Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 256 Goodbye Mr.

Time goes back a few hours.

At that time, Zheng Qing felt that his head was about to explode.

He couldn't understand his current situation.

On the one hand, he clearly knew that he was sleeping - to be precise, his body was sleeping. On the other hand, on the contrary, his spirit is in a highly active state.

Ever since he was given a sleeping potion by Xiao Xiao last night, his body had fallen into an irreversible state of dormancy under the influence of the potion. But his spirit miraculously broke away from the shackles of his body and always remained awake, as if he had a third perspective, observing the surroundings instead of his eyes.

In this state, he clearly saw Zhang Jixin and others slapping him, pouring cold water on him, and giving him all kinds of strange potions in order to wake him up - until the therapist from the school hospital arrived After that, they became much more restrained under the doctor's advice.

"He just overworked his brain and needs a good rest - if you are proficient in soul magic, you can feel the active mind force field around him - there is no magic potion that can repair mental fatigue better than a sweet dream. "

The therapist from the campus hospital warned before leaving the dormitory: "Twenty-four hours. If he doesn't wake up after twenty-four hours, then he must be sent to the campus hospital...before that, don't feed him anymore." Take those weird sobering potions.”

"Especially Humeizi powder! That stuff is used to treat epilepsy! Although it has a refreshing effect, improper use may cause him to exhibit neurological convulsions...or hysteria."

"Absolutely not, teacher!" Fatty Xin said firmly, almost swearing.

"Since you can't wake me up, let's not waste time." Zhang Jixin slumped on the chair and hummed weakly: "Let's stop here for now..."

That's it for you, but it's not over for me! The young public-sponsored student's mental body listened to the discussion of his friends and thought angrily, while trying his best to sink into his body.

His intuition told him that as long as he could go back again, his body would wake up.

But his body seemed to be filled with invisible repulsion, repelling any immersion of his spirit. Even if he just inserted a finger, it took a lot of effort on his part.

The time to return to the body is far away, and it seems to be an unattainable dream.

"Oh, you really scared me!" A voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "I have been curious since yesterday, why did you suddenly have an out-of-body experience?"

Zheng Qing's mental body was startled by this sudden voice.

He turned his attention away from himself and then 'saw' a familiar figure standing behind him.

Short and fat, wearing a blue robe, a black mandarin jacket, and a pair of black-rimmed round glasses.

It's Mr. Wu.

"Sir?" Zheng Qing couldn't help but widen his eyes and shouted: "Why are you here! Am I dreaming? No, no, I feel very clearly, I am awake... It's also wrong, if I am really awake , how can I see you? This is the First University..."

The poor public-funded student soon became dizzy with his own reasoning, and his originally pure spirit became a little chaotic.

"Of course I am real!" Mr. Wu laughed and reached out to stroke Zheng Qing's head: "Sir, are there any fake ones? I noticed something strange in your soul last night. I originally thought you failed to become a cat... …I didn’t expect that it would still be in this strange state until noon today, so I couldn’t help but take the time to take a look.”

Zheng Qing, who was initially a little confused, became sober again under Mr. Wu's comfort.

Countless questions flashed through his mind instantly, and he wanted to ask Mr.

For example, sir, do you also know about First University? Does he also know where First University is? Does he know the way to First University? Entering the school casually, does he have an invitation letter? If he knew, why didn't he ever tell me about this school?

For another example, how did Mr. know that I had an out-of-body experience? Did you put a spell on me? How did he know about my transformation into a cat? Why didn't he teach me how to become a cat when I had a headache before? Is that yellow fox in the bookstore also a wizard? Wizard or witch? I've hugged it before, but why didn't I remember to lift its tail and take a look...

For a moment, his mind was full of thoughts, and all kinds of strange thoughts emerged uncontrollably, and the originally condensed spirit was shattered by the impact.

"Be still and concentrate, keep a hug!" Mr. Wu slapped him on the head and shouted softly: "Your spirit is still very fragile, don't think wildly! Beware of falling into the devil... If you have any questions, go home to the bookstore during the holidays. Find me!"

Zheng Qing's mind was agitated, his mind was cleared of distracting thoughts, and his spirit suddenly became stable again.

"I was worried that your head ailment would damage your soul, so I left a charm behind. I didn't expect it to still work after so long." Mr. Wu seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be explaining: "Otherwise, I'm afraid only a great wizard can see this separation of soul and body in person."

"What's wrong with me?" This was the first question Zheng Qing asked after he completely calmed down.

"Obviously, you have been squeezed out by your own soul." Mr. Wu lowered his head, put his hands behind his back, and leaned in front of Zheng Qing. He carefully observed Zheng Qing's physical condition, nodding from time to time and making a sound of praise. .

"Squeezed out by my soul?" Zheng Qing found this sentence a bit baffling.

He couldn't help but lower his head to see what his 'outer soul' looked like.

Empty, nothing.

Is my soul still in my body? So what am I now? A memory? A fragment of a dream? Or...a shadow?

"Yes, it was squeezed out." Mr. Wu explained: "It's like a bucket of water. If you continue to pour water into the bucket after it is full, it will naturally overflow... Your body can withstand only a limited amount of soul strength, so it can't be filled. The soul was squeezed out..."

"But why was 'I' squeezed out?" Zheng Qing couldn't help shouting: "Shouldn't I be the owner of this body? It's the extra souls that should be squeezed out!"

"Which soul is superfluous?" Mr. Wu asked rhetorically.

Zheng Qing was speechless.

"No soul is redundant." The gentleman lowered his head and while checking Zheng Qing's physical condition, he concluded: "The reason why your 'consciousness' is excluded is because your body judges that this is the most advantageous choice. After all, if 'other' soul fragments are thrown outside the body, they are likely to drift away in the wind - simply put, they are lost and annihilated - while your consciousness will 'consciously' maintain its existence and will not affect the overall stability of the soul. ”

"As the little therapist just said, adequate rest can allow your body to adapt to the new strength of the soul. At that time, you can 'live' back again."

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