Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 107 Going to the Hunting Ground

Go to the hunting ground, go to the hunting ground,

Wearing a cloak and carrying a sword to the hunting ground,

Go to the hunting ground, go to the hunting ground,

Ride a broom and flying carpet to the hunting grounds.

Riding the wind to the hunting grounds,

There are endless wastelands and monsters,

Under the twinkle of Rigel,

Opening its bloody fangs.

Cross the rainbow to the hunting grounds,

Carrying the scorching sun, bright moon and glory,

The Dharma book lights up with colorful light,

It is a testament to our courage.

Breaking through the night to go to the hunting grounds,

Deep in the silent forest,

There is a quiet clearing,

The wizard spoke his spell,

One way, two ways, three ways!

The wizard recited his spell:

Broken bamboo, renewed bamboo, flying earth, chasing flesh!

Intermittent singing followed the wind and came from the entrance of Hunting Ground No. 1.

Even though the sound was a little faint through the stone gate, the young wizards in the auditorium of Hunting Ground No. 1 could still appreciate the high fighting spirit and passionate belief of those hunting teams.

After the blessing, the most critical ceremony of the opening ceremony came to an end.

Professor Yao did not know when he had left everyone's sight and returned the empty sky to the eager young wizards.

The beautiful singing voice of the lark came out from the morning glory hanging behind the seats in the surrounding stands.

This ignited the pent-up atmosphere in the stands.

"Go to the hunting ground, go to the hunting ground..."

Everyone followed the singing in the morning glory, roared, waved their fists, and vented their passionate emotions.

When the figure of the first hunting team appeared at the edge of the hunting ground, the atmosphere in the surrounding stands was pushed to its climax.

"Go to the hunting ground, go to the hunting ground!!"

Everyone was singing "Going to the Hunting Ground" in unison.

In the stands, the place where the students of Jiuyou Academy were located had completely turned into a burning sea.

Rows of flaming red flags, flaming red banners, bunches of burning flames, and fireworks jumping into the sky from time to time from the crowd. It seemed that in a moment, this area was completely filled with the red color of Jiuyou Academy. submerged. Brilliant fireworks gathered above the stands into fiery red copper coins one after another - this is the symbol of Jiuyou Academy.

At first, Zheng Qing was worried that this slightly chaotic scene would cause dissatisfaction in the school and lead to intervention by the pickets.

But when he noticed that some wizards wearing 'disciplinary picket' badges quietly took off their shirts and joined the frenzied crowd, he finally put aside his last worries, laughed, and joined the others around him. Waving the red flag.

"Dong dong, dong dong dong..."

In the northern stands, students from Starry Sky Academy wearing blue robes set up huge cowhide drums on the stands. These cowhide drums were decorated with a six-pointed star logo pattern of the college. Dozens of drummers were naked to the waist, revealing their knuckled muscles. They waved drumsticks wrapped in blue cloth, and along with the singing in the morning glory, they beat the cowhide to the sky. ring.

Especially when the hunting team of Starry Sky Academy entered the field, the rapid drum beat was as continuous as rain hitting banana trees and beads falling on jade plates, and the reverberating sonic boom roughly suppressed the sounds of other colleges on the hunting ground.

This will naturally cause dissatisfaction among other colleges.

Such as Atlas Academy.

As an academy where devout believers gather, Atlas has always had no shortage of means to boost its momentum.

The beautiful sacred music of the choir, the deafening divine words of the chanting group, coupled with the various prayers, petitions, flags and blessings from students of other large and small sects,1 supplemented by the accompaniment of large and small triangles, for a time The stands to the west were decorated with golden lotuses, creating a sacred and solemn scene that completely eliminated the violent atmosphere in the drum beats of Starry Sky Academy.

Only the students of the Alpha Academy refused to join the carnival.

Perhaps ten years ago, when these children from wizarding families first entered the middle school campus, they had those inexplicable impulses and passion deep in their hearts.

But now, as adults, they are more or less involved in family affairs. Mature and steady comments are the most needed compliments for young people at this stage - rather than shouting and dancing like a child in the stands of the hunting ground.

Of course, this does not mean that the students of Alpha College are willing to serve as green leaves to set off the other three colleges.

They just don't want to stand in front of the stage and show their shame.

The children of aristocratic families with many butlers and servants only need to write a few reports, and the family will naturally send them a sufficient budget with a smile.

If you scatter a lot of jade coins and golden beans, you can create countless dazzling magics in this world.

Such as now.

The Alpha Academy used the invited siren choir to suppress the choir of Atlas. Those banshees' heavenly singing voices and fairy-like looks eclipsed the glory of the gods; the Alpha Academy also invited the Minotaur. They danced war dances in the stands, using battle axes and howling against the war drums of the Starry Sky Academy; what was especially outrageous was that the young wizards of Alpha purchased many large alchemy props and staged various magical scenes above the stands. It dwarfed the red flags and fireworks of Jiuyou Academy.

Even when displaying the academy logo, these Alpha students are very reserved.

"A bunch of sissies..." Zhang Jixin crossed his arms and looked gloomily at the reserved smiling faces of the Alpha students in the distance, clenching his fists.

Not long after the opening ceremony, he and Fatty Xin completely woke up to the sound of Professor Yao's prayers.

But within a few minutes of waking up, the red-faced wizard saw Alpha's arrogant behavior of using one college to suppress the other three colleges. His anger suddenly surged, and he wished he could give those hypocrites a 'love education' with an iron fist.

Zheng Qing sighed and did not refute.

In fact, he repeatedly wanted to take out the Dharma book and throw a few evil spells at it to interrupt those inhumane losers.

"I'm afraid ordinary curses have no effect on those guys." Zheng Qing looked at the meteor shower passing over the stands of the Alpha Academy with envy, and said dryly: "I'm afraid each of those guys has more than a dozen high-level talismans. …Remember that little wolf from the Taylor family? All ten of his fingers are magic rings!”

"If we had that much money..." Duan Xiaojian murmured, sighed, raised the flagpole in his hand, and tried to wave the flag more.

As he spoke, the entrance ceremony for the hunting team was coming to an end.

All twenty official hunting teams participating in the school hunting party this year came on stage, standing quietly under the rows of flags in the distance, facing the presidium.

There are only five people in each team, and there are only a hundred hunters in total, which is inconspicuous among the tens of thousands of people on today's hunting grounds.

But they stood there quietly and easily grabbed everyone's attention.

Because they are the real protagonists of the school hunting party.

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