Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 345 The bustling and peaceful life (2nd update of 4600)

"Yes. I did fight on the moon. As for who the battle object was, I forgot. This is not a perfunctory or a secret. I really forgot. You can ask my other teammates later. I believe they remember it clearly. .”

"I must declare that the series of damage I caused on the moon were necessary and unavoidable. This was force majeure. It would have been the same, or even worse, for anyone else. And what is the value of an alien spacecraft that can be damaged by me? Think about it with your head!”

"Yes, at present, we have not found any living aliens. At least, in the few days I worked on the moon, I did not find any living aliens among the 173 alien spacecraft remains that I inspected. of aliens. Yes, there are no living aliens.”

"Where are the alien corpses? I'm sorry, I really don't know. That was the mission of the second moon landing team. They have professionals. Maybe the relevant information will be made public in a few weeks?"

The camera lens rotated, many camera flashes lit up, and reporters asked questions enthusiastically, creating a fiery atmosphere at the Zhengguo Tiandu press conference.

In response to numerous media interviews, either ordinary or tricky, Su Zhou patiently answered all questions. Compared with the first time he attended the press conference two years ago, he had a more calm demeanor.

However, he also bluntly responded to questions from foreign media with ulterior motives: "At present, we have discovered more than ten large spacecraft remains on the back of the moon, and the shooting methods are different. Let's not talk about the hundreds of thousands. What happened to our ancestors and the remains of the spaceship years ago is obviously shared by all humans in the world, so don’t provoke it with ulterior motives, otherwise I will suspect you are an alien spy."

This tough reply was directed at a reporter from the Europa League who questioned whether the wreckage of the spacecraft on the moon was shot down by the ancient gods of Zhengguo. If so, who would be responsible if aliens came? .

It is obvious that the person who asked this question has not thought about one question at all - for aliens, are there any differences between earthlings? What's more, according to what Su Zhou has seen and heard, the back of the moon is basically a large garbage dump. No matter where the god is, he basically dumps the crashed spaceship there, piled up in a big mess, and the gods are divided. It's unclear who beat him.

"Thank you very much for your enthusiastic questions, but this press conference is over."

The press conference for the moon landing finally ended in a very cordial and friendly atmosphere. Su Zhou stood up and prepared to go back behind the scenes with several other staff from the General Administration of Aviation - his three teammates were still in isolation after returning from space. , so he was the only one on the field.

After all, in this world where spiritual energy is resurrected, no one can guarantee that there are no weird spiritual energy viruses in the sky. Su Zhou himself is a high-level transcendent and can check himself, but his teammates cannot, and need to use instruments to confirm carefully. .

However, in the end, the reporter from Zhengguo Xingmin Daily asked Su Zhou the last question at the last moment when he got stuck.

[I would like to ask, Mr. Su Zhou, what are your views on aliens? 】

“What do I think about aliens?”

Su Zhou didn't mind answering this question. He thought about it and then said relaxedly: "If they come here in a friendly manner and are guests from afar, the people of the earth will treat them to dinner."

"But if they come with bad intentions, then they are enemies, and enemies..."

With that said, Su Zhou put his right hands together in a knife-hand gesture, smiled and made a 'chop' gesture downwards, then turned around and returned to the background to end the press conference.

He didn't expect that his action would be captured almost instantly by a large number of netizens who watched the live broadcast of the press conference. They then made a lot of PS and turned it into all kinds of weird emoticons and a lot of sandy comments.

[Su Zhou: Let them turn into rice (cut)]

[As expected of the dragon that swallowed the ghost car alive! 】

[Zibao, don’t eat things that haven’t been quarantined (half annoyed)]

Mixed in these comments are naturally all kinds of PS pictures. Among them are Gui Che's expression of despair in the video of the Beast God Realm, and Su Zhou's expression as he slowly cuts off the knife with his hand. There are also pictures of Su Zhou cutting down the alien with one hand. A composite image of a spaceship cut in half.

Putting aside these, although Su Zhou's views on aliens did not express an obvious attitude, it at least stabilized some people's hearts and reminded everyone that the civilization on earth where he lived was not without resistance to aliens. The methods of the stars - apart from other things, Su Zhou can already fight in outer space at the commander level, and if it is a serious immortal-level existence like Tianchi Dragon King, it may not be possible to destroy a battleship in the universe. difficulty.

If aliens come now, they will definitely have to give in. But if they come again in a few decades, it’s not certain who will scare whom!

At this time, Su Zhou was naturally unaware of these things happening on the Internet. In fact, it had been a long time since he had surfed the forums, and he took a rare breath out of his trolling.

"Hey, it's been a long time since I vented my energy, increased my provocation, and released my negative emotions."

While changing clothes behind the scenes, Su Zhou picked up his mobile phone and sent a group message to his relatives and friends that "the work is over, but I have something to do later, so I will go back later." He said to himself: "The greater the ability, the greater the power." , the responsibility is also greater - the hard work during this period of time is really far from what I originally imagined, practicing happily while maintaining daily life."

"That's why I originally wanted to be a dark knight, lurking in the dark and killing a few bad guys from time to time. That's so troublesome now, with so many things to do all day long."

The staff backstage naturally heard Su Zhou's complaints. Of course, no one dared to answer the question, but they understood it very well.

Because they followed Su Zhou all the way back to Zhengguo from the recycling ship, they knew that he met the two Shao brothers and sisters who specially greeted him in Tiandu. The two talked for a few minutes, and Su Zhou gave Shao Shuangyue a bottle of sterilized After walking off the moon, we parted again and hurried over to hold a press conference.

Although Su Zhou chose the time of the press conference himself, as he said, he had other things and could only learn about them as soon as possible.

[But in this way, you cannot get information openly and eradicate those evil people who have done great harm to the world. You can only solve petty thefts in one place and face the world passively. 】

At this moment, Yan Sheng's calm voice sounded from the agent terminal carried by Su Zhou: [And the result of your proactive attack is obvious to everyone - the Litany Society was severely damaged before the spiritual energy was revived. Now it has declined, and it no longer even appears. , and the Seance was wiped out by you, and the only member of the New Dawn Society also completely disappeared a few days ago. 】

[Ah, I remember that you were also a citizen of Zhengguo who was kidnapped in Shan country... Haha, if you think about it carefully, the destruction or decline of the three mysterious organizations is more or less related to you. 】

[Su Zhou, these are the opportunities that you wouldn’t get if you were in the dark. 】

"That's not necessarily the case, Yan Sheng."

After a habitual confrontation, Su Zhou was quite used to the ubiquitous presence of Yan Sheng. He smiled, and then said seriously: "Did Yu Sheng say that? I'm about to go find you."

[I know, the transportation is ready, just come over. 】

Nodding, Su Zhou walked out of the press conference - and sure enough, with the slight sound of the engine starting, the black limousine from the New World Exploration Department slowly advanced and appeared in front of him.

Then, the intelligent AI controlled the door to open, and Su Zhou also sat in the car with great adaptability.

【Do you need a drink? 】

"Let's have some orange juice this time to supplement vitamin C and enhance immunity - where is the destination by the way?"

[████, you will need to take other vehicles upon arrival. 】

"Wow, this is the highest level of confidentiality." Su Zhou took out the orange juice, broke off the bottle cap, took a sip, and said thoughtfully: "My authority is not qualified. It seems that it should be some of the secret experiments underground. So...could it be that Yan Sheng has guessed what I want to talk to him about? It’s really surprising.”

"Compared to this kind of thing, Su Zhou, what surprises me more is that you still have hope of living a peaceful life."

But on the way to the unknown and mysterious area, Yala, who had been hidden in Su Zhou's personal space for a few minutes, spoke with rare emotion. She was coiled on the branch of wisdom that had obviously lost consciousness, and said lazily: "I'm still here." Remember a few years ago, when you just signed a contract with me - how much did you want the world to be more lively at that time?"

"I have always liked a quiet life, Yara, but this is not inconsistent with my liking for excitement."

Using his spirit to communicate with Yala, Su Zhou lay on his back in the back seat of the special car. He stretched out and twisted his muscles and bones, which contained majestic power that could completely destroy a tall building. In response to Snake Spirit's teasing, he also responded with a smile: "How do you say it? I do like a more exciting world - giant combat robots tens of meters high, all kinds of strange aliens, extraordinary beings who can control the wind and rain. And gods, ancient super ruins, and super beasts that are as big as mountains. I really like these things, and I want to see them in reality, it’s incredible.”

"At that time, I tried to summon demons and threatened Pen Xian. I went to sleep in a dangerous place where there were rumors of evil spirits. I performed the Bloody Mary summoning ritual on the mirror at least twenty times in the middle of the night - but none of them succeeded. Naturally, there are no demons, pen immortals or evil spirits. If Qiming and Xiao Shuangyue hadn't been with me during those days, I would have died of boredom."

"However, I hope that these things will appear in a good direction - the appearance of super monsters should not be earth-shattering, disturbing people or even killing people, and the visits of aliens should not bring malicious intentions and fleets..."

"Hey, I know my idea is naive, but since they have really appeared, I can only reluctantly give up my peaceful life and kill them all - I just hope that this world will be so lively. , but how can we live a peaceful daily life in it?”

When Su Zhou said these words, his expression was filled with pure desire.

This is indeed what he thinks. He hopes that the world can become what it is in novels, comics and various fantasy movies. He hopes to live in it. The world is bustling and noisy, but everyone is normal and living a peaceful and calm life. .

As for people who don’t want others to live in peace, there is no doubt that they are guys with extremely weird ideas and extremely special temperaments - in other words, whether they are the leaders of the séance, especially the Quiet Ones, or the The silver ooze monster whose name I can’t remember.

They are all monsters.

And monsters, when killed, will die.

As for the new leader of the Litany, Crossel, although on the surface, Su Zhou let him go just because the other party was willing to accept supervision.

But in fact, Su Zhou could see that the other person was essentially just a strange guy who pursued "coolness". He also didn't like a world that was too chaotic and wanted to live a peaceful life, so he didn't kill him.

As for Su Zhou's sincere thoughts, Yala sighed: "So, this is the reason why you chose to be the world's policeman?"

"What? Isn't the world police bad?"

Su Zhou immediately changed his expression, and he chuckled: "This time, I have solved all the large-scale cancerous mysterious organizations on the earth - this way, my security bureau will have a lot less work in the future, and I can devote more time to it." To work for the New World Exploration Department.”

"In this way, the earth will be stable, and I can concentrate on exploring the different worlds measured by the gods."

"Yes." After hearing this, Yara couldn't help but nodded slightly and praised: "You actually remember our mission, you are not heartless."

"However, there is no need to be nervous. You are already doing very well. Many geniuses who have practiced god-level inheritance since childhood and grew up eating genius treasures may not be at your current level."

"As expected of your vision, it's accurate!"

While chatting and laughing with Yala, Su Zhou also noticed the wilted appearance of the Wisdom Tree in his personal space. Sensing something was wrong and feeling a little weird, he immediately opened his soul space. , looking at the wisdom tree spirit.

As a result, at that scene, even Su Zhou was stunned for a moment and slightly surprised.

You can see that under the light of the green sacred tree, the crystal clear spirit of the tree of wisdom is surrounded by holy light. On all its branches, there is a human soul floating upside down, covered in green and with white eyes. !

Because the wood gas entered the body, the soul was green all over, and rolled its eyes because it was hanging upside down. At this moment, it was like a dried ham, tied to the branches of the tree of wisdom with soul threads. Although in the soul space There is no wind, but everyone's soul will tremble slightly, and the sound they make by swaying slightly on the trees is simply like a hymn in the wind...

"Fuck, what's going on!"

Although it is very clear, this is probably the reason why I asked the wisdom tree spirit to take care of those...who were eating them? Anyway, it was a way to take care of the souls of some innocent victims, but Su Zhou never expected that the wisdom tree’s method of dealing with the matter would be so mysterious: “I was worried at the beginning that if the spirit of the wisdom tree stayed in my soul space, it would take care of the souls. My place has turned into a green prairie - now it seems that before that, my soul space first turned into a horror house scene, and the difficulty level is at least three stars!"

It's a pity that no one in red will appear, but as a substitute, green clothes will be enough.

It can be seen that the auras around the Wisdom Tree would transform into angels holding flaming swords or playing the music from time to time, but now, the angels transformed by the auras are like busy caregivers, tightly tied up. The threads on some souls may also comfort some souls that are shaking violently and calm them down.

Thousands of souls are carried on the body and the work is so hard. No wonder the body of the Wisdom Tree is so wilted. It is really hard work.


Regarding Su Zhou, who finally appeared after several days, the spirit of the Wisdom Tree immediately made a pitiful comment - if it weren't for a tree that couldn't cry, it might really cry, and then throw itself into Su Zhou's arms and act like a baby. .

After all, no matter what, the Wisdom Tree is just a child of just over two years old! (tremor)

"Don't cry, don't cry. Be good, baby. I'll prepare your favorite package of No. 0 holy water and Yaochi water for you later!"

Suddenly, the boy's mother, Su Zhou, made a coaxing sound: "Thank you for your hard work, what else do you want? I'll give it to you!"


In the personal space, the Blade of Destruction placed aside also made a pitiful sound. Next to it, although the World Tree Spear did nothing and made no sound, it was even more pitiful because of this.

To this, Su Zhou naturally agreed to them all: "It's okay, it's okay... Hey, wait, the Blade of Destruction? What's going on?"

Second update, there will be another update soon

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