In one's life, one is always faced with various choices.

For example, choose when to get up in the morning, what to eat for breakfast, how much work to do in the morning, whether to order afternoon tea, how long to work overtime at night, how many games to play before going to bed, etc.

All kinds of choices are everywhere and pervade every aspect of our lives, so much so that some people even define ‘freedom of choice’ as the true meaning of freedom.

However, for Zheng Qing, there seemed to be not much choice in his eighteen years of life.

Born into a scholarly family, the moment he opened his eyes in this world, the elders had already chosen everything for him in the foreseeable future - at what age he would be enlightened, when he would learn poetry, whose posts he would practice writing in big characters, and what posts he would choose every day. What time to go to bed, etc.

If it weren't for that lingering head disease and that round-faced and kind-hearted Mr. Wu, I'm afraid Zheng Qing would be in a normal university now, sitting in a spacious and bright classroom, looking at the thick paper on the desk. Lecture notes, listening to the professor explain principles that he knew would be useless outside of school.

But the timeline split when he was eight years old.

It was as if a big hand came in from outside the long river of time and forcibly turned a small boat that was going straight into another channel.

The life originally arranged for him at home has undergone some wonderful changes since then.

For example, he had a new gentleman who could not be seen, and he had a yellow civet in the bookstore that could walk upright and open cupboards to steal dried fish; another example was that on his twelfth birthday, he went to a magical place. At the market, I saw a husky with three heads and a mermaid lying in the bathtub blowing bubbles.

As these changes continued to accumulate and settle, a qualitative leap finally occurred - a few months ago, he took an admissions exam for a wizarding university in his dream, and entered this magical university with very high scores.

Just when he was confused, his family once again helped him make a decision: because of the qualification certification issued by the Education Bureau, the family happily sent him to this institution of higher learning, which is known as a bachelor, master and doctoral program and is certified by the Ministry of Education.

"I've always had others make decisions for me. Maybe today it's time for me to make a decision myself..."

Zheng Qing held the red flame in his hand and stared blankly at the small puddle in front of him.

A blurry face was reflected on the sparkling water. The facial features were not clear enough. Only a red right eye was visible, shining brightly under the reflection of the waves.

It looks very much like the eyes of those demons outside the 'Four Symbols Array'.

It also looked very much like the eyes of the pig demon he saw through the 'Oster's Guardian' in Damingfang.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qing's mood became even lower.

Because he remembered many details that he had subconsciously ignored.

For example, when we were in Damingfang, many wizards on both sides of the street supported the 'Guardian of Oster', but only the place where Zheng Qing was staying was discovered by the pig demon and bumped him over; for another example, on the admission plane , when he faced the banshee named Nikita in the flight attendant lounge, the other party’s crazy eyes and low whispers; and not long ago, during the night patrol at Linzhong Lake, the kappa demon was late Not too late, I jumped out just as he was passing by.

If one experience can be explained as bad luck, and two experiences can be said to be bad luck, then after three, four, and five times, no matter how slow Zheng Qing was, he finally noticed these strange things.

He narrowed his right eye slightly, covering up the dazzling red color.

During his previous check-up at the school hospital, both the therapist and the professors at the college told him to relax and not worry about the impact a 'little bruise' would have on him, let alone the unfounded rumors in the college. .

Zheng Qing naturally took good care of himself and never took the congestion in his right eye seriously - at that time, he was very confident in his identity. He has grown up eating steamed buns and rice porridge. Doesn’t he still know what ‘breed’ he is?

But now, looking at the red slit between his eyes, Zheng Qing suddenly lost a little confidence in his heart.

He was a little afraid to confirm his identity.

If the monsters can always accurately chase his aura, then there are only two possibilities: he is a relatively special monster, or he is the 'Tang Monk Meat' that the monsters like very, very, very much - the two results are so bad, So much so that Zheng Qing didn't know which outcome he preferred.

But in the end, he had one thing that was somewhat certain, and that was that the group of men outside who were looking at them with eager eyes and fierce flames were most likely attracted by him.

Zheng Qing held up the red flame in his palm, raised his head, and pressed hard against his right eye. Along with the slight numbness in his eyes, the warm and lively feeling in his hands gradually disappeared. Although he didn't look in the mirror, Zheng Qing knew that the red flame should be stuffed into his eyes again.


He groaned, covering his head, his legs weakened, and he knelt on the ground.

A severe headache came suddenly, as if someone was holding a chisel and using a big hammer to carve his head hard from the outside; it was also like a balloon hidden in his head that suddenly inflated.

In Zheng Qing's impression, he seemed to have never experienced such a severe headache since he was eight years old.

The fierce low-pitched arguments among his companions could be heard vaguely in his ears. Fight, leave, or stay, no matter which choice you choose, it is full of risks, but it also has its own advantages. Everyone is insisting on their own opinion, and everyone's opinion is correct.

Zheng Qing covered his eyes and slowly sat up.

The headache came and went quickly. It scratched his skull, but it made his brain more awake.

Reason—or the shadow experience that kept popping up in his mind—told him that staying in the hunting team and relying on others to continue to 'fend off disasters' was the best plan for his ultimate survival on this hunting ground.

Anyway, no one knew that he had attracted those demons, and no one would blame him for it.

Except himself.

This is another thing that 'emotion' told him: it is wrong to continue to stay in the hunting team.

There is no reason to put other people in danger because of you.

Nor can you push others to the abyss of death because of yourself.

Thinking of the blue bird being swallowed by the white wolf demon king, and thinking of Xiao Xiao being stuffed into his mouth by the huge king ape, Zheng Qing felt as if his heart was being stabbed hard by something. It seemed like hundreds of times.

He reached into the gray cloth bag at his waist and took out a stack of talismans.

Now that you know that those things are all for you.

Then, things naturally become much simpler.

"It turns out that choosing is not an easy thing."

He chuckled softly and tied two armor-horse talismans to his legs, then two more, and then two more - until the talismans could no longer be stacked.

"When you start running later, it will definitely be very popular."

This thought flashed through Zheng Qing's heart, but he couldn't help but think that if no one knew what he had done, no matter how popular he was, he would still be walking at night in brocade clothes, which was a little regretful.

He opened the Dharma book in his hand and softly chanted three short mantras in a slightly regretful voice:

"Shangmei Wuyi!"

"I'm still awake!"

"Shang Mei Wu Cong!"

Invisible waves rippled from the Dharma book and enveloped the entire Dharma formation in the blink of an eye.

Plop, plop, plop.

The sounds of bodies falling to the ground sounded one after another.

Zheng Qing squinted his right eye, turned around, looked at his sleeping companions, and smacked his lips - "Ah, actually the last spell should be saved. I originally planned to give you a few words... but 'Shang Mei Wu Cong' Come on, I can’t hear anything while sleeping!”

"Miscalculation, miscalculation."

Zheng Qing shook his head and finally gave up leaving a small note. Instead, he added a 'Mayfly Feather' to himself and walked straight out of the four-image array.

The surrounding demon group suddenly became commotion, but they were forced to stare at scarlet eyes and drool all over the floor under the strong restraint of their respective leaders.

"You want to eat me?!"

Zheng Qing laughed twice and shouted at the top of his voice:

"Come and eat if you want!"

"I'm waiting for you on the horizon... If you can't catch up, don't blame me for not treating you!"

After saying that, he flashed and reappeared, having already broken through the first line of defense of the demon group, and like a wisp of blue smoke, he rushed towards the horizon.

The monsters on the spot were stunned for a few seconds, and then turned around amid the angry roars of the leaders, letting go and frantically jumping up.

Looking from a distance in the sky, on the green canvas, there is a small red dot in front, and behind it is a dark, sandstorm-like tide of beasts, chasing him away.

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