Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 223 Weird public opinion

Regarding the large-scale riots that occurred at the last round-robin competition of the school hunting club, the spectators at the time had different opinions and couldn't agree on one thing.

For example, the students of Jiuyou Academy insisted that it was Alpha Academy who made the first move.

The commentator article that Fatty Xin submitted to the school newspaper afterward represented the views of the vast majority of Jiuyou Academy students: "...Those arrogant and despicable white robes used summoning spells wantonly and threw a group of disgusting goblins into On the stands of Jiuyou Academy, they were allowed to expose their private parts in full view of the public, defecate everywhere, and spit at the red-robed wizards who were keeping their peace!”

"...Everyone in the wizarding world knows that the students of Jiuyou Academy are the most well-behaved! Besides those hypocrites, who else would believe that Jiuyou Academy made the first move?"

On the contrary, the students of Alpha Academy obviously scorned Jiuyou's accusation.

"Those nerds are spitting blood!" When a freshman named O'Brien was interviewed by the school newspaper reporter, he deliberately showed the reporter the scary scars on his arms: "...Those evil goblins must be The people from Jiuyou Academy brought it on themselves. We just rushed over to help them suppress these monsters, but we didn't expect those red-robed men to throw a lot of evil curses at them without saying a word... Did you see the scars on my arms? When I was dealing with a fence goblin, I was disturbed by the red robe. As a result, the goblin broke away and left it for me..."

"... Of course, the summoning of the fence goblins may also be done by the blue robes... Everyone knows that those guys have a bad temper and like these evil little things."

However, when the school newspaper reporter asked the students of Starry Sky Academy to verify the truth of the relevant matter, almost every student of Starry Sky Academy expressed disdain for this - for the proud blue robes, using dirty things like fence goblins It would be a shame for everyone to get involved in the feud between young wizards.

"No one wearing a blue robe can do this kind of thing," an anonymous officer from the Student Union Liaison Department of Starry Sky College told the school newspaper reporter: "We are not Alpha, and we will not use a group of goblins who can only spit. If there is any grudge, we would rather resolve it with fists.”

In addition, the director of Starry Sky Academy also expressed his views on the war between Jiuyou Academy and Alpha: "In fact, in the eyes of most of us, the relationship between Jiuyou and Alpha is not a war, or even a war. It’s not even a fight, it’s just a group of women having fun... Who has ever seen a situation where the spell needs to be released for a minute during a fight?”

Among the four colleges, only Atlas College has remained silent about the incident in the round robin. As a consistent ally of Alpha College, Atlas's statement is quite surprising.

While Zheng Qing was carefully reading the school newspaper's report on yesterday's accident, Elder Zhang, who was lying on the table writing a letter of apology, suddenly turned around again.

"Did Xiao Xiao write it too?" The red-faced wizard bit the tip of his quill and looked at Zheng Qing expectantly: "...Has he also written this self-examination?"

Before Zheng Qing could speak, the fat man next to him spoke first.

"There is no doubt." Fatty Xin held a lollipop in his mouth, glanced sideways at Zhang Jixin, and added in a vague voice: "Writing a self-reflection letter was his suggestion to us... Otherwise, who do you think would do this? A thankless idea."

"I just saw that he hasn't come yet." Zhang Jixin turned around, glanced down at the self-reflection he had just begun, and lamented: "It's been almost half an hour, and I have only written three hundred or eight thousand words. It feels like I will never finish writing in my lifetime.”

"It depends on you." The fat man shrugged hard and turned to look at Zheng Qing: "Speaking of the doctor, I was just curious, where did he go? He came back later than you last night, and he did the same today. He disappeared after morning class... Is he really in love with Mr. Sima? This is big news."

"It's not news that he is chasing Mr. Sima. Everyone knows about it, okay." Zheng Qing didn't even raise his head and said in a contemptuous tone: "Since joining the editorial department of the school newspaper, apart from big news and gossip, what's in your mind? Don’t you have anything else?”

"I still have something to eat in my mind." The fat man sucked the lollipop hard and made a clicking sound, rebutting the public-funded student's ridicule with practical actions.

Zheng Qing snorted and stopped talking to the fat man.

He had just turned to the current affairs commentary page of the school newspaper, which gathered the opinions of many senior campus staff, retired professors of First University, and several judges and adjudicators of Dan Hager's circuit court at First University on yesterday afternoon's hunting ground conflict. .

It was beyond his expectation.

Most of the views of the above-mentioned professionals are very moderate - or can be said to be 'pacifying' - they argue from many aspects such as law, campus management, the strong tendency of young wizards to show themselves, and the influence of the fanatical atmosphere of the school hunting club. The accident yesterday afternoon was 'purely an accident'.

Even if there are some commentators who use more serious words, such as Professor Monteria, who is responsible for advanced magic text and bloodline research for senior students, they only use words such as 'ridiculous' and 'serious violation of discipline'.

These statements differ significantly from the ‘comments’ written by the students themselves.

It is also completely different from how similar events were handled in history.

"Actually, I think the doctor made a little fuss yesterday." As if he noticed the page Zheng Qing was looking at and his frown, Fatty Xin came over again, lowered his voice and asked in a low voice: "You guys came back late yesterday, and I never had time. Ask...Have you two obtained any results from your research in Shushan Pavilion?"

Zheng Qing shook his head in frustration.

He arrived a little late, and ultimately failed to borrow the "First University Yearbook" from the library.

Due to Professor Yao's angry attitude at the scene, many students in the college began to worry about their academic careers. The few sets of "Yearbook" that were originally there seemed to be borrowed in the blink of an eye. In addition, a large number of relevant documents recording the history of Daiichi University were also searched out by enthusiastic students, as if doing so would make them feel a little more at ease.

Relatively speaking, "Into the First University", which everyone has a copy of, is too vague and concise in its description of the foreign-related incident eleven years ago, and the information revealed in it is not even as much as what Xiao Xiao said.

"It's better to wait until Xiao Xiao comes and ask him again." After Zheng Qing read the last old school worker's comment, he rubbed his sour eyes and said in a tired voice: "I always feel that there is something in this matter. eccentric."

"I don't care if he's ancient or not. I just hope that Old Yao will be merciful..." Fatty Xin clasped his hands together and muttered: "Sir, Merlin, I will write a good review for him in the school newspaper... write a three-thousand-word positive review for him!"

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