Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 239: Dancing and Talking about Philosophy

The dark purple-red dress is paired with the burgundy wavy long hair, and there is a charming atmosphere flowing under the light.

This long dress has no sleeves, and the ivory-white arms are exposed from the shoulder peaks, exuding a fragrant fragrance, which looks soft and charming under the light of the fireflies. The tight waist and wide belt successfully accentuate the graceful figure of the gypsy witch.

The long skirt reaches to the ankle, leaving a playful gap on the left side of the skirt that extends to the upper thigh. This hazy beauty attracts countless eyeballs. Even if it is covered by fluffy tassels, it cannot block the looming and spying gazes around her.

Even the witch's dance partner can't restrain his impulse. He can't help lowering his head and quickly glancing at the beauty she occasionally reveals.

Elena held a tall wine glass with half a glass of amber liquid in her left hand, and gently placed her right hand on Zheng Qing's shoulder. Zheng Qing, on the other hand, held up her left hand with one hand and gently supported her waist with the other.

The two people swayed slowly on the dance floor to the gentle music.

"You didn't show up during the dance before, so I thought you weren't going to come tonight." The gypsy witch chuckled, her eyes falling on the face of the public-funded student, and she curved her mouth playfully.

"Let's dance?" Zheng Qing agreed in a daze. After reacting for a long time, he finally sobered up and said, "Oh, that's right! Didn't they say they want public-funded students to do the opening dance? I was wondering why no one asked me before. ! ...You mean, the opening dance is already over?"

The witch finally couldn't help it, lowered her head, leaned on Zheng Qing's shoulder and chuckled.

While Zheng Qing carefully held the witch's left hand steady to prevent the amber light in her wine glass from spilling out, while looking around awkwardly, his waist straightened up involuntarily.

"You are so naive." After a long time, she finally straightened up, with two blushes appearing on her cheeks, and her two big eyes were sparkling, which were particularly charming under the light.

But what she said seemed less charming.

"You are already a college student, don't always act like a child." She smiled and emphasized in an emphasis: "Since I already know that you are going to do the opening dance, you naturally need to find someone to ask about the time and place... Don’t always rely on others to push you forward.”

These words are very pertinent, but a little bit harsh.

Zheng Qing didn't like to hear it.

Just at this time, a minor seventh interval flows through the dance music, which seems a bit abrupt in the entire dance music. The witch frowned slightly, shook her head and said, "I don't like this music."

Zheng Qing thoughtfully nodded and said, "That's true... If you reduce a few intervals, it should be more comfortable. But if you really reduce the intervals, this dance music will not be the same."

The witch raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Do you know anything about music? It sounds very profound..."

"I just know a little bit." Zheng Qing never forgot what she had just taught him, and added smoothly: "Just like the discordant interval you just heard, it is found in many classic dance music and hunting songs. To be able to become classics, the style of these songs is naturally very strict, but that doesn’t mean they are necessarily harmonious.”

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he felt vaguely regretful, and immediately stopped talking.

But Elena seemed not to notice the hidden meaning of his words. She blinked and added enthusiastically:

"According to you, if you want to become a classic, you must have some unique notes mixed in with the harmonious melody?"

Zheng Qing forced a smile and tried to distance this awkward conversation: "...Maybe it's to set off, maybe it's to highlight the original melody, maybe it's just a little rule that an unknown being made out of bad taste. …Just like geniuses, they are always a little crazy, there are always waves underneath the calmness, and it may seem like everything is going smoothly, but in fact it is in spite of themselves…”

The conversation got weirder and weirder, so that by the end, Zheng Qing no longer knew what he was talking about.

Elena, on the other hand, seemed to feel deeply for the last few words he said, muttering silently, with a bit of sadness in her eyes.

This made the young public-sponsored students very uneasy.

An elf dragged a huge glass bottle and swayed over the heads of the two dancers. It seemed that it saw the wine glass dropped by the witch in mid-empty. She flapped her wings laboriously, trying to tilt the glass bottle and pour the glass. Full.

"No, no, thank you." Zheng Qing immediately spoke up to stop the elf's reckless behavior.

"Xi Xi?" The elf shook its antennae and widened his eyes in confusion.

The gypsy witch finally woke up from her meditation, turned to look at the hard-working elf, and smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, just pour it... fill it up."

As she said that, she looked back at the wizard and winked: "It's okay to add some juice... It's also good to help lighten her burden a little bit."

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Zheng Qing's face.

He immediately remembered the figure who apologized profusely on the pedestrian street before school started, but stood firmly behind Lin Guo.

"I like this best." He murmured with a low chuckle, and the unhappiness he felt a few minutes ago disappeared.

Memories are always like wild horses running wild. After thinking of Elena helping Lin Guo fight against Arthur Ness on the pedestrian street, he couldn't help but think of what she was wearing at that time, thinking of her boots, short skirt, and slender breasts. thigh.

So the wizard couldn't help but lower his head again, his eyes lingering between her bare arms and the looming seam of her skirt.

"Does it look good?" the witch suddenly asked.

"It's beautiful." Zheng Qing replied subconsciously, but he immediately reacted. He blushed and quickly raised his head, looked at the stars in the sky, and emphasized: "Very charming!"

"Are you talking about the starry sky, or something else?" the witch asked reluctantly.

"Every time I see the starry sky, I always feel my own insignificance, the greatness of life, and the meaning of living." Zheng Qing held Elena's hand, squinted, and looked at the bright existences above his head. I don't know what it means: "This process is very fascinating, very charming..."

Perhaps he himself believed that he really found the starry sky enchanting.

Maybe he just developed a thick skin.

Zheng Qing felt the heat on his face fading away quickly.

"These words sound very philosophical." The witch blinked, but her tone showed a bit of disappointment.

Zheng Qing felt that he should say something to make amends.

His throat felt dry.

As it happened, there was a full wine glass at hand.

So he grabbed the wine glass held in Elena's hand and took a big sip of it.

The strange taste spread from the tip of his tongue, with a hint of sweetness in the sting, which made tears well up in his eyes.

"Does it taste good?" The witch tilted her head and looked at her wine glass.

Zheng Qing suddenly realized that the owner of this glass of wine was not him.

"It tastes good." He gritted his teeth and his face turned red again, but he didn't know whether it was stimulated by alcohol or embarrassment.

The dance music in the morning glory ended just at this moment.

"Let me go get you a cup of Green Bee." The young public student said in a dry tone: "Matthew's amber light has probably been drank up by those wizards..."

"Okay." Elena's voice sounded a little stiff: "There are indeed a lot of Green Bees... It is said that because of this dance, half of the bosses on the pedestrian street have moved away their inventory."

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