


The kitten lay quietly on the spot, making no sound anymore.

The witch turned around.

The bystanders collapsed on the ground in horror, with their mouths wide open, like a fish in a rut.

Under the moonlight, a tall figure faced him, with a face like a crescent moon and a face as pure as porcelain. It was white and empty, with no features or features.

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