Monster Paradise

: Summary in April

April is already the last day. I will now talk about why the first month of the shelves is to choose the bottom three, instead of learning the passion of other authors.

The book "Monster Paradise" is my first full-time work. Before that, I don't know what kind of state I would be in a full-time situation.

I am not sure about the first month of the shelves. Can I complete the three more days? Because it is really handicapped, and this book is really slow, the next chapter will take almost three hours.

So in the first month of the shelves, I chose a relatively conservative approach. Three chapters a day, not much commitment, because I am afraid that everyone expects too high, and I can't do it myself.

I am a person who is particularly afraid of thinking about things. Once I remember something, I can't sleep easily. If you add more in April and owe more, I may not sleep well for the whole month. I can't sleep well at night, and I don't have the spirit to write a manuscript during the day. The quality of the book will drop, and it will enter a vicious circle.

Therefore, I made a conservative choice, even I did not even open a monthly ticket. Because there is no explosion, it is not very easy to open a single chapter to vote.

It’s been a month since it was put on the shelves. It’s always a little worse than entering the boutique. It’s been stuck for more than ten days. I still hope that the friends who watch the pirates can try to support the genuine reading as much as possible, and add to the data of this book. The data is good, the editor will give more recommendations, I will write more vigorously.

Also, please also try not to use the coin when you subscribe, because the new book is affected by the gift currency is relatively large.

A thousand chapters of the chapter of the vip chapter, with 50 copies of the gift, the author's income will only be 5% less, but a book with a chapter of the chapter vip, with 50 copies of the gift, will earn less. 50%...

I will not talk about more chapters in the future, but now the impact on income is really big...

Throughout April, from chapters 116 to 205, the total number of updates is ninety. Except for the 15th and 28th days, the two days are two, and the others are three. The two owed, will be added soon in May.

Then let's talk about the rules of May in May.

In May, the bottom of the day is guaranteed.

For each additional rudder master (the main value of the rudder is 10,000 starting points), add a more chapter!

For each additional church owner (the main fan value is 20,000 starting points), add a more chapter!

For each additional lord, add five more chapters!

Simply put, for each additional 20,000 fans plus a more chapter, the fan value can be superimposed with others, but not repeated calculations.

Now the book has 12 rudder masters, with a total of 120,000 fan values ​​and 6 more chapters.

The two masters, the fan value accumulated 40, plus 2 more chapters.

One head and one guardian, the fan value is 80,000, plus 4 more chapters.

Plus 2 chapters in April.

6+2+4+2=14 chapter

Therefore, the current number of additions required in May is 14 chapters.

Ok, so much, baby, good night~

By the way, I wish you all a happy holiday!

have fun! Have fun! Have a good time! Have a happy date! (Tips: Be careful to take safety measures)!

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