Movie Witcher

Chapter 221: Ignition


In the haunted house, Luo Ning stepped on a little boy with a naked upper body and pale skin, and pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the bullets blessed by light energy flew out, causing a shrill and sharp scream.


And behind him, there was a pale woman with long black hair who was pierced through the lower abdomen by the Holy Prison and firmly nailed into the wall.

Even so, she was still struggling, her hands were crawling on the blade, her pale skin was cut by the blade, dripping with blood.

But she didn't care about it, her expression was distorted, her posture was crazy, her jet-black hair spread out with her body movements, entangled towards Luo Ning's arm like a snake hitting a pole.

The black hair came entangled, but Luo Ning didn't turn his head back. He twisted his right hand holding the hilt suddenly, the dark red light flickered in the sword body, and the sharp sword energy poured out, which intensified the damage to Kayako harm.

Strengthen the magic power!

Similar to the magic shooting of the gun god style, the Juggernaut style also has a skill that can use magic power to strengthen one's own weapons and increase the attack effect on the enemy, that is the way of the Juggernaut.

That's right, it is the way of the sword master. This core skill can not only improve Luo Ning's ability to use various cold weapons, but also includes many special combat skills and ways of using magic power.

Magic power enhancement is one of them. Use magic power to strengthen your weapon to make it possess magic power, a certain degree of mysterious characteristics and extraordinary power, and cause damage to the target more effectively.

It was because of this ability that Luo Ning was able to use cold weapons to kill those Knights of the Blood Kingdom transformed by the power of the Blood God in Atlanta.

Now, although the power of this grudge is stronger than those Knights of the Blood Kingdom, the nature of the grudge is not higher than the divine power of the blood god, but rather weaker.

Therefore, Luo Ning's magic-enhanced weapon can still cause damage to the curse, which is extremely effective.


The magic power strengthened, and the sword energy poured out, exploding layer by layer in Jiaye's body, causing the pale body to twist and suffer great pain.

The main body was injured, and the spreading and tangled black hair trembled. Before it touched Luo Ning's body, it lost its vitality, dried up like weeds, broke, and shattered.

But at this moment in this haunted house, there is not only Kayako who curses. Just as Luo Ning suppressed Kayako's movement, a man with a hideous face and a distorted expression rushed towards him with a kitchen knife.

Takeo Saeki, Kayako's husband, the murderer who brutally killed her, is also part of the grudge.

This is not surprising, the grudge is not an ordinary evil spirit, but a curse, a collection of resentment, and the evil spirits it breeds are pure derivatives of resentment, without self-awareness at all.

As long as it is resentment, it will be absorbed by it and become a part of it. This is the case with the original Kayako, and the same is true of Saeki Gango who killed Kayako and was killed by Kayako.

Luo Ning is no exception, if he is killed by the grudge, then the grudge will absorb the resentment of his death, and breed a cursed version of Luo Ning, who will continue to kill as a "ghost" driven by the grudge.

This is the spreading principle and expansion mechanism of the grievance!

Luo Ning didn't want to die, and he didn't want to turn into such a ghost after death, so facing Takeo Saeki who was rushing towards him with a knife, he directly pulled the trigger of White Ivory.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three consecutive shots, all of them hit, the bullets blessed by light energy, with a strong force, sent Takeo Saiki's body flying out, fell to the ground trembling, and then lost his voice.

The three ghosts were all dead, but the battle did not end there. With the sound of limbs twisting and bones breaking, another woman with a pale face climbed down the stairs.

Counting the time outside the haunted house just now, this is already the sixth resurrection of Kayako, appearing in front of Luo Ning.

Luo Ning killed her five times, but every time she would be resurrected, her strength would be comprehensively strengthened after resurrection, becoming tougher, more tenacious, and more difficult to kill.

The resentment will not go away, the curse will not go away, the curse will not go away, the resentment will not go away!

This is an endless loop, unless there is a powerful external force to break it, otherwise, those caught in this loop will be consumed by the curse until they die.

Luo Ning was no exception. The evil ghosts who were reborn continuously drained his physical strength and strengthened the erosion of the curse, making his condition worse and worse and weaker and weaker.

If Luo Ning looked at the attribute panel at this time, he would definitely find that he had an extra abnormal state.

Cursed Erosion: The power of the curse is eroding your body, weakening your strength, reducing your health by 20%, mana by 20%, all attributes by 10%, and recovery efficiency by 50%

The erosion of resentment and the wear away of curses are stronger than that of Luo Ning. In such an environment, I am afraid that he cannot last for too long.

We must find a way to break the situation, either eliminate this curse, or rush out of this ghost.

It is very difficult to eliminate the curse, at least in this haunted house. Luo Ning just wanted to rush to the attic more than once to find the body of Kayako, and fundamentally eliminate the curse.

But Curse Grudge took advantage of this ghost creature, and he was stuck in this place, no matter how he rushed or walked, he would eventually return to the entrance, where the overlapping and distorted spaces restricted his movements.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to find Kayako's body in this haunted house and eliminate the grievance at the root, at least Luo Ning does not have this ability yet.

I can only rush out of this ghostly creature first and then think of a way!

After a moment of thought, Luo Ning made up his mind, took out a No. 8 holy water from the flame space, and prepared to seize the opportunity to use it.

The method of breaking through the ghosts has already been mentioned before, and there is no need to repeat it. What Luo Ning lacks now is an opportunity, a chance to accumulate strength and break the ghosts.

This opportunity can only be created by himself, so Luo Ning directly took out a No. 8 holy water.

This is equivalent to the No. 8 holy water of the third-order master potion. It has powerful holy power and can definitely suppress the curse for a period of time, giving Luo Ning a chance to accumulate energy and break the ghost.

Although it made Luo Ning feel a little heartbroken to lose a bottle of No. 8 holy water like this, but the heartache comes from the heartache. He is not Grandet, and he wants money but not life.

Just when Luo Ning was about to cast holy water No. 8...


The fire was raging, and the flames were soaring into the sky. The flames mixed with holy water spread and quickly engulfed this old Japanese-style house. The blazing flames, with their sacred power, purified the unclean and evil.

Just as Kayako was about to climb down the stairs, her body trembled suddenly, a large amount of smoke rose, and golden flames burned, making her let out an extremely shrill scream. go.

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