Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 72 The witches tonight are a little strange

After Zheng Qing stood at the door of the classroom, his eyes immediately scanned the whole place.

There was no sign of Elena.

Not giving up, he slowed down a lot and checked again.

The gypsy witch is indeed not in the classroom.

"Weird." The young public-funded student frowned and muttered in confusion: "She obviously went upstairs."

"What?" Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses.

"Nothing..." Zheng Qing waved his hands and answered vaguely, suppressing the doubts in his heart.

The two of them obviously entered the teaching building together, but I was only a few minutes late at the door of the building. Why did they disappear? Is she planning to miss tonight's regular class meeting again? She didn't say anything about asking for leave in the afternoon. If Lao Yao asks about her again this time, will he answer it?

Full of entanglements and doubts, the young public-sponsored student lowered his head and walked forward, not even noticing Li Meng's shout.

"Bang!" A paper ball hit his head.

"I'm calling you, Hundan!" The little witch looked at the three boys angrily: "You look like you are in a state of confusion... Could it be that your souls have been taken away by goblins?"

Zheng Qing blinked, and it took him a while to realize what Li Meng was talking about.

"Why has her temper become so bad recently?" the young public-funded student complained softly. He remembered the time when he was almost abused when he turned into a cat, and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Maybe it's a relative coming home." Xiao Xiao suddenly said something profound, which made Zheng Qing look at him with admiration.

"You still understand this?!"

The doctor glanced sideways at him, his eyes full of contempt.

This made Zheng Qing couldn't help but wonder if he had said something wrong again.

Li Meng wore her hair in a bun today, and with her slightly baby-fat face and the bright red robe of Jiuyou College, she looked quite festive.

Jiang Yu tied up her long black hair and put it on her shoulders. She was lowering her head and carefully opening a heavy reference book on the desk. The outline of that book looked a bit familiar to Zheng Qing.

As expected, Li Meng's shouting disturbed the monitor's reading.

She raised her head dissatisfied.

Before she could speak, the little stick figure behind the door shouted angrily: "Students who swear in the classroom will be deducted ten points!"

"Bang!" Li Meng grabbed a paper ball at hand, raised his hand and smashed it.

The soft ball of paper did not hit the little stick figure as expected, but bounced on the door frame and fell to the ground - in fact, Zheng Qing highly doubted that even if the little man was hit by the paper , it won't do any harm - this move only caused the little stick figure to laugh even more crazily:

"Students who litter in the classroom will be deducted ten points!" It smoothed its few sparse hair, tried to straighten its eyes and mouth, and reprimanded seriously: "Students who litter are just garbage. !”

"Li Meng!" Jiang Yu finally sat up slightly and glared at her cousin.

The little witch pursed her lips and sat back in her seat in dismay.

"Can it still deduct points?" Zheng Qing looked back at the little stick figure doing somersaults on the white paper, a little confused.

"You believe this too?!" Xiao Xiao's tone seemed a bit incredible.

"Ahem, it's just a guess..." Zheng Qing coughed twice and changed the subject: "Didn't you say it hibernates in winter? Why does it look so energetic now!"

"It's not winter yet, and it's so warm in the classroom, how could it get cold." Fatty Xin snorted, his tone a bit indignant: "If you ask me, even a simple figure can live a more comfortable life than those jugglers. !”

Zheng Qing immediately closed his mouth and stopped breathing.

Since Fatty Xin came back from his research in Beta Town, he has been focusing on his special report. It seems that everywhere he can see, wizards are oppressing magicians.

In just a few minutes of walking up from downstairs, whenever Zheng Qing or Xiao Xiao started a conversation, Fatty could always switch to the miserable life of a magician within three seconds.

It makes people feel helpless.

While talking, the three boys had already walked to the first row of desks.

"Mengmei, what are your orders to us?" Fatty Xin rushed over anxiously.

"Don't call me Mengmei! Call me Sister Li!" Li Meng was a little crazy about the title the fat man gave her.

"Okay cute girl!" Fatty Xin smiled honestly.

Jiang Yu grabbed the little witch who climbed onto the desk in time and pulled her back to her seat.

"Sorry." She smiled apologetically.

"No, it doesn't matter." Zheng Qing looked at Jiang Yu and could not help but think of his experience after turning into a cat.

Thinking of the warm bench in the cold wind, and the soft and fragrant embrace on the bench.

His face turned red quickly, his eyes involuntarily avoided the witch's eyes, and he stammered a greeting: "Good evening...good evening."

Xiao Xiao held his notebook, his scrutinizing eyes lingering on the two of them.

"Good evening." Jiang Yu seemed not to notice Zheng Qing's embarrassment and responded briskly, lowering her head and continuing to flip through the heavy reference book.

This gave the young public-sponsored student a huge sigh of relief.

Then he noticed the title at the header of the reference book.

"'Analysis of Transfiguration - Four Taboos of Transfiguration Magic'," Zheng Qing muttered the familiar name in a low voice, raised his head, and looked at the female squad leader a little uneasily: "What, are you studying transfiguration?"

As the name suggests, this reference book discusses taboos and adverse reactions during the use of transformation magic. It is one of the must-read works for wizards who use transformation magic.

Zheng Qing also borrowed it from the library.

For first-year students, the content of this book is too difficult and does not fall into the scope of reading for extracurricular hobbies or broadening horizons.

This made him wonder if the cat he had turned into had revealed something, so the witch was looking for information.

"Transfiguration?" When Xiao Xiao heard this sensitive word, he immediately raised his head and glanced at the witch behind the desk.

He was one of the few people who knew about Zheng Qing's transformation. Naturally, he also knew that this magic was strictly controlled by the Wizards Alliance, and any unreported transformation was illegal.

Witches study transfiguration in public, and the meaning behind it is naturally worthy of speculation.

Jiang Yu didn't seem to expect that Zheng Qing could see the small line of book titles on the header of the reference book so keenly. He was stunned for a moment before he seemed to react.

"I just feel that it is necessary to preview the senior class homework in advance..." The witch brushed her hair in front of her forehead, shrugged, and said in a relaxed tone: "You know, the magic in senior classes is getting more and more difficult now, we The amount must be prepared in advance.”

As she spoke, she quickly grabbed the notebook next to her, pretended to organize the books casually, and stuffed the heavy reference book on the table and the notebook next to her into the drawer.

This move seemed to be a cover-up.

And the explanation is a bit far-fetched.

There are weird things everywhere, which makes Zheng Qing more suspicious.

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