Movie Witcher

Chapter 212: The Grudge

Compared to someone who only cares about remuneration, Christine is obviously more humane. Seeing Kirk's terrified appearance, she immediately stepped forward to comfort him: "Don't worry, you're fine, you're safe here!"

As he spoke, he reached out and patted Kirk on the shoulder, trying to help him calm down.

but don't want to...


The frightened words and trembling body stopped for a moment, and then Kirk, who was huddled in a ball, suddenly raised his head, facing Ronin and Christine, revealing a pale face.


This is by no means an exaggerated technique used in rhetoric, but a real paleness, as if a layer of powder cream has been applied, so pale that there is no blood color, no vitality.

Not only the complexion, but also his eyes were sunken, the eye sockets were pitch black, there was no flesh and blood, the pale skin was cracked, and the two protruding eyeballs were covered with swimming black silk threads.

Although this face still maintains a human form, it is even more frightening because of it!


Although Christine's courage was not small, she was still frightened by his appearance, and her body froze in place, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Crack! Crack! Pick! Pick!"

Christine froze in place, but Kirk stood up slowly with his hands on the table.

But for some unknown reason, his body was extremely stiff, and he acted like a puppet. During this period, there was a sound like a joint breaking, which made people shudder and terrified.

Just like that, he stood up, but he didn't launch an attack. He just stared at Ronin and Christine with those horrified pupils, revealing a chilling resentment.


Seeing this, even Christine felt terrified and retreated involuntarily.


Luo Ning's reaction was much calmer, he pulled out a silver pistol with his backhand, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There was a shocking roar, the pungent gunpowder smoke filled the air, and three bullets shot out with a dark red light, directly piercing Kirk's head, and the powerful force knocked his body down at the same time.

Hit the seat and slid out.


The seat bumped against the wall, barely stopping, and Kirk's body fell down, lifeless.


Although Kirk's mutation just now was horrific, Christine didn't expect Ronin to shoot him directly. Looking at the dead body that was already limp on the ground, Christine didn't know what to do for a while.

Christine was at a loss, but Ronin didn't stay in a daze. He walked towards the corpse and at the same time took out several No. 10 holy water from the space of flames.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

As Luo Ning's footsteps were gone, the corpse on the ground moved again, and strands of pitch-black hair slowly grew out, spreading to the surroundings as if alive.

The corpse that fell on the ground also supported itself in a strange posture that completely violated the structure of the human body amidst the sound of twisting joints.

But Luo Ning still had a calm expression, and when he came to the corpse with sprawling black hair and writhing joints, he raised his right foot and stepped on it.


The corpse that had just been supported was stepped on the ground again by Luo Ning's foot, but it was still struggling, and the jet-black hair spread and wandered, entangled with Luo Ning's right foot.

Luo Ning's expression remained unchanged, and he flicked off the caps of several bottles of No. 10 holy water, and then poured them down. The viscous holy water rolled down and touched the pitch-black hair, making an extremely intense sound.


The holy water was steaming, and the black hair was twisted, but it still didn't let go, still tightly entangled with his ankle.

Seeing this, Luo Ning was also straightforward, a crimson flame rose above the boots, instantly burning the entangled hair into ashes, and ignited the remaining No. 10 holy water that had not yet evaporated.


A golden flame rose up, and in the sacred light, the pitch-black hair was faintly twisted wildly, and there were strange sharp sounds, but it was quickly incinerated by the flames and returned to calm.

kill target

the battle is over

Gain experience: 1000+100

Gain reputation: 1000+100

Combat Rating: F

Combat Evaluation: This is just the beginning!


When the system's kill prompt came, Luo Ning frowned, staring at the ashes in the flames in silence.

When he saw Kirk, Ronin knew that Christine had brought him a lot of trouble, because beside Kirk, he also saw a person, to be precise, a little boy.

A naked boy with pale skin, black eyes, and smoky makeup!

As an amateur movie lover, although Luo Ning doesn't like Japanese movies very much, he has watched a few of them in his spare time, and he has a little impression of this little boy.

Saeki Toshio!

From the famous Japanese horror movie - The Grudge!

These are two words that make people shudder when they hear it and look at it!

Luo Ning doesn't have much impression of the plot of this movie. He only remembers a few general characters, namely the female nurse who introduced the plot, the real heroine Kako, and this weird little boy Saeki Toshio.

Needless to say, the female nurse is just a role that introduces the plot, which is irrelevant and does not affect the overall situation.

The important thing is the Kayako!

She is the protagonist of this movie!

Japanese horror movies have always been known for their suspense, weirdness, and horror, and The Grudge is no exception.

The life of the hostess of the curse, Kayako, is quite miserable.

Because of her withdrawn personality, her childhood life was very dark, she had almost no friends, and was targeted, abandoned, and blocked by the crowd.

The unexpected death of her parents cast a lingering shadow on her heart.

In the end, she died in an unhappy marriage. Her husband Takeo Saeki brutally killed her because he suspected her of cheating, and her son and pet Kuromo were also drowned in the pool together.

Unfortunate childhood and unlucky marriage caused this miserable woman to develop a terrifying resentment. Her resentment formed a curse that shrouded the house. Everyone who came into contact with it would be haunted by the curse and die .

And the dead will become part of the curse. Their resentment and hatred make the power of this curse continue to grow and expand, forming a desperate curse of death.

Yes, despair!

This is a unique style of Japanese horror movies. The evil spirits in the movies are crazy, chaotic, and distorted. The power of love and the brilliance of humanity have no effect on it.

It is a curse, it is resentment, everyone who touches this curse will be killed by the power of the curse, and they cannot communicate with it at all, let alone try to influence it.

Therefore, it is unsolvable, at least in the plot of the movie. Everyone who entered that room, whether good or bad, innocent or not, will eventually be killed by the curse.

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