Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Happy Spring Festival to everyone~ (2w+ updates have been posted today)

After writing more than 20,000 words in the morning, I went straight to bed. I forgot to write a New Year greeting and asked for a monthly ticket reward. It was really a mistake, but it is not too late to wake up and write again now!

This chapter was written mainly because I got up and refreshed the Qidian APP, and read the apocalypse forecaster Feng Gege’s remarks next door (and recommended the book). I found that I seemed to have forgotten to thank a certain leader, so I wrote down the words of sincerity and gratitude that made me cry.

Recently, I have been celebrating the New Year, I am sick, and my chapter has been blocked. I have been really busy. I forgot to celebrate the alliance leader. It is really a dereliction of my duty. Unfortunately, there is no alliance leader pointing at me and saying "Congratulate me!". I wanted to come here. It is also a lack of supervision by the leader. It is recommended that a new leader remind me every day.

Thinking about it carefully, there is not much to say. This volume is coming to an end soon, and the end of the month is coming soon. Then I will analyze the gains and losses of this volume - in fact, it is still a bit regretful. Every time I read what I have written, I feel 'It can be done better', but after all, the online articles are updated daily, and my update volume is a bit large, so the time for deliberation is still a bit insufficient.

But the New Year has passed, and I’m not so busy anymore. I can calm down and write slowly. Anyway, I don’t go out except for writing novels, so I have plenty of time.

Of course, during this period of time, I also suggest that you all learn from me, don’t leave the door twice, read more and have a good rest, monsters will die when they are killed. After reading this, you can also go to see Soul of Burning Steel. If that’s not possible, okay? Go watch the video of Cyberpunk 2077 and wait with me for the day when Night City will be burned to ashes.

The original background of this book is actually fairyland cyberpunk, something like Shadowrun. I originally thought of writing a copy of the cyber background to take advantage of the heat, but it was postponed to September, right? (Tears, stay out).

In short, I wish you all a happy new year and good health! Strong immunity, no disease or disaster!

New year, new excitement!

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