Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1050: Embarrassment for the first time in my life

So what secrets are hidden in Grandpa's study?

That's why this man pretended to be Ye Yanli and went to Ye's house to hide for so many days.

Ruan Su sat in front of the laptop and watched the man's every move. He carefully stepped into the dark room with a probe.

It was dark in the dark room, and with the movement of his footsteps, the whole dark room was suddenly brightly lit.

Originally installed voice-activated lights.

It's just that the voice-activated light is very bright, even a little dazzling.

The dark room is decorated in a low-key and luxurious way. There are some antique shelves around the walls. On the shelves are some treasures of the Ye family, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and five safes are neatly arranged.

And it's still a safe that is as high as one person, not the kind of small one.

The Ye family's wealth is indeed rich enough. There are several large iron boxes on the ground. At a glance, you can see that the boxes are also treasures.

The gold and silver treasures in this house seem to be of great value.

Ruan Su knew that the Ye family had a storeroom, and there were a lot of treasures in the storeroom. Unexpectedly, there was a cave in the study of Mr. Ye, and there was a room full of treasures.

He was actually found by this fake Ye Yanli. This man looks professional. Some time ago, I heard An Lin say that there is a famous thief named Black Coal. Could it be this person?

I just don't know what this black coal is looking for.

Ruan Su pondered for a while, but still couldn't understand what treasure the Ye family had hidden, which attracted the counterfeit to covet.

She just watched the man ignore the gold and silver treasures, ignored the antique calligraphy and paintings, and walked straight to the first safe.

Naturally, the safe is not easy to open. He began to calculate the password. Even Ruan Su did not expect that this safe was verified by the iris, and it was necessary to know whether it was the iris of Mr. Ye or Mrs. Ye.

She saw that the impostor kicked the safe in exasperation.

Iris is not easy to take.

As we all know, the iris is part of the structure of the eye, and there is a circular opening in the center of the iris called the pupil.

Everyone's iris is different, so it's also used for identification.

In the future world, we will no longer need to carry identification documents with us, because the eye iris test system will be universal. Just scan your iris with a laser to instantly confirm your identity. You can also use this system to issue various instructions at home; go shopping without having to bring cash or credit cards; and even handle various business operations or travel far away.

Therefore, this safe is certified by the iris, and the iris has not yet been popularized, and will only be used in some relatively high-end products.

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows and saw that after the impostor lost his temper, he stared fiercely at the safe with a ferocious face, and after staring for a while, he turned and left.

Before leaving, he carefully checked whether he left any traces, and when he came out, he carefully restored the bookshelf outside to its original position.

After doing all this, he quietly left the study and locked the door of the study again.

He walked cautiously down the corridor, and then returned to his room with gentle movements, as if he had never come out.

Seeing that he went to bed at night without any results, Ruan Su stared at him for a while before turning off the computer screen.

This guy can't even open the safe, let alone himself.

She thought about it for a while to no avail, so she simply lay down on the bed and went to sleep. It was late at night and it was almost dawn.

Gotta go to sleep now.

She is going to have dinner with Song Yan and his wife at noon tomorrow, she fell asleep in a daze after thinking about it.

When I woke up, it was already ten o'clock in the morning. I watched the fake guy last night and saw that it was almost dawn. I was really exhausted.

Sure enough, when she woke up, she found that the impostor didn't wake up either, and was still sleeping.

"Why isn't uncle awake today?" Ruan Su asked Mrs. Ye who was sitting beside her while eating the egg custard. Mrs. Ye was so bored that she wanted to accompany her children to have breakfast and watch them too. on.

Hearing Ruan Su's question, she laughed, "Last night he played with paper airplanes downstairs until midnight, can he get up today?"

"No wonder! I made an app for a friend last night, and I was exhausted!" Ruan Su made up an excuse at random, "Just eat a little pad in the morning, and have someone for dinner at noon."

"Eat as much as you want without leaving your stomach empty." Mrs. Ye didn't force her to continue eating.

Ruan Su wiped her red lips after eating the egg custard, "It tastes good, simple and delicious."

"Are you going to the hospital?" Madam Ye stood up, "Is it too late now?"

"My God!" Ruan Su suddenly thought of one thing, his face changed, "Damn, I have surgery to do today, I almost forgot."

I wanted to perform surgery on the man named Xiaoqiang, and ended up sleeping until noon.

She hurried upstairs, then changed clothes in a hurry, ran to the entrance, grabbed her bag and rushed out, "Grandma, I'll go first."

She rushed into the garage and started the BMW, blaming the **** impostor, if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be late.

She turned on the phone that had been charged and turned off, and sure enough!

I saw dozens of missed calls and a lot of WeChat text messages.

It was her colleagues in the hospital who urged her.


She drove all the way to the hospital, got out of the car and trotted towards the surgery area.

Panting to the nurse's station, she saw the head nurse with an anxious face and continued to prepare to call her, "Oh, my God! Doctor Ruan, you are finally here."

"I stayed up late last night, so..." Ruan Su explained helplessly and embarrassingly. This was the first time she was late in her career, and she was so late.

It's almost twelve o'clock now.

It was the most embarrassing moment in her career, and she hurriedly arranged the operation, "Now prepare for the operation immediately, is Xiaoqiang ready? Are all the preparations ready before the operation?"

"We didn't dare to do it for him if you didn't come! We didn't do all kinds of blood tests and the like." The head nurse sighed, "Now I'll arrange for him to do it immediately."

"Okay, I'll go to the dean to explain it now." Ruan Su quickly changed into her white coat, and then called Bo Xingzhi with her mobile phone, "I have surgery to do, so I'll move the time to make an appointment with Song Yan. Until evening."

"Well, good." Bo Xingzhi agreed immediately without asking too much.

Work is urgent.

She was in a hurry all the way, and it seemed that she rushed to the dean's office again. The dean's face was very gloomy when he saw her, but he didn't dare to say too bad things to her, so he said embarrassedly and restrained, "Next time, don't do it. If such a mistake happens again, saving people is like putting out a fire.”

"I stayed up late last night and slept until almost noon. I hope that the patient's condition was not delayed." Ruan Su rarely explained that her face was so embarrassing and ugly, she was really embarrassed.

"If you are in the emergency department and the patient needs first aid, and your doctor has not been in place, Dr. Ruan, I will stop here, the doctor is benevolent..." The dean said earnestly, "Practice medicine before practicing morality, this is the The tutors talked about it when I was in school, and I don’t say much now.”

Ruan Su is really embarrassed and can't wait to find a crack to get in. "It's all my fault."

She was late for the first time in her career, the first time because of surgery.

She's not the type to be stubborn when she does something wrong.

What the dean said was not bad at all, fortunately she was not in the emergency department.

She is not a silly white sweet who just went to work, nor is she a little virgin who just got an internship. She just feels a little ashamed now.

After leaving the dean's room, he hurried to the operating room.

Seeing her flushed face, the head nurse couldn't help but tease, "The dean definitely wouldn't dare to scold you, you're ashamed."

"It's more embarrassing that he didn't scold me than scold me." Ruan Su sorted out her emotions, and her face returned to a serious and cold face, "I knew I should have set an alarm clock."

Her hair was meticulously pulled behind her head, and her neck became more and more slender. She put her hands in the pockets of her white coat, squinted her apricot eyes, and her beautiful face showed a faint coldness, "Prepare for surgery."

The operation must be completed successfully today.

Seeing her aura full of energy, the head nurse put away her joking mood just now and waited.

She knew that all of them were facing life!

In the ward at this time, Xiaoqiang's legs could no longer move. He lay there weakly, staring at the birds outside the window chirping freely.

"When will we be free?"

"We can't be free all our lives until we die." A man in black also looked at the bird outside the window enviously.

"Yeah! So I might as well just die now, and I don't have to waste everyone's money." Xiaoqiang said sadly and desperately, "It costs so much for surgery and medical expenses."

"Because we are brothers!" Another man in black said with a wry smile, "Although everyone is not free, there is still hope for life. After all, what if one day is really free?"

"Is there no surgery today? Why is it almost noon, and we haven't started to arrange it yet?" Xiaoqiang looked away from the window, "If you don't do it..."

"If you say anything frustrating, you will definitely do it." As soon as the man in black finished speaking, the nurse walked in, "Prepare for surgery, lift the patient to a wheelchair. A series of examinations and tests will be carried out."

"Okay." The two men in black immediately began to move Xiaoqiang to a wheelchair, and then pushed him to follow behind the nurse.

At this time, Ruan Su had also come to the operating room, and the operation was about to start.

Little nurses came in and out to make preparations.

Several doctors who wanted to visit and study had also arrived, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious.

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