Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 391 The re-enactment of the activities of immortals and gods (a big chapter with 10,000 word

Tallinn star.

It is located in the middle of the Orion spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy and is offset from the Perseus arm.

Tallinn orbits a K orange dwarf star and is the second largest of the five planets in the system. It has two moons. In the planetary system, excluding Tallinn, there are three rocky planets and one gas giant. The only gas giant, Anson, is extremely massive and has more than forty satellites. It is a natural barrier for Tallinn to block meteorites.

Tallinn is a standard ocean planet. The ocean occupies 89% of the planet's surface area. Except for the many narrow volcanic islands scattered around the collision of plates, it has no obvious continental structure. The glaciers at the poles have solidified most of the fresh water. resource.

Because of the complex tidal phenomena caused by the bi-moon system, the ocean movement of Tallinn is very active. The local ecosystem relies on the circulation of nutrients caused by frequent large-scale ocean current movements. However, because the ecological level of the planet is at an extremely rudimentary level, the formation time is extremely long. Short, fossil fuels such as oil and coal are not plentiful.

The original Tallinn people were a kind of mutated native creature born with neuromas. They had an intelligence level far higher than that of the current era, and had certain psychic talents. They were discovered by the scientific researchers of the former corporate alliance and regarded as a key observation, and even It is a promotion goal.

Five thousand years ago, the Age of Silence kicked off, and the spiritual energy of the entire universe gradually became silent. The scientific researchers of the Enterprise Alliance stationed on Tallinn gradually retreated to their home planet, leaving only a small number of researchers and intelligent AIs on the Twin Moon System. observation station, but as the hyperspace engine gradually failed, the remaining personnel were forced to cut off contact with the Alliance.

Before the end of their lives, some of the left-behind personnel chose to leave the observatory and go to the Tallinn planet. Through basic biological transformation and education, they led the primitive Tallinn people to the pace of civilization, and established the original elders based on the Tallinn people who were still in the primitive era. system and continues to this day.

Five thousand years later, by looking back on history, the Tallinn people realized that their civilization was essentially being observed by another advanced civilization. They systematically excavated many relics of the corporate alliance on the planet Tallinn, and landed on the moon, obtaining the remaining remnants of the corporate alliance. Observation station technology is gradually entering the interstellar era.

Because of the insecurity caused by the unstable volcanic movements of the Tallinn island chain, the Tallinn people began interstellar exploration and colonization very early. Currently, they have three alien colonies, four large interstellar shipyards, and eleven various space ports. , with over a hundred space cities, numerous border outposts, eight large space fleets, and a total of more than 4,600 spaceships. The governing system is a parliamentary republic composed mainly of more than 300 elders elected by the eight major groups.

Farstrider 12 is a creation of the "Farstrider Project" carried out by the Tallinn people to search for colonial stars and expand the territory of the star map. All crew members on board have been transformed by electronic brains, and their bodies are partially mechanized. It can last for more than fifty years. For continuous exploration work, the exploration ship has a certain water, oxygen, and organic matter circulation system inside. As long as the fuel is sufficient, it can sail in space semi-permanently.

Currently, among the five exploration ships in active service, No. 12 receives the most attention from the Council of Elders because it is close to the restricted area of ​​​​the Black Zone. At corresponding intervals, there will be a time-space psychic communication exchange. However, since the encounter with Crowe more than ten days ago, When the human exploration ship started, communication was interrupted, and the feedback from the exploration ship completely disappeared. It was basically determined to be completely destroyed by the Crow people.

This message made the people of Tallin extremely angry. Continuous citizen petitions even caused large-scale disorder on many colonial stars. They demanded retaliation against the Crow people and the recovery of the hull and crew remains of the No. 12 exploration ship. .

[Not necessarily death. It is also possible that it has penetrated into the restricted area of ​​​​the black area, resulting in the inability to send information. 】

During the emergency parliamentary discussion, some people in the Council of Elders held different opinions: [Captain Ketalon’s final message was to take a risk and make continuous jumps - they have the possibility of survival, and there is no need to fight with Crowe again. People start wars. 】

[But we don’t have the power to rescue them. ] This is an elder with a pessimistic perspective: [We can only hope that some of the crew members on the 12th can survive. After all, there is a life support system in the exploration ship. 】

Because of the Crow attack on the Tallinn exploration ship, the two civilizations have once again entered a state of wartime alert. Whether it is a search and rescue team or the dispatch of a new exploration ship, they will be hindered by the other party. This is a helpless matter.

[Lost No. 12, what exactly is in the restricted area of ​​​​the black area, and why the ancient spacecraft sent a signal again across 170,000 years, we can no longer know these reasons. 】

An elder sighed: [And the Crow people will monopolize this discovery. Of course, they may also be destroyed by mysterious forces in the restricted area, but regardless, we will be one step behind. 】

[This is a bitter pill caused by our technological backwardness and must be swallowed. 】

In the end, the speaker of the parliament, the great elder, concluded the meeting: [But we must also involve the Crow people for follow-up support - if the other party succeeds in their exploration and obtains the relics of the ancient spaceship, then that ship must not be allowed to The exploration ship is back within Crow control, even if the cost is war. 】

He issued a hunting order: [They blocked our rescue, and we blocked their return. Death corresponds to death, and Tallinn people are never afraid of it. 】

And just when the two civilizations with a long-standing feud once again began a full-scale confrontation.

As the psychic signals released by the Shuge civilization gradually spread throughout the Orion cantilever, a large number of civilizations that were entering space for the first time or re-entering space all set their sights on the location of the 'Black Zone Forbidden Zone'.

Among them, there are even some heirs of ancient civilizations who have ancient inheritance and have had spaceships disappear among them.

Although, due to the limitations of time and space, they currently do not have the power to project the fleet in that direction, but it does not prevent them from focusing their attention on this and carefully paying attention to every change in this aspect.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with the earth's civilization, which has just learned how to build spaceships, like a baby learning to talk.

2017, June 26, late at night.

Taking the space shuttle, Su Zhou and Ke Talun boarded the spaceship together.

Built under the guidance of Tallinn people, the prototype ship named the first generation Earth Frigate is cigar-shaped, a traditional spacecraft shape.

In nine days, a spaceship was built with bare hands. This is such an exaggerated thing that even science fiction writers would not dare to make such a setting.

Fortunately, things like spiritual power are not science fiction, and master craftsmen who can use spiritual power to control the shaping of nano-scale materials have proven themselves with facts that reality is completely more exaggerated than fantasy.

However, because the AI ​​of the Tallinn people is not compatible with the AI ​​held by the earth, these warships cannot actually move or fight until a new generation of earth astronauts and related intelligent AI are cultivated. At best, they can only serve as a It can be used as a fixed weapon turret or as an experimental simulated space station.

But even so, as an experimental spacecraft model, this first-generation battleship can also give people on earth great inspiration on how to build a real spaceship.

What's more, Su Zhou didn't come here originally to fly a spaceship to deal with the enemy - letting him fly a spaceship, it would be better to turn into his true form and fight, that would be the most efficient method.

Su Zhou's mission is to control the high-performance psychic radar, detect the location of the Crow exploration ship, and work as a 'psionic radioactive source'.

In other words, a human battery.

"This is a real space battleship!"

When approaching the frigate's orbit, the space shuttle began to slow down, opened its back, stretched out the connecting tunnel, and docked with the frigate. The docking hole is also opened in the belly of the frigate, and the connecting side and the receiving side are tightly closed and fixed.

Theoretically speaking, sending a space battleship more than 100 meters long into space, even just a frigate, requires electromagnetic orbits, space elevators and other facilities. Generally speaking, this kind of spacecraft is built in a space dock.

However, although the people on earth do not have those things, they do have movement and teleportation spells - hundreds of high-level extraordinary beings join forces to open the space-time gate and directly move all corresponding spacecraft into space.

Not scientific, but magical.

Of course, it is impossible to do this every time a spacecraft ascends to space. The construction of space elevators and large space stations has been written on the agenda of various countries' space plans. This is the only way to go.

Through the corridor, Su Zhou and Ke Talun entered the frigate together.

At first, he was very excited, but after entering the spacecraft, Su Zhou felt something strange.

"It's strange, Mr. Tallen, why is the interior of this spacecraft so cramped?"

As Su Zhou said, the space inside the frigate is very narrow - except for a passage that can only pass one person, there is no extra space inside the entire spacecraft. They are all modular functional cabins, which are similar to those in the movie. The spacious and relaxed look of a party on a battleship is very inconsistent.

The same is true in the functional cabins. Apart from machinery, each cabin only has a narrow space similar to the size of a toilet on an airplane, and even in this space, there is a coffin-like sleeping chamber placed.

"Because sailing in the universe does not require physical movement."

In this regard, Ke Talun easily answered Su Zhou's doubts: "The design style of our spaceship as Tallin people is to pursue extreme stability and energy saving."

This four-clawed arthropod had a speaker loaded on its back to express Ketalun's thoughts in human language. He seemed to sense Su Zhou's confusion, so he continued kindly: "The spaceship's The voyage time is often measured in years. During this long period of time, the material circulation that maintains the normal life of hundreds of crew members is a huge burden on the spacecraft. Therefore, in order to ensure energy saving, all crew members must , its body will enter a dormant state, only maintaining the activity of the brain, and using pure intelligence to control the operation of the spacecraft in the electronic space."

At the beginning, when he learned that the young earthling in front of him was the huge divine dragon that had appeared in the universe before, Talon was shocked beyond measure. The development of spiritual energy technology of humans on earth had surpassed him. The phenomenon even has a feeling like hallucination.

But now, after seeing that this powerful psyker also had doubts, the hallucination in Talon's heart was much reduced.

——In the final analysis, they just have different directions of development.

Su Zhou, who was confused, finally understood why the spacecraft was designed like this after Ketalun explained it.

For the people of Tallinn, the crew are essentially just human flesh plug-ins that make the spacecraft operate. After entering the warship, their bodies will directly enter a dormant state and only interact with each other in the electronic space. Only the engineers responsible for maintenance , in order to control the relevant maintenance robots to walk around through the corridors inside the ship, while other crew members are not even allowed to physically leave their cabins.

After entering the hibernation chamber, the oxygen and nutrients needed by the body are controlled by AI or professional nutritionists, and are directly injected into the body through the pipes built into the spacecraft. Except for the engine, most functional modules of the entire spacecraft can Replacing each other, each cabin is almost independently sealed from each other, allowing the spacecraft to still operate normally even if the damage rate exceeds 30%.

Such a design can save most of the extra space, and the demand for water and oxygen can also be reduced to a minimum. But Talen also said that in extreme cases, they, the fully prosthetic Tallinn people, will completely Give up the body and only let the electronic brain enter the dormant chamber, further reducing material consumption.

"It's amazing..."

After listening to Ke Talun's explanation, Su Zhou couldn't help but shake his head slightly. He said: "I originally thought that there would be a huge public area inside the spacecraft for the crew to communicate with each other. I didn't expect that you chose to use electronic space directly instead."

"The spaceships that you people on earth imagine actually exist, but they are all recreational spaceships or civilian spaceships for private use."

In this regard, Tarun slightly shook his limbs: "A military battleship, or an extremely important special spacecraft like an exploration ship, has too many things to consider and its responsibilities are extremely important. Our physical comfort is not considered. , anyway, the virtual scenery of the electronic world is enough for the crew to adjust their emotions."

The Tallinn people are highly cybernetic aliens, which are also very different from humans.

"Ahead is the control cabin of the high-performance psychic radar - unfortunately, my psychic power is not strong and I cannot withstand the psychic radiation caused by its operation, so I can only go there alone, Su Zhou."

In the narrow inner corridor of the spacecraft, Tarun stopped and bid farewell to Su Zhou temporarily. Su Zhou nodded in response: "Thank you for your leadership. The people on Earth will be grateful for your teachings."

In this regard, although Talon made a hearty human laugh through the speaker above his head, he was very melancholy in his heart - he never expected that the learning progress of people on earth would be so fast. Now it seems that it only takes a few years at most. , the people on earth will be able to create a batch of brand new spaceships belonging to mankind through the designs they bring.

And he is the source of technology diffusion.

I don’t know how other members of civilization in future generations will evaluate me...

Watching Su Zhou's back disappear behind the door of the radar control cabin, Tarun turned around and prepared to leave the frigate. He couldn't help but sigh softly: "Terrible Earthlings..."

At this moment, Su Zhou was sitting on the control seat of the high-performance psychic radar.

This is a steel seat made entirely of psychic metal, with a circle of concentric psychic amplification frames built next to it - it doesn't even require any alien spacecraft parts from the back of the moon. After learning about Ketalun After receiving the request, the master craftsmen from the Earth took just one hour to grind out a complete set of psychic radar parts.

"This kind of thing is very similar to the core of the exploration circle used by ancient immortals to monitor the interior of the secret realm."

After the construction was completed, the Zhengguo line of master craftsmen headed by the Master Craftsman were still somewhat unsatisfied: "It seems that the psychic radar is almost the same thing as the detection array."

[How are you, Su Zhou? Did you see the psychic radar? 】

At the same time, Yan Sheng's voice came from the earphones Su Zhou wore: [You are the person with the highest individual spiritual power on the entire earth. If you want to obtain the best detection results, you must be the operator. . As for the control method...]

"Don't worry, this thing is very simple."

Answering confidently, Su Zhou took a step forward and sat on the control chair.

He placed his hands in the grooves of the armrests, and then followed the method he had learned long ago to transmit spiritual power and activate it.

For a moment, a tide of blue-purple spiritual light was released from Su Zhou's body, filling the entire cabin. It was so powerful that it could make vegetation wither in an instant, and biologically modified psychic radiation burst out, all injected into the radar module. within.

The brilliance shone, and amidst the buzzing sound that made the entire spacecraft tremble, a blue-purple star lit up in the dark space.

The amplification frame, which was originally in the shape of a series of concentric circles, was immediately pushed by the violent spiritual tide and spun rapidly, taking on the shape of a criss-crossing circular orbit like the orbit of atomic electrons, spreading out ripples that made everything invisible. .

Earth-lunar orbit, at the Joint Space Station.

Yu Sheng and Jiang Sheng observed the overall situation of the entire spacecraft through the satellites arranged around the frigate.

When Su Zhou activated the psychic radar, the fluctuations in spiritual power were naturally reflected in their eyes. The violent spiritual energy radiation caused the satellite lenses that could withstand the electromagnetic pulse impact of nuclear explosions to become distorted and blurred. Only large white spots could be seen. , a burst of blue-purple light lit up.

"This is Su Zhou's power - almost the power of a living immortal god."

I don’t know if it’s sadness or emotion, but Yu Sheng, who has undergone semi-mechanical transformation on himself, has his flashing red cybernetic eyes firmly locked on the aura on the screen: “If Su Zhou wants to rely on his own power , to rule the world, so who can stop him? Who can destroy him?"

"If it was the beginning, it would be okay. But now, even if you hold the weapon of the country, you may not be able to kill him, but time is on his side."

"No." In this regard, the young Craftsman Sage was more optimistic. He narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "According to the analysis by Wen Sheng and I, Su Zhou has a more noble goal deep in his heart - he does not Instead of the traditional desire for power, this young man longs for something more special."

"What exactly does he want? The country is willing to satisfy him."

"That's the biggest problem - we don't know. We can only wait until one day in the future, and he will tell us himself."

With such exchanges, everyone around the world who is paying attention to this scene, whether it is the senior management of the NW Foundation, or the directors of the Concord Bureau, whether it is the Zhengguo National Security Bureau, or the Ross Homeland Security and Defense Bureau, everyone is staring at the sky. Among them, a blue-purple star suddenly lit up.

This is the power of the strongest human being today.

However, immediately after, they were shocked to discover that the spiritual energy fluctuations that were originally bursting out towards the universe actually turned 180 degrees after someone deliberately turned, and swept straight towards the entire earth. And go!

Invisible waves streaked across the vacuum, sweeping across the entire planet.

For a moment, all the cultivators who had surpassed the extraordinary level on the earth felt horrified, as if they were being targeted by sights from nowhere.


On the first-generation frigate, Su Zhou sighed lightly and wiped the dark blue spiritual blood from his mouth, nose and forehead that had overflowed due to the excessive amount of information received in an instant. A dazzling spiritual light flashed in his eyes, and he continued to control the spiritual blood. A radar capable of scanning the entire earth.

A psychic radar used to detect the vast universe and scan a planet is its job. However, without specialized auxiliary AI to process information, the overly powerful load is enough to put ordinary psychics into a brain-dead state in an instant.

But Su Zhou's spirit was so tenacious. Following the mighty spiritual power fluctuations, he used his spirit to scan the entire planet in an instant.

So he saw that the drastic change called "Spiritual Qi Recovery" that happened on this planet brought all kinds of changes to the entire world.

On the land of Zhengguo, the excessive chaos was suppressed by the powerful government, but all kinds of tiny chaos are still hidden in the cracks, releasing the chaos of the transition between the old and new eras. Whether it is spiritual health care products that boast that they can increase the chance of awakening, or small organizations that spread in the countryside and claim that as long as they believe, they will be blessed by gods and gods, they are all tempting people who are not talented enough to invest their life savings in Among them, the exchange does not exist at all, it is just the hope of keeping up with the tide of the times.

In the cities of Europa, people's demonstrations are expanding day by day, and the slogans demanding that the official announcement of the inheritance of all gods and heroes are extremely noisy. They believe that all this is the property of the entire Europa people, and the official has no right to hide it, let alone use the 'citizen points system' 'To exploit them. The speculators who advocated these slogans easily obtained a large amount of resources by selling anxiety and anger, and reaped a lot of benefits for themselves, leaving the chaotic people and the exhausted officials to ignore.

In the American Federation, apparently due to the revival of spiritual energy and the advent of a new era, class solidification has been broken. Everyone has the right to practice spiritual power and become a transcendent. However, it is also because of the advent of the new era and the advancement of various technologies that those who are the most The requirements for cutting-edge positions, such as scientific researchers in related fields and pilots of new-generation fighter jets, are even higher than before. Only true elites can hold these positions and master the most important fields in the era of spiritual recovery. The people at the bottom seem to have gained equal rights to practice, but due to the implementation of happy practice education, the actual class solidification is even more unbreakable.

In Russia, the recovery of spiritual energy cannot revitalize the country's economy, which has been hard to recover from. In fact, because of the scientific and technological progress brought about by the recovery of spiritual energy and the success of controllable nuclear fusion, the resource exports of this huge country are decreasing day by day, approaching the end of the crisis. lowest in nearly two decades. If it were not for the simplification of the development of light industry brought about by the recovery of spiritual energy, it would be difficult to say whether the recovery of spiritual energy is good or bad for this country.

Throughout the world, change is everywhere. Huge changes have occurred within Fuso's plutocrats and bureaucracies. Powerful spiritual practitioners have the power to break the long-dead unspoken rules in the country and destroy the original things with ruthless means—— But the most frustrating thing is that whether this drastic reform will bring this country into the abyss or revive it has nothing to do with them. It mainly depends on the thoughts of several other major countries in the world.

In Africa and South America, the tropical rain forests and grassland monsters that have expanded crazily due to the revival of spiritual energy have even swallowed up several cities and even several small countries. These green disasters that are not seen in the news in developed countries are on this planet all the time. Occurrence - In the areas where the coverage of these order formations is weakest, God knows how many evil spirits are already lurking in them.

Not to mention, all over the world, there are those criminals who are lucky enough to get spiritual power, and then use this God-given power to oppress ordinary people and vent their animal desires... But outside the three central areas, such uncontrolled Extraordinary criminals are everywhere.

In addition to these changes, all countries and forces in the world are secretly competing with each other and holding each other back.

In the drastic changes that can change the destiny of the human race, human beings are still wasting their own strength... Even though many countries will still cooperate with each other on key projects such as aliens and controllable nuclear fusion, the essence is In the past, this internal fighting, concealed by the name of 'competition', was still happening all the time.

This is the earth three years after the spiritual energy was revived.

A completely different world from the one Su Zhou lived in three years ago.

He had spent so long in another world that under the scanning of his psychic radar, he even felt a little strange about the current situation of the earth.

However, Su Zhou, who was watching all this now, was not worried about it.

——Humans, a race prone to infighting, originated from the genes of primitive apes, which allow people to maintain stable cooperation in small groups of more than a dozen people, and then divide into each other when there are hundreds or even more people. Fight competition. This is the instinct rooted in blood, the factory setting of carbon-based machinery.

How to change it? This is the problem that this generation of human pioneers want to solve.

All the foresighters around the world have given their own answers.

——Electronic Hades collects the souls after death. Without the body, there will naturally be no hormone stimulation of the body, and there will be no internal fighting instinct that plagues human beings. In the electronic world, all souls can be connected as one, avoiding all contradictions and conflicts.

——Human body modification completely changes the nature of human beings from the genetic level. There is no conclusion yet on what kind of creatures the new humans will be, but they are definitely more united and tougher beings than the current humans.

——Chip networking in the brain/spiritual energy networking. Whether using mechanical means or spiritual means, the human spirit is connected in a huge thinking network, which in a substantial sense connects all mankind as one.

There are many ways, many options for moving forward.

When faced with problems, solve them. Like those pioneers, Su Zhou believes that instead of lamenting human nature now, it is better to think about it.

‘I’ should be able to do something.

[Su Zhou, what are you doing? 】

In his ears, Yan Sheng's slightly anxious voice came - he was always as calm as an artificial intelligence, and it was rare for him to show obvious human emotions.

Su Zhou's action was too sudden. Even though the ship he was on did not have any crew members or intelligent AI assistance, and had nothing but psychic radar, it was impossible to launch an attack... However, You know, the controller is Su Zhou!

"It's nothing, Yan Sheng."

Needless to say, Su Zhou knew very well that all the forces in the world were probably shocked and worried by his arbitrary actions just now, but he was not worried at all about what punishment he would receive - this was the result of strong individual power. the benefits of.

"Just now, I just had a whim and wanted to take a closer look at my hometown before exploring the universe."

Answering the other party in a relaxed tone, Su Zhou laughed: "It's so beautiful. Although this blue planet is just dust in the universe, it is the most beautiful dust."

He lowered his gaze and whispered to himself: "So, I will not allow anyone to destroy this beauty."

Whether it's those in séances, monsters who destroy peace and cause wanton chaos and massacre for their own selfish desires.

It's still the New Dawn Society, that monster whose name he has forgotten, but who harbors hatred for human beings and calls out to aliens.

Regarding all this ugliness, the source of all this chaos... there was always a voice roaring deep in Su Zhou's heart.

——I want to be retribution.

This idea has been hidden in my heart since the beginning of the world of reincarnation.

The 'Heavenly Tribulation' he encountered after returning from the Dragon World, as well as the psychic radar that could scan the entire world, made Su Zhou realize that the wish he had been thinking about seemed to be possible.

——Psychic radar capable of scanning the entire world.

——The magical power to distinguish good from evil.

——A just, fair and absolutely balanced calamity system.

If there was such a system on this planet that could directly inflict catastrophic punishment on the criminals at the beginning of all crimes... Will humans become better humans?

And can this world become a utopian paradise?

"not the right time yet."

Talking to himself in his heart, the young Earth's strongest transcendent thought calmly: "I am still young, and I have too many biased thoughts and ideas in my heart. Now, I cannot be fair and just, and my heart cannot be called complete. Mature."

"I am only 20 years old. I still have room to go further and prepare for my ideas to change the world. There is no need to start acting now to transform an imperfect society."

"You don't need to make a wish to the gods like in the Dragon World to change the world - I can completely shape the world I want."

The thoughts in his heart were just fleeting. Many adventures and battles in other worlds made the young man's mind gradually change and become calm.

——To change the world, just make a wish to me.

Recalling the last words he said when fighting Matvey, Su Zhou chuckled, then closed his eyes and said loudly: "Start now to explore the location of the Crow exploration ship."

Su Zhou knew that the communication system in the frigate would transmit his words to all the leaders of global forces who were watching him anxiously, and he once again unleashed his spiritual power and directed his high-performance spiritual radar towards the vast universe. The space swept away.

One of the artifacts left by the gods in the past, the 'Textile Machine of Destiny', can certainly determine the location and timing of the arrival of the Crow spacecraft through various causal messages, but that requires the consumption of extremely precious 'divine nature' and the collective subconscious of countless humans. The super psychic crystal can only be activated as a sacrifice.

Nowadays, the only way for the Europa League to obtain divinity is to extract it from the sacred tree, the golden apple tree. This is very costly, and if it were to be done again, it would undoubtedly cause irreparable damage to the golden apple tree.

However, the psychic radar, which uses Su Zhou, who can be called a living immortal god, as the source of psychic energy radiation, has demonstrated performance that is no less than that of an artifact.

In an instant, as the spiritual power ripples began to resonate beyond time and space with all materials with spiritual properties wherever they passed, things began to appear out of thin air in Su Zhou's mind and in the scanning light curtain of the spiritual radar. One after another, there are spiritual light spots shining with dazzling light.

Some of these light spots are extremely bright, and some are relatively dim. The bright ones are the 'stars' that are the source of spiritual energy, while the dim ones are a large number of gas giants.

However, in addition, there are some light spots, which represent something even rarer - that is, a 'habitable planet' that can spontaneously condense spiritual energy and have life inside!

Psychic radar can only display things with spiritual energy, and life itself is an affinity body of spiritual energy. All interstellar civilizations in this universe use it to determine habitable planets in the stars and launch interstellar colonization. of.

Countless bright lights condensed a huge 3D star map in Su Zhou's mind. At this moment, he even discovered several life planets that were probably habitable planets... But now is not the time to pay attention to these. , Su Zhou relied on his extremely sharp sensing ability to find his real target, which was the exploration ship belonging to the Crow people that was chasing the Tallin people.

And just nine minutes later, he found his target.

"I saw it!"

Opening his eyes, Su Zhou raised his head and looked in a certain direction in the universe - his eyes seemed to penetrate the spaceship and the long distance, locking on the dark exploration ship in the distance like a bullet, the young man's eyes A flash of light flashed in his eyes: "This feeling seems to be some kind of powerful teleportation spell... Yes, they are leaping! The Crow people are still approaching the solar system!"

"The distance is fourteen light years, about the time of five jumps."

"Predict the final jump destination... to the far side of the moon!"

After saying these words, Su Zhou himself was slightly startled. He said to everyone in confusion on the public channel: "Strange thing, why is it near the moon? Tallin people are just that, why are the Crow people also looking at this? Which direction are you coming from?"

In this regard, Ketalun, who had returned to the space station, was slightly startled. He recalled for a moment, and then said: "Because the spiritual energy fluctuations in the entire solar system are very unstable, forced jumps can easily be deflected. Only around the earth and moon, Mars and your gas giant have slightly more stable jump safety zones around it.”

"However, the spiritual energy intensity of your home planet is too high. I think that most of the spacecraft that want to reach your galaxy will instinctively choose the area around the earth and the moon."

Suddenly, both Su Zhou and the leaders of the four permanent members suddenly realized this.

——I see, no wonder the remains of the spacecraft are piled up in these places...

"It's lucky to say that you Tallinn people are probably the first spacecraft to fall on the earth."

In response to this, Su Zhou, who had not finished scanning and was still confirming more detailed information, raised the corner of his mouth and laughed: "But the Crow people, I think maybe we can imitate the fairy tale and throw their spaceship on the moon. .”

No one replied, not even the representative of the Europa Union who loved to refute every day, but they didn't say anything, 'The Crow people may also come for peace and friendship. We cannot assume that they are enemies! ’ bullshit.

In fact, if the Tallinn people's spaceship had not been destroyed, and the Tallinn people had also shown an extremely cooperative attitude, in order to avoid the leakage of information about the earth, the human side would have been ready to completely destroy the Tallinn people and their spacecraft. .

At this moment, Su Zhou could clearly feel the aftermath of the psychic radar.

Everyone is looking forward to the moment when they can replicate the actions of the Immortal God.

And this is probably the nature of ‘Earthlings’.

At the same time, fourteen light years away.

In the dark vacuum of space, a cone-shaped, bullet-like spacecraft is sailing rapidly, accumulating energy for transition.

[Captain, the scanning band of the fourth-generation high-performance psychic radar has been detected, and we have been discovered. 】

A series of electronic signals flashed across the spacecraft channel: [Judging from the psychic band, it is a psychic radar belonging to the Tallinn people. The psychic radiation source is close to the fifth energy level, and the alert level is 'high'. 】

[Captain, the Tallinn signal that suddenly disappeared appears again. There may be an ambush ahead. Do you want to continue moving forward? 】

[… Strange thing, are those Tallinn crabs hiding a psyker at the peak of the fourth energy level? It's not surprising that as a native race, their psychic talents are indeed better than ours. 】

[But from this perspective, the target galaxy does not seem to be that dangerous. 】

After a brief silence, a majestic voice sounded on the channel: [In this case, unfold the psychic concealment posture and sneak into the surroundings of the target planet system secretly. If something is wrong, immediately launch an emergency jump to escape. 】

[However, if the Tallinn people just want to rely on a fourth-level psyker to ambush, then they would be underestimating our strength. Huh, if that's the case, it's just a desperate struggle. 】

In a majestic tone, full of confidence, he issued the command: [Continue to leap. 】

【yes! 】

Yesterday's update, not counting today's, please vote at the end of the month.

In fact, I’m still a little dissatisfied. Alas... I can’t write a lot of things. There’s too much earth plot missing from the front. It was supposed to be a chapter that combined the seance and the deep space caller plot. Now when I write it, it’s not included in the outline. That's so exciting...

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