Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 13 Time can measure everything

Time always flies when you are busy. 【】

Do homework, go to class, do homework, go to class, and in the blink of an eye, it’s Saturday.

The bohemian dress that Zheng Qing bought at a high price from Luxi Fang is still stuffed in the packaging bag and has not been sent out; there are still ten pieces of magic text that Professor Emma asked to copy and have not been completed; perhaps the only one worthy of boasting is There was only the homework for Lao Yao's spell class. With Jiang Yu's help, he completed an analysis report of nearly 10,000 words.

According to Fatty Xin, if these words are slightly polished and a proposal report is added, they can be stuffed into the school magazine and serve as a student thesis.

Zheng Qing did not comment on the compliment - in fact, he was very suspicious of Fatty Xin's motives for looking for manuscripts.

Besides, he had other things to worry about.

Today is Saturday, and it’s time for the weekly patrol again tonight.

According to the punishment notice issued by the school working committee, Zheng Qing needs to stay in the patrol team for one school year. It has just been a month now. This is his fifth time to participate in the night patrol of Linzhong Lake.

Relatively speaking, he is quite familiar with this matter.

He would not hang a kilogram-weight of amulets around his neck like he did on his first patrol; nor would he carry hundreds of amulets with him and tie armor and horse talismans to his legs; even in the Dharma book, he had no special instructions. To supplement the newly learned little evil spells, I copied the commonly used binding spell several times.

Because he finally understood what those old patrol members said every day.

This is the first university.

That lake is Linzhong Lake of Jiuyou Academy.

Except for a few red chain snakes and a group of sneaky sandworms, Zheng Qing has not seen any monster more dangerous than the kappa in the past month. 【】

Murlocs are not considered monsters. Although their intelligence is slightly lower, they are an intelligent race after all and will not risk the wrath of wizards to provoke a group of impulsive and reckless little guys.

Compared with those distant dangers, the most disturbing thing about night patrol is the adjustment of the biological clock.

Zheng Qing needs to go to bed on Saturday afternoon, then get up in the middle of the night, eat supper, patrol, go back to the dormitory in the morning, then fall asleep with his head covered, and can't get up until noon - the most golden period of the entire weekend is wasted on On the bed.

Simply unforgivable!

The young public-sponsored student thought about the homework he had not finished yet, and felt indignant but helpless.

The hole you dug must be filled in even on your knees.

At around eleven o'clock in the evening, he stumbled to the lakeside, carrying only a gray cloth bag and not even taking out the Dharma book from the bag.

Most of the patrol had already arrived.

Zheng Qing found Lin Guo easily.

The little genius from the Alpha Academy was riding on the back of a tall black goat, still carrying a small schoolbag. His long patrol cane was placed between the thick corners of the black goat, making it extremely conspicuous.

"Ah! I forgot again!" After greeting Lin Guo, the young public-funded student complained repeatedly: "Yesterday, I asked Fatty Xin to remind me to bring Poseidon - my little fox - before my patrol today. I forgot about it again today.”

"It's okay, everyone basically didn't bring any companions." Lin Guo grabbed a small comb and patiently combed the goat's back hair, comforting: "Besides, if you bring an animal companion to patrol, you need to report to the school working committee in advance. , it’s very troublesome to fill in a lot of information.”

Zheng Qing smacked his lips without saying a word.

He suddenly realized that at some point he had been comforted by a twelve-year-old child.

The black goat tilted his head and looked at the young public-funded student, his cheeks slowly moving, and his eyes clearly showed a sense of ridicule.

Zheng Qing did not want to taunt a goat. He could only walk to the center of the patrol team with his head shaking and get his patrol stick.

This is the standard equipment of patrol members. It has many protective and expulsive spells imprinted on it. When using it, you only need to wave it, which is very convenient.

Until everyone's patrol sticks were distributed, Old Man Verne had not yet appeared.

But according to past practice, the patrol team members have been skillfully divided into more than a dozen teams. If nothing unexpected happens, subsequent patrol missions will be completed in small teams. Each team is responsible for patrolling a section of the lakeshore. The scope and route are very clear.

Each team may have as many as four or five people, or as few as two, and they are divided according to the risk level of the patrol section.

Zheng Qing and Lin Guo were in the same team. Because they were the only freshmen in the entire patrol team, Old Man Verne had specially arranged a patrol mission along the lake corridor for them.

As long as you walk back and forth in the lakeside corridor, you will not encounter long insects in the grass, nor will you 'accidentally encounter' fishmen who come out to hunt for wild food. At most, you will be able to see the bald heads of a few kappas. It is a very safe patrol mission.

Others have no objections to this.

When the old man Verne came to the lakeside, the moon was already in the sky.

"Today is the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, the year of Wuzi, the month of Xinyou, and the day of Dingchou. The sky is bright and the moon is clear. There are no taboos. Please don't doze off while patrolling!" Old Man Verne was holding a cane in one hand and holding a suspicious figure in the other. Paper bag, face flushed.

There was a burst of relaxed laughter from the crowd.

"Do you all know the area you are responsible for?" The old man's cane paused heavily on the grass, startling a few small insects that were stacking Arhats.

The old hunting dog next to him swung his tail calmly and moved a few steps away from the old man's cane.

"I know..." the patrol members responded sparsely.

"Do you all know the patrol route?" The old man raised his cane and asked loudly.

"I know!" A neat roar came from the lakeside.

"What are you waiting for?!" The old man waved his cane: "Let's go! My patrol members!"

Zheng Qing followed the noisy team with a dark expression on his face, holding Lin Guo's black sheep with one hand and dragging his patrol cane with the other as he weakly walked towards that long corridor.

The Linzhong Lake Night Patrol patrols the entire Linzhong Lake, including the promenade around the lake, the lakeside forest and other ancillary areas.

The patrol area of ​​Zheng Qing and Lin Guo is in a promenade around the lake on the west side of the lake. It is less than 500 meters long and it only takes about ten minutes to walk back and forth.

Many fruit trees such as peaches, plums, apricots, and jujubes were planted on one side of the corridor, which attracted a large number of wild light bugs to suck the sap from the trees. It was the only patrol area shrouded in lights.

On the other side of the corridor is a sloping grass slope, and the bottom line of the grass slope is Linzhong Lake.

Walking along the promenade, you can see the sparkling lake on one side and the fruit trees full of light bugs on the other. The scenery is pleasant.

However, no matter how interesting the scenery is, after watching it dozens of times, after hundreds of times, it will be as dull as clear soup and no longer interesting at all.

The night is still long.

This boring scenery will last for a long time.

Zheng Qing had to work hard to find some topics to pass this tiring time.

Thinking of time, he couldn't help but think of Lin Guo's slightly chaotic concept of time, and then he thought of an old man he met in front of the school working committee office building a long time ago.

What the old man said——

‘Throw away time, there is no magic in this world’.

He thought about it carefully and felt that Mr. Wu seemed to have said something similar, so he couldn't help but shake it out and try to discuss it with Lin Guo.

In his opinion, Lin Guo might have a different view on this point.

But to his surprise, Lin Guo agreed one thousand percent with that sentence.

"It's absolutely no problem... Time is originally the most powerful force in the world." The little boy followed Zheng Qing step by step, carrying a patrol stick and answering seriously.

"It's too absolute..." Zheng Qing shook his head and strongly disagreed with such absolute rhetoric: "Everything has two sides. Time may be powerful, but it cannot encompass everything..."

"Okay!" Lin Guo's voice rose slightly: "Time can measure everything!"

"Measure everything?" Although he somewhat agreed with Lin Guo's words, Zheng Qing still sneered at this sentence: "Time is time. Can it measure real things like distance and space? Can it measure illusions like wisdom and love?" Something? Can it measure the truth?”

"Yes!" Lin Guo nodded solemnly: "For example, distance, what you use to measure distance is not the length of time? For example, wisdom, what a smart person understands in three minutes, a fool takes three months to react to. Come here. As for the truth, who knows more? There may be truth at the end of endless time and space."

Zheng Qing was speechless. He always felt something was wrong, but at the same time he felt it made sense and couldn't refute it.

What do I care about with this little brat, let alone a schizophrenic, time-abnormal child - in the end, he can only comfort himself with Ah Q's spirit.

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