Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 183: Chaotic days

When Fatty Xin mentioned that Elena had joined the Matthew Hunting Team, the public-funded student immediately became frustrated.

Although when the young master of the Taylor family mentioned this news just now, he acted indifferently and even pretended to have known about it for a long time, but his heart was not as calm as on the surface.

It was sour, sweet, bitter, and mixed, and Zheng Qing couldn't even tell whether he was more angry or heartbroken.

So much so that throughout the second half of the Hunting Painting Exhibition, he remained depressed, which was in sharp contrast to the lively atmosphere around him.

As the ancients said, one can make great efforts, then they will decline, and three times they will be exhausted.

If he couldn't talk to the Gypsy Witch about this matter while he was still in high spirits, Zheng Qing doubted that he would involuntarily let go of this matter in two days.

At least I won't be as angry as I am now.

The only problem is what tone or attitude he should use to face Elena.

"I heard that you joined Matthew's hunting team?" This was a curious inquiry among classmates. As an ordinary classmate, there is certainly nothing wrong with Zheng Qing asking this.

But the problem is that he is not willing to position himself as an ordinary classmate of the gypsy witch.

"You joined Matthew's hunting team? Why didn't you tell me..." - This is the tone of a friend. But from the perspective of a friend, asking questions like this seems a bit arrogant. No one likes to have their private lives interfered with at will.

What's more, the Gypsies have always been known for their free-spiritedness.

"How can you join Matthew's hunting team?!" - This tone is slightly stronger, suitable for someone who is more than a friend. Such as close friends, such as lovers.

But are he and Elena lovers?

Zheng Qing asked himself, feeling slightly uneasy about the answer to this question.

Apart from giving each other a gift and him helping her learn runes, the two didn't seem to be in love yet - although everyone thought there was a little ambiguity between the two, Zheng Qingqing except for howling in the dormitory a few times, He didn't even make any overt moves to pursue her.

He is so reserved that he can no longer be described as shy.

But stay.

This conclusion made the young public-sponsored student increasingly depressed.

This melancholy atmosphere lasted from the first hall to dormitory 403, and from evening to late night.

"Some things must be asked clearly in person."

"This involves men's dignity!"

"Don't worry, the Knights of Forgiveness are your strongest backing!"

Zheng Qing tossed and turned and stayed awake all night amid the suggestions and comforts from his roommates.

The next day, with a pair of dark circles and two big bags under his eyes, he staggered to class. But he never found a chance to confront Elena.

Because the gypsy witch was once again absent from school.

Zheng Qing discovered that the whereabouts of the Gypsy witch seemed to become more and more mysterious as she entered the school longer. Even the other transfer students who were traveling with her, and even close friends who belonged to the Gypsy witch group, did not know the whereabouts of the witch.

Some people say that Elena has joined a secret society in the North District of Beta Town and is asking around about a certain evil god that magicians believe in; others say that Elena discovered a sealed secret garden at school and is working hard to crack the door. The secret key on the book; some people say that Irina is often seen entering the Silent Forest, seemingly looking for something.

No matter what the rumors are, they have nothing to do with the word safety.

This made Zheng Qing feel depressed and also a little worried.

Hope she doesn't cause any trouble.

He prayed secretly and rubbed the copper coin in his hand.

This is the medium used by public students for divination.

What is going on now is a divination class.

On the podium, Professor Yi was using a pot of blooming maple flowers to patiently and carefully demonstrate to everyone how to use local materials in the wild, using leftover bones, dead branches, fallen leaves, and even handfuls of yellow sand blown by the wind. Perform simple divination.

This kind of course, which is very focused on practical applications in hunting, has been extremely popular in the past month.

Perhaps because of the school hunting club, in the past month, the school's curriculum has intentionally or unintentionally covered various knowledge about monster hunting.

As the atmosphere of monster hunting increases, so does the professors' awareness - they seem to believe that these young wizards in the classroom, flowers in the greenhouse, need to learn more practical magic knowledge.

In the magic class, Lao Yao taught a new chaos spell, which was used to deal with large groups of attacking wild monsters.

In the Talisman class, Teacher Zhang taught everyone a tailor-made set of 'Demon Spirit Beam Talisman' - a comprehensive Talisman made up of seven types of control Talismans. It is derived from the Immobilization Talisman and can It effectively curbs the mental control of the wild monster king, and also has a very good effect on restricting the little monsters that wander around.

In the history class, Professor Sima told everyone about various anecdotes from the 'Second Lich War' and several tragic battles.

In the astronomy class, Professor Emma made everyone familiar with several magic words belonging to the demon character.

"When you use these magic words to cast spells or talismans, they will have a more powerful effect on monsters... In addition, if you encounter monsters that cannot resist, you can also try to use these magic words to communicate with them." At this point, the old lady put on a serious face and warned the students in the class sternly: "But this does not mean that you can surrender to the devil easily."

"In the dictionary of demons, there is no word for captive."

In the Potions class, Professor Li taught the students how to use a tuft of hair dropped by the wild monster to determine more information about the wild monster group: such as determining the number of monsters in the wild monster group, the proportion of adult monsters, and the overall characteristics of the monster group. status, and what types of wild monsters it contains.

To go deeper, you can also explore how many pregnant wild monsters and injured wild monsters there are in the monster group through the traces of wild monsters after they pass through. If one becomes more skilled, one can also judge the ability of the Wild Demon King based on these traces.

Now is the divination class.

Professor Yi is no exception.

He took out dead leaves one by one from the specimen box with great interest and demonstrated to everyone how to use these elements.

"...The key is to find a carrier with clear veins and appropriate texture...withered but not broken. This is very important. There was once a Tatar wizard who was drunk and used a handful of smoke to divination. Broken tobacco leaves, and he saw a huge bear paw in the smoke."

"He was very happy and thought there would be extra food in the evening."

"As a result, in the evening, a group of hungry Xianbeli bears rushed into his tent... The broken leaves brought a broken picture. In divination, this is especially fatal."

"You must not make such a stupid mistake."

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